bummer of a season huh
check the resources post if you need to get involved; there’s a whole list there.
light hearted:
(to book a gumball machine tattoo use this link!)
check the resources post if you need to get involved; there’s a whole list there.
light hearted:
(to book a gumball machine tattoo use this link!)
here! resonanteye.net
https://tiktok.com/resonanteye (mostly garden videos)
rarely active:
https://patreon.com/resonanteye (art not tattoos posted here first, I don’t make anything from it at the moment)
inactive/reposts only:
I’m backing away from most social media as a primary posting location, it’s a process, but my work and essays and events will be announced here and on Patreon going forward. reposts from the site will go to sm after a brief pause.
I’ll be maintaining groups, friendships and portfolios at all sites but am in the process of removing content and migrating it here.
love you guys. thanks for still being around!
They’ll all be loaded for sale by tomorrow.
12×16″ to 24×36″. They’re good quality, thick toothed, acid free paper.
Order by Dec 6 to get them in time for holidays.
I am childfree, and do not feel comfortable around, nor interested in, kids.
They disturb my mind in many ways. I do not have interest in them.
I do however remain childlike as myself; my life is lived even now as a Ville Villekulla, a bright and giddy place full of friends and art and craft and fun, and freedom. I live now the way I dreamt I would live when I was a child. I have built the life of my youthful daydreams into reality around me like a coiled shell.
It satisfies me.
Dr. Seuss had little interest in children. He found them disturbing to his peace of mind, he stated that he was opposed to the population boom, and he rarely made time for children in his life. He and his wife had no children, didn’t want them.
(Originally Published on: Oct 26, 2011)
He lived in his imaginary world IN REAL LIFE, and the cares and concerns and woes that a child requires would not allow those things to stand. So he stayed away from children, for the most part.
“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them both.””~Dr. Seuss
He did not enjoy the noise and commotion of children, and thought that perhaps if they were encouraged to use their minds and their imaginations instead of screeching and leaping around, they would become more capable and interesting adults one day.
“This book is to be read in bed.”
― Dr. Seuss
Theodore Giessel was a very active man with unlimited skills in doggerel and inking strange creatures to fit. He was childfree- he had no children and wanted none.
.. (more…)
Originally published on 06/24/2012.
I don’t really think I need to re-state my position on gun control laws, since it’s obvious that I am a gun owner, and that I think owning weapon is a right, not a privilege.
However, I want to re-state them anyway.
I think everyone who has not committed a violent crime should be permitted to own whatever weapons they choose, without having to register them or alert the government. I see the need for background checks; it only takes ten minutes to run a name and see any violent convictions on someone’s record. I see no need for waiting periods, for anything else.
I am very, very lefty. I’m basically a retired anarchist; I would still love to live in a gift economy, but I do not think this can happen during my lifetime, so I’ve modified my actions based on what I think is possible to accomplish.
I believe in spending public funds on welfare, schools, higher education, and healthcare for all citizens. I believe that religion has no place in ANY publicly-funded system or in ANY politics. I think that people who want abortion to be illegal are idiots. I think that patriarchy is bad, that our culture is set up in many wrong ways. I believe in class warfare, unions as a concept, the rights of workers, and of the underclass to act out. I dislike the way we use our military to screw up other areas of the world, and I think our policies are a direct result of corruption and patriarchy. In other words, I’m not right-wing, I am NOT republican, and I am NOT in favor of god, the bible, and apple pie. I’m basically a commie pinko.
So- while I agree with some things the gun lobbyists stand for- such as my right, and everyone else’s right to bear arms- I can’t donate any money to them, can’t support them in any way, because when I go to an NRA site and see people rooting for assholes who would put me in prison for my reproductive choices, or touting some bullshit flag-waving nonsense about how we should bomb “camel jockeys”, or condescension to female members or participants-
Well, that just sucks, and all of that is what I am against, and passing laws to restrict what I can do with my body is just as repressive as passing laws to restrict what weapons and means of defense I can own, and you guys, THAT is some BULL SHIT. Women want to bear arms too. As do socialists, abortion providers and people who have had abortions, pro-choice folks, people who aren’t in favor of recent wars, people who dislike racism and sexism- we carry too. So putting us down on the regular is just foolish.
Now I’ve said my piece for the day. Time for more coffee, I think. Again, I know that speaking out means some people won’t buy my art, or like me, or whatever. That’s ok. Fuck it- I’d rather just speak my mind and be broke (because people who agree with me are poor) than keep my mouth shut and pander for the sake of a few bucks.
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