I’ll be live painting at the Kendall Yards night market tonight at five!

there’ll be a Livestream going on my Facebook for anyone out of town.

live painting Spokane



the world on fire; new art, end of summer.




my current interest/deal.



the crew . i love these fine people.




i have the spice.



seattle tattoo convention.



with some of my heroes.






devil shin is nine years old, well healed and settled in.






i also saw the eclipse and retreated to the forest.




the world is on fire.




December! the Inlander, and a few ideas.

I had an interview in the inlander, which was great. They were very easy to talk with and they quoted me correctly!




also, a reminder; I’d like to do more works like the following images.

painterly flowers, solid black heavy rough edges, and high contrast works. winter is a good time to get a tattoo, mainly because it’s easy to heal this time of year. I’ll be at mom’s in Spokane (and in Eugene for the evergreen convention in March)


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some works from the archives.

These are the more popular things I’ve made available as prints over the last few years. They’re not all my own personal favorite pieces, but they’ve gotten the most attention and love from you guys. I think collecting them together here might give me some clues about what you all like so much, maybe.

Also I won’t be posting for a few days as we’ll be celebrating solstice here, but I’ll be back right after, on the 23rd. xox

“Down with the Ship”
This was a piece of tattoo flash I did as part of a series, and people really seem to like the sideways lighthouse in it. I did it at 11×14″ in watercolor, and did the linework with a nib pen and ink. The original sold and the prints have sold a lot too, I don’t often draw ships but I think I did a decent job on this one. You can still get some sizes of prints of this, here.




I did a little contest on my facebook asking people to tell me the funniest story about someone falling down. My friend Tiny told a great story, and was the winner. The prize was a portrait of anyone famous they liked, they’d get to keep the original art. He chose Einstein, and man was he fun to draw. Lots of people seem to like this one. I tried to give him nice gentle eyes. Yes, there are still prints of him. I did this one at 8×12″ in colored pencil.



“Red Highway”

The original of this, I gave to a collector of my work. It was a 10×13″ watercolor. Of all the landscapes I’ve done, people seem to be most interested in this one. Maybe it’s all that hot dawn cloud color. I’m not sure.



“Dahlia with Dice”

Of all my still life work, this one gets the most attention. Maybe it’s the format, that high vertical? It was originally a 12×16″ watercolor painting. The prints of this one are popular and I’ve made a few handmade runs of it, as well as the open edition prints.



“River Otter”

A lot of you guys love the animal totem series, and this guy is the crowd favorite. He’s a little more simple than some of the others, so I think a lot of people just really, really like otters. Colored pencil on handmade tinted paper, 8×12″.



“Weeping Doll”

I’ve done handpainted prints of her. The original sold as soon as it was finished. I’ve redone the entire image twice and both reproductions by hand sold immediately. And the open edition prints…people really like this beat-up old doll. She’s pretty melacholy. It’s originally a 10×13″ watercolor on hotpress.



Then, there’s “Shy Owl”. The most popular of them all. Due to the buyer of the original schmoozing me out of open edition printing, (I was an idiot and won’t be doing that so cheaply ever, EVER again) there are only cards available of this guy. Every print I did make of it, that limited amount, sold instantly. People email me asking for a print all the time. I’d be at least a few hundred dollars richer if I’d never said I’d only make a few prints of him.
An expensive lesson.

I'll never give up my reproduction rights so cheaply ever ever again.

I’ll never give up my reproduction rights so cheaply ever ever again.


process photos, owl and quince.

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floral piece in progress


work in progress. This is our second sitting on these flowers! And no, I didn’t do the sharknado, sadly enough.

paper planes, baobabs, and poppy dreams.








fun stuff!


Farmer Joe's dahlias.

Otherwise known as Bill the Butcher vs. Amsterdam

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Te voy a enseñar a hablar Inglés con este cuchillo.

Farmer Joe’s dahlias.

Otherwise known as Bill the Butcher vs. Amsterdam

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Te voy a enseñar a hablar Inglés con este cuchillo.

hand of doom, ancient aliums and flowers.

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I tend to have good conversations with my clients, and the whole day I spent talking to awesome people about hilarious things.

I didn’t get to do my bird drawing (he chose the hand of doom instead) but I’d still love to do it on someone…

I’ll be back at work saturday- I go to the dentist tomorrow, wish me luck.

Oh and also, some more new and old art for sale at the bottom here. I’ve been revamping my printshop a little, so go take a peek!

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