I’ll be live painting at the Kendall Yards night market tonight at five!
there’ll be a Livestream going on my Facebook for anyone out of town.
I’ll be live painting at the Kendall Yards night market tonight at five!
there’ll be a Livestream going on my Facebook for anyone out of town.
my current interest/deal.
the crew . i love these fine people.
i have the spice.
seattle tattoo convention.
with some of my heroes.
devil shin is nine years old, well healed and settled in.
i also saw the eclipse and retreated to the forest.
the world is on fire.
I had an interview in the inlander, which was great. They were very easy to talk with and they quoted me correctly!
also, a reminder; I’d like to do more works like the following images.
painterly flowers, solid black heavy rough edges, and high contrast works. winter is a good time to get a tattoo, mainly because it’s easy to heal this time of year. I’ll be at mom’s in Spokane (and in Eugene for the evergreen convention in March)
work in progress. This is our second sitting on these flowers! And no, I didn’t do the sharknado, sadly enough.
Yesterday was great!
I tend to have good conversations with my clients, and the whole day I spent talking to awesome people about hilarious things.
I didn’t get to do my bird drawing (he chose the hand of doom instead) but I’d still love to do it on someone…
I’ll be back at work saturday- I go to the dentist tomorrow, wish me luck.
Oh and also, some more new and old art for sale at the bottom here. I’ve been revamping my printshop a little, so go take a peek!
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