cyber monday small business edition.

I’m making a list of some of my favorite handmade or small businesses, for all you guys who don’t buy on black friday but still get presents for people.


Housewares and handmade goodies.

really creepy art and tattoos by Erich Daoust.

really creepy art and tattoos by Erich Daoust.


process photos, owl and quince.

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The Horrors, two pages!

The new coloring book, The Horrors, is out!  The book is an adult coloring book containing ghosts, cryptids, mlnsters and urban legends from around the world, complete with stories and descriptions. You can find it here (it’s the scary werewolf!) click the images for a size you can print out and color.










The jackalope is an antlered, sometimes winged, jackrabbit. It’s found in the southwestern United States.
They’re as fast as an antelope, and as camouflaged as a jackrabbit. You can get hunting tags for them in Wyoming, every year. When hunting a jackalope, wearing good, high leather boots is a must, as they can be dangerous and may try to gore your legs or savage you with their horns.
The jackalope can imitate human voices and may lure hunters away from their fires at night by calling for help. They also find the scent of whiskey irresistible, so traps baited with glasses of whiskey are a good way to capture the elusive beasts.



Jersey Devil
I personally encountered the Jersey Devil. I was taking a long solo hike and was passing through the Pine Barrens in NJ- a grey, odd landscape, at dusk. I was coming around the bend of a trail when a…a thing ran past me, across the trail. It was the size of a small horse, on its hind legs, with antlers. It had a horse’s head, emaciated, and a deer’s body- but behind it flapped immense leathery wings.
I turned and ran about a mile back on the trail, at full speed. I didn’t try to hike past that point until full daylight, with others, the following day. There were clear deer tracks in the dirt, only two feet…

The Jersey Devil is said to be: a cryptid, some kind of giant bat-deer, and alternately, the evil deformed child of a satanic witch. Nobody knows its actual origins, but stories in the area are common. It’s one of the few creatures in this book I have seen with my own eyes.


I’m going to include the sheilanagig as well, without story. enjoy coloring these, and grab a copy of the book!!! xoxEPSON MFP image




shows ending, and my last stint of tattooing for 2015!

at cowfish galerythe show at TrueLove Gallery in Seattle comes down at the end of the month, as does the show at Cowfish in Eugene. If you wanted to see my paintings of women, or of life-sized predatory animals, get there while it lasts!


The last tattoo times I have open in 2015 are at Laughing Buddha in Seattle, nov 7-17. If you want in, or we have a continuing tattoo, please call the shop asap to book time with me. I may not be back until February!


I’ll be updating the event page shortly with all the winter plans.

Also, the expanded/full edition of the Horrors adult coloring book will be out very soon! 61 creatures. SIXTY ONE. If that’s not scary, I don’t know what is.

volume four of the geometry and mandala coloring books!

Untitled-1here you go, overachievers!

volume four! feel free to share this with anyone you think might need a new coloring book.

here are three bigsized pages for you to print out and color. feel free to share this with anyone you know who needs some new coloring books to run with.

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High Priestess downtown days!

I get so homesick. It’s been a great few days so far and there’s a few more on the way though!

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art show at the Cowfish in Eugene!

DSC_0232I could say so much more about today and tonight if I wasn’t so tired!

Spent the day stretching nine foot by six foot canvasses with the help of the wonderful Deb, then hung everything with the help of the magical Shawn, then lots of my favorite people showed up to check it all out… I’m just going to post photos of the process and the day and night. This show is hanging at Cowfish until the end of October, if you are in the neighborhood feel free to drop in and stand next to the gigantic bear.

deb's math

deb’s math


Three projects at a time


black-eyed kids

I’m back east in Spokane for a few weeks. In the time I’m here, I have to:

I leave October 1st and I won’t get home until the 26. It’s going to be a long trip full of events and work!

Here are some photos- small images from the new book. A picture or two of the seminar prep work (kinda boring to look at but the seminar itself will be out of this goddamn world, you should go preregister for it, because it’ll cost a little more if you just show up on the day)- and pictures of the lifesized predators.

Now, I had some of this work done from before- the seminar text I had written already, but not the slideshow or the handouts. I had the illustrations sketched, but in pencil and messy, not inked or scanned. I had copious notes for the book text but nothing completed or proofread. I had the shark nearly finished and the grolar bear and wolf sketched out as underpaintings. But everything else? I’ve had to work every day I’ve been home, sometimes pulling ten hour days on these projects. Not to mention I have another show going on all this month at a gallery in Seattle! I spent last month’s days off prepping for that.

Once I leave, I have no days off until halfway through the month. And then I will spend those days driving.

It’s going to be a long and rough road until November, but I think I can do it all. Then I can relax for two weeks. Then I’ll be in Seattle at the shop there for two weeks…and then I will not be working in December. Like, at all. Maybe on personal little things but NO big projects like this. It’ll be a nice break and I think my brain will need it by then.

Hope to see you guys at one of my stops on this trip!
(I’m totally booked for the trip for tattoos- except for one day in Redding, and one day in Phoenix. If nobody wants in I’m gonna take those days off, though. !!!)

jersey devil

jersey devil



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a short break

a short break

seminar stuf

seminar stuff

running on fumes?

running on fumes?


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geometric tattooing, discussion question and thoughts.

let’s discuss.

Geometric tattoos and “mandalas”, while they’re in resurgence in every part of the globe right now among modern tattooers, are a very old way of marking the body.
Given new technologies, they’re different than traditional geometric work, but do they follow that same tradition? Is this really a trend within tattooing, or has it been there since the beginning? Do you think we will see more of this in the years to come, or will it peter out (like westernized tribal work has petered out a bit)?

These geometric designs aren’t limited to one region, race, or culture- from the far north of europe and the arctic circle all the way around the globe, equatorial and islands, jungles and deserts- straight down to the southern tips of Africa and the Americas, these sort of designs are found everywhere. Most modern interpretations draw on multiple sources, new and old, and don’t snag directly from any one tradition, don’t appropriate meaning the way some westernized tribal art did. (Although there are exceptions as always). Almost every person can look back to their own heritage and find base images to begin working from- or they can use modern maths to create something entirely new, that fits within this style.

I’ve been planning a few art brut tattoos lately, using this sort of layout for the body forms, and have done my share of geometry and radial symmetry tattoos as well. I’m wondering what everyone thinks of this little surge in demand for these.

Also here are some amazing images culled from various sources, of tattooing in this style. Feel free to add your own images or thoughts in the comments.



Miahwaska Tattoo Artist - Oakland, CA

Miahwaska Tattoo Artist – Oakland, CA


Mianmar woman


ancient Pict


Traditional Croatian Catholic Tattoo

Traditional Croatian Catholic Tattoo



Roxx at 2Spirit Tattoo in San Francisco

Roxx at 2Spirit Tattoo in San Francisco


Kalinga tribal tattoo artist Whang-Od. Photo via Lars Krutak.

Kalinga tribal tattoo artist Whang-Od. Photo via Lars Krutak.


by Nate Euvrard @ Secret Society

by Nate Euvrard @ Secret Society

art opening at True Love Gallery, Seattle in september!

Art opening images: what a great show! My friend Aaron and I had work hanging, there was a great DJ, and snacks. Thanks to George Long for putting on the show and being such a great organizer. True Love has a great space for art, too.

The work will be hanging until October 4th, so stop by there and take a look if you missed the opening. Some things have sold but some are still up and waiting for you… xox


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