current portfolio gallery update! 2022-2024

new prints and shirts: which do you want first?

rebuilding my print/shirt shops and I want your opinion! Take the poll and let me know.

unrelated chunk of coal.

November 2024; the light to see

It snowed just a tiny bit tonight.

My camera has been on the fritz so I’m using all my spare cash to replace my phone after about 5 years; refurbished stuff is all I ever buy so that gives you an idea how old the thing is.

Got to do a few fun tattoos today-

the owl is very small. the lighthouse was very fun (and is on a friend who farms!)

Will be working tomorrow too.

I’m going to likely be spending Monday trying to figure out how to revive the local Food Not Bombs, which seems like it’s currently defunct (I haven’t been able to do anything with them in over a year and lost track) so that should be an interesting day!

bummer of a season huh

check the resources post if you need to get involved; there’s a whole list there.

light hearted:


(to book a gumball machine tattoo use this link!)


Halloween flash time coming up!

I LOVE HALLOWEEN as you all know. So I drew some things and set aside a day to do them, October 28th-

use this link to book time that day directly,

no need to email or call. just click through and scroll down to pick a time.

smog monster!

Thing Dog!


let me know which design number you want; each has an orange number next to it. if you’re not sure, add a lil description.
come in costume if you want, but you don’t have to- I just love halloween.

if you are far away and want to take these to a local artist to be done, please just drop me a few bucks via cashapp, paypal or venmo. 

(these flash designs are mine, but you can get another tattooer to tattoo them if you pay for the reproduction right)

over the garden wall

the crickets get quiet when the beast walks

recently! 2021

my books will be opening for early 2022 in mid-December. I’ll be looking to do: woodcut, woodcut with wash/color blocking, and more thick outline work.

here’s a few recent pieces finished!

color woodcut with block color
woodcut with wash
stained glass heavy outline
“vintage wallpaper” flowers
stained glass heavy outline (unfinished)
up for grabs

Time to make the donuts!


My books are now open for appointments through the end of July! FINALLY. Go to THIS link to get in. I’ll be reopening books again near the end of July to fill up August and September. If you’ve been waiting, it’s time! Let’s go. Portfolio HERE.

things change fast

Hello from quarantine!

since my partner had a bone marrow transplant, we are in isolation at home.

I’m going to post the last few tattoos I did before the state shut down businesses, then I’ll make a separate post of the art I’ve done while at home.

I miss you, clients. I miss you so much right now. This feels endless. We will get through it


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witchery at large!






Magritte tattoos: a pair


topple the crown

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