process photos, owl and quince.

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The Horrors, two pages!

The new coloring book, The Horrors, is out!  The book is an adult coloring book containing ghosts, cryptids, mlnsters and urban legends from around the world, complete with stories and descriptions. You can find it here (it’s the scary werewolf!) click the images for a size you can print out and color.










The jackalope is an antlered, sometimes winged, jackrabbit. It’s found in the southwestern United States.
They’re as fast as an antelope, and as camouflaged as a jackrabbit. You can get hunting tags for them in Wyoming, every year. When hunting a jackalope, wearing good, high leather boots is a must, as they can be dangerous and may try to gore your legs or savage you with their horns.
The jackalope can imitate human voices and may lure hunters away from their fires at night by calling for help. They also find the scent of whiskey irresistible, so traps baited with glasses of whiskey are a good way to capture the elusive beasts.



Jersey Devil
I personally encountered the Jersey Devil. I was taking a long solo hike and was passing through the Pine Barrens in NJ- a grey, odd landscape, at dusk. I was coming around the bend of a trail when a…a thing ran past me, across the trail. It was the size of a small horse, on its hind legs, with antlers. It had a horse’s head, emaciated, and a deer’s body- but behind it flapped immense leathery wings.
I turned and ran about a mile back on the trail, at full speed. I didn’t try to hike past that point until full daylight, with others, the following day. There were clear deer tracks in the dirt, only two feet…

The Jersey Devil is said to be: a cryptid, some kind of giant bat-deer, and alternately, the evil deformed child of a satanic witch. Nobody knows its actual origins, but stories in the area are common. It’s one of the few creatures in this book I have seen with my own eyes.


I’m going to include the sheilanagig as well, without story. enjoy coloring these, and grab a copy of the book!!! xoxEPSON MFP image






I’m not religious by any stetch and no amount of ceramic dominicans can change that.

all-saints’ day. i’m not religious but i was mainly raised catholic, my middle name is a saint’s name. patron saint of migraine sufferers and writers. she liked to read. she was a rebel at home so they sent her to the convent, which was a lot less strict than her family had been.

she of course was religious but not nearly enough. she had malaria and seizures and visions, and decided to promote reform in the church. “The only right prayers are those that create actíon. Prayer without action does go unheard.”

this was a bit of a mistake. the catholic church persecuted her and disliked that a woman was ‘teaching’. she lived a good long time though.

I’m pretty sure that my middle name was intended to be the name of the “little flower”, st. therese. however it’s spelled as the english version of st. teresa of avila, which means they done screwed up and gave me a hotshooter as a namesaint rather than a quiet little girl, and I’m ok with that.

tomorrow is all-souls’, or dios de los muertos if you’re latinx/excatholic. a much more meaningful day for me. but I figured I’d share this tidbit about saints and middle names. what’s your middle name? who’s watching out for you?

shows ending, and my last stint of tattooing for 2015!

at cowfish galerythe show at TrueLove Gallery in Seattle comes down at the end of the month, as does the show at Cowfish in Eugene. If you wanted to see my paintings of women, or of life-sized predatory animals, get there while it lasts!


The last tattoo times I have open in 2015 are at Laughing Buddha in Seattle, nov 7-17. If you want in, or we have a continuing tattoo, please call the shop asap to book time with me. I may not be back until February!


I’ll be updating the event page shortly with all the winter plans.

Also, the expanded/full edition of the Horrors adult coloring book will be out very soon! 61 creatures. SIXTY ONE. If that’s not scary, I don’t know what is.

fishies and lotus flowers!

added on to this piece today. we started down by her knee 8 years ago! today we covered up some snakes on her back. I didn’t take a before photo, I usually don’t.


Jenn’s geometry!

cbnjyfgvhjAnother fun day at Club Tattoo. Arizona is good this trip.


paul’s tree!

it’s finally finished! two heavy sessions is all it took.


a journey

It’s very hot in AZ. Also there was lightning.

DSC_0330DSC_0333DSC_0368handofcthulu?weaselDSC_0608 attack   DSC_0628

volume four of the geometry and mandala coloring books!

Untitled-1here you go, overachievers!

volume four! feel free to share this with anyone you think might need a new coloring book.

here are three bigsized pages for you to print out and color. feel free to share this with anyone you know who needs some new coloring books to run with.

15 copy 9 copy 19 copy

on my way to AZ!

the booth with michelle h and jimmy walls!

he booth with michelle h and jimmy walls!

I’ve finished all but one tattoo I plan to do in Oregon, the Portland tattoo expo was amazing!

I’ve got one more piece to do tomorrow I think, then a day off. And then I will be driving out to Phoenix to work on the HTC kids, at Club tattoo in Scottsdale. I think it’s going to be really fun, I love my Az people.

I hope it’s not too hot there, is all.

some escher- bottom half is about seven years old.

some escher- bottom half is about seven years old.

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