virtual gallery tour, section one
paintings 1-6, a virtual gallery visit. second installment of videos soon.
all originals are for sale at this link. all prints are here.
paintings 1-6, a virtual gallery visit. second installment of videos soon.
all originals are for sale at this link. all prints are here.
I’ll be doing this on Friday at 7 PST this week again, feel free to join in! If you have questions or suggestions, comment here or there. See you Friday!
If the whole world isn’t a zombie movie, maybe it’s just a live production of the story of ricky o.
There’s been a lot of mayhem recently. And it seems to be moving west. People eating brains, ripping their own guts out and throwing them at cops, chopping each other to bits and growling after they get shot- the world has become a lot more insane (or, alternately, we’re just hearing more about it lately)
also, some updates about the cannibal face-eating nudist. here are some (not-gory) before photos of the victim.
Also, for rachel. The MKULTRA twin escapees who got bashed by cars and then got up to continue running from the cops. While screaming for someone to call the cops.
ALSO, bath salts schmath salts. In my day, we got dusted. (yes, dusted.)
[youtube=]time lapse video- this is older but still fun to see.
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