paintings from quarantine: prints

prints are available here.


remaining originals available here.

They’ll all be loaded for sale by tomorrow.

12×16″ to 24×36″. They’re good quality, thick toothed, acid free paper.

Order by Dec 6 to get them in time for holidays.

no. 10 - Tokyo ⁣⁣⁣ (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18x24"⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ dedicated for Ken Shimura (20 February 1950 – 29 March 2020) “I never feared getting an infection myself,” he said, because he knows “how infection control should be done.” But aboard the Diamond Princess, “I was so scared of getting COVID-19." "The cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of the infection control." -Kentaro Iwata, who has dealt with infectious outbreaks, including Ebola, cholera and SARS, for more than 20 years. "I’m choosing not to do it.” -donald trump, on masks

no. 10 – Tokyo
(quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣⁣⁣⁣
watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣⁣⁣⁣
dedicated for Ken Shimura
(20 February 1950 – 29 March 2020)
“I never feared getting an infection myself,” he said, because he knows “how infection control should be done.” But aboard the Diamond Princess, “I was so scared of getting COVID-19.”
“The cruise ship was completely inadequate in terms of the infection control.”
-Kentaro Iwata, who has dealt with infectious outbreaks, including Ebola, cholera and SARS, for more than 20 years.
“I’m choosing not to do it.” -donald trump, on masks

paintings from quarantine- a series, a book

Kickstarter is up and going, more info soon.


⁣no. 6 - Wuhan (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18x24"⁣ ⁣ dedicated for  Dr. Li Wenliang (1986-2/7/2020) "I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don't approve of using public power for excessive interference." -Dr. Li Wenliang "Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax." -Donald Trump "Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic...classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic." -Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist   "You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment." -Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020

⁣no. 6 – Wuhan
(quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣
watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣

dedicated for
Dr. Li Wenliang
“I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don’t approve of using public power for excessive interference.” -Dr. Li Wenliang
“Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax.” -Donald Trump
“Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic…classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic.”
-Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist
“You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment.”
-Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020

updates 2019, October

I’ve been back at work for a little while now and I’m still on part time- Friday-Sunday. it’s working out well so far and I’m hoping to expand my hours again soon!


recently I’ve been: tattooing of course, making tokens and proxies for MTG games, a(yes! I’m selling these), doing some painting. waiting until we clear some space for me to start working on skull mounts again, that may be a while. not having room is a major factor there. I’ve been doing some writing for the site, it may be next week I can get the new updated Horror Movies For You list put up! Plus as always- tattoo advice and questions answered.


my partner had leukemia and it’s been a year of caregiving for me; so many people stepped forward to be there for us, and I’m so appreciative of that. it’s still a struggle (they’re in remission after a sct right now) but we are getting comfortable again. thank you everyone for waiting it out, offering support, and just listening.


here’s some recent works to look at, until I update again.





these are for sale! abug dual lands and token cards… email resonanteye@gmail. com and tell me what ya need

tattoos recently;








my few inktober things:




 personal things:




screenprint action!

I’ve had to cancel my Seattle trip due to family health issues. I’ve got a fund going to cover my own medication and therapy in the meantime, that link is here in case you’re flush.


During the free time I have had, I dug out all my screenprint stuff from my art hoard. I had another tattoo artist make some shirts for me and realized I had all the stuff at home (big thanks to Christian Lyze!!!)

So I made some screens



after burning those, I started printing.



the more I did, the better they got. I forgot how fun it was to do this. I’ve been pressing them with an iron but thanks to a loved one I’ve got a heat press on the way! in this weather, that’ll help a lot.


you can find all the shirts I have finished in the link. I’m gonna make a lot of these, this fall, I think.



bring your soul to the surface

bring your soul to the surface


hands- coordination series prints

hand series is for sale as prints

if you want the full set, email me resonanteye@Gmail for a discount.


Contest, tarot deck project, tattoos, and skull mount projects.


the “coordination” series is listed in the store here and also as prints in redbubble.



my patreon project is a tarot deck! go check it out and jump on board- you’ll have to be a patron to order the final deck.


IMG_20180511_003954edition three, uncensored, of the Horrors is now available!!!  HERE



I’m running a cover-up contest on my Facebook and Instagram.


interview in Pain magazine! thanks guys!

new skull mounts and taxidermy/nature assemblages in progress.


here’s some newer works:





this past week’s painting, process shots, and sadness


I’ve been painting every day since I last posted. Here is my current favorite brush and some rags, in front of the cloud section of a painting I’m working on. No matter where you are, there’s always a storm on the way.

The day after xmas my elderly lady dog died. She had been sick, off and on, with laryngeal paralysis all year. She was 16. She died in her sleep after a long day of rough times breathing- We’d had the vet coming in the morning, but she was gone when we woke up. She was one of the best, sweetest dogs I’ve ever known, and I miss her. I’ve gotten a lot of condolences, so thank you guys, it did really help.

I went back to painting the day after that. These are the things I’ve been working on all week. (For solstice, I got an espresso maker, stretcher bars, and some brushes…it was a lovely holiday despite the sad time right after.) I also got a popcorn maker. I have been living on lattes and popcorn now for a week, by the way. It’s just fine.





Here are the initial stage of the piece I’m currently working on. I’ll probably finish this one today. It’s an area near Ona Beach in Oregon, where a creek washes out to the surf, causing a little rift and depression in the sand. I made sketches of this just after sundown. The sky was far too crazy red for my taste in the beginning, but I think it’s better now. I kept messing with the clouds, scraping them off and trying again. I think  that it’s all right now.





The next thing I want to show you is a painting that was really hard for me to finish. I liked the rocks, the low point of view, with the ocean at my back. Just damp puddles in the sand that had been churned up by people walking around. This was near Heceta Head. There were SO many people there that day, all my sketches say “too many people” in the margins. I also took a photo that day, for reference, because there were birds. Flocks of odd birds and the way they were flying around the people was what I really wanted to paint.  So here you see the beginning sketch in paint, then the landscape alone. Then…

Then I used my reference to scrape out areas for the birds. As soon as I started painting them I was unhappy. They were difficult. I didn’t like birds any more. But I’d already committed, mentally, to having them there. I cursed the birds, I fought the birds, I finished the birds and they look all right, for little salty bastards that just happened to fly into the painting. You can see the finished image here, or buy prints. The original for this is spoken for.



When the birds were done I did this small, quick study of a logging road on Rte 34 near Alsea. I had sketched this site from every angle many times, and it’s one of my favorite subjects. Always finding new little things to emphasize or change about it. The mood there was always damp, diffuse, misty. I started then finished this one in a great mood.

The original is for sale, as well as prints which you can find at this link.
1918670_10153375640757712_5692213825444242550_n 10441358_10153378415752712_4201585925144810551_n

Then, going through my sketch pad, I realized that on my last visit to Phoenix I had done some sketching at roadside. I love roads, highways or side roads, I really enjoy drawing them and painting them. This was in Northern AZ. I stopped to mess with my GPS, pulled off onto a frontage road, and realized that the sky ahead was very ominous. VERY ominous. If you have seen this blog entry you know what happened about an hour after I made the sketches for this painting. I think I decided to stay a bit and draw just to avoid driving into this maelstrom.

I did still of course have to drive through it. I liked the way the road ended in a little hummock though, in this sketch- the road of course continued over that hill on along the way but it looked like the end of the road, like that would just be the end of the trip. I did another recent painting from another sketch I made that day, facing south. That one is here. This one was drawn facing north along the frontage, away from the storm. The light was very weird. It was near sundown but not quite.
On the left you can see it’s mostly turpentine and a little scrubbing with an old brush to start with. Then I went at it with very thick paint to finish. This one has been scanned now, and the varnish is drying. The original is for sale and prints are at this link.

RIP Hildie, you were a good girl.

some works from the archives.

These are the more popular things I’ve made available as prints over the last few years. They’re not all my own personal favorite pieces, but they’ve gotten the most attention and love from you guys. I think collecting them together here might give me some clues about what you all like so much, maybe.

Also I won’t be posting for a few days as we’ll be celebrating solstice here, but I’ll be back right after, on the 23rd. xox

“Down with the Ship”
This was a piece of tattoo flash I did as part of a series, and people really seem to like the sideways lighthouse in it. I did it at 11×14″ in watercolor, and did the linework with a nib pen and ink. The original sold and the prints have sold a lot too, I don’t often draw ships but I think I did a decent job on this one. You can still get some sizes of prints of this, here.




I did a little contest on my facebook asking people to tell me the funniest story about someone falling down. My friend Tiny told a great story, and was the winner. The prize was a portrait of anyone famous they liked, they’d get to keep the original art. He chose Einstein, and man was he fun to draw. Lots of people seem to like this one. I tried to give him nice gentle eyes. Yes, there are still prints of him. I did this one at 8×12″ in colored pencil.



“Red Highway”

The original of this, I gave to a collector of my work. It was a 10×13″ watercolor. Of all the landscapes I’ve done, people seem to be most interested in this one. Maybe it’s all that hot dawn cloud color. I’m not sure.



“Dahlia with Dice”

Of all my still life work, this one gets the most attention. Maybe it’s the format, that high vertical? It was originally a 12×16″ watercolor painting. The prints of this one are popular and I’ve made a few handmade runs of it, as well as the open edition prints.



“River Otter”

A lot of you guys love the animal totem series, and this guy is the crowd favorite. He’s a little more simple than some of the others, so I think a lot of people just really, really like otters. Colored pencil on handmade tinted paper, 8×12″.



“Weeping Doll”

I’ve done handpainted prints of her. The original sold as soon as it was finished. I’ve redone the entire image twice and both reproductions by hand sold immediately. And the open edition prints…people really like this beat-up old doll. She’s pretty melacholy. It’s originally a 10×13″ watercolor on hotpress.



Then, there’s “Shy Owl”. The most popular of them all. Due to the buyer of the original schmoozing me out of open edition printing, (I was an idiot and won’t be doing that so cheaply ever, EVER again) there are only cards available of this guy. Every print I did make of it, that limited amount, sold instantly. People email me asking for a print all the time. I’d be at least a few hundred dollars richer if I’d never said I’d only make a few prints of him.
An expensive lesson.

I'll never give up my reproduction rights so cheaply ever ever again.

I’ll never give up my reproduction rights so cheaply ever ever again.


sunburn memory process photos

sunburn memories watercolor and pencil on arches coldpress paper, 16x20". original sold. click image for prints.

sunburn memories
watercolor and pencil on arches coldpress paper, 16×20″. original sold. click image for prints.

Finished. below, the steps to completion and process shots. (I drink coffee in the “paint water” mug, and use the “not paint water” mug for paint water. This actually works and I haven’t drunk my paint water since- reverse psychology or something.)


sketch: very loose brushstrokes with pale, washed-out tones of sap green, sepia, and grey


underpainting: adding heavier pigment load to areas, dry brush spots on hair and eye


layers: fixing shadows, adding cool tones of indigo to shadowed areas, starting in on big washes behind everything.


detail: struggling with leaves, and with hand position on the fan. also gave her the sheer shirt I was planning


prints available at

six free pages to color!

EPSON MFP imageIn the spirit of giving, here are some print-size images for you guys to download and color! These are imperfect scans of six pages from the Horrors; I figured a lot of folks have bought the book and many more would probably love to just color in a few pages.  Click any image to find a full-sized version for printing.

(although you’re missing out on 22 other creatures, and the text that goes with them all!You can get the full book here if you’d like the complete experience.) Enjoy, and feel free to share!

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