updates 2019, October

I’ve been back at work for a little while now and I’m still on part time- Friday-Sunday. it’s working out well so far and I’m hoping to expand my hours again soon!


recently I’ve been: tattooing of course, making tokens and proxies for MTG games, a(yes! I’m selling these), doing some painting. waiting until we clear some space for me to start working on skull mounts again, that may be a while. not having room is a major factor there. I’ve been doing some writing for the site, it may be next week I can get the new updated Horror Movies For You list put up! Plus as always- tattoo advice and questions answered.


my partner had leukemia and it’s been a year of caregiving for me; so many people stepped forward to be there for us, and I’m so appreciative of that. it’s still a struggle (they’re in remission after a sct right now) but we are getting comfortable again. thank you everyone for waiting it out, offering support, and just listening.


here’s some recent works to look at, until I update again.





these are for sale! abug dual lands and token cards… email resonanteye@gmail. com and tell me what ya need

tattoos recently;








my few inktober things:




 personal things:




recently! (summer ’18)

working on assemblage for the October show

working on assemblage for the October show

pin and book set in the shop section of the site!

pin and book set in the shop section of the site!

an anniversary party on July sixth!

an anniversary party on July sixth!

a cover-up for Josie <3

a cover-up for Josie <3

two trips to the post office

two trips to the post office

self portrait

self portrait



Contest, tarot deck project, tattoos, and skull mount projects.


the “coordination” series is listed in the store here and also as prints in redbubble.



my patreon project is a tarot deck! go check it out and jump on board- you’ll have to be a patron to order the final deck.



IMG_20180511_003954edition three, uncensored, of the Horrors is now available!!!  HERE



I’m running a cover-up contest on my Facebook and Instagram.




interview in Pain magazine! thanks guys!

new skull mounts and taxidermy/nature assemblages in progress.


here’s some newer works:





evergreen tattoo invitational, year five


tarot tattoo series; reading your inner symbolism


I’m currently doing three-card reading tarot tattoos. I pull cards and use related symbolism to do a spontaneous image tattoo on whoever signs up for it. these tattoos can’t be planned in advance, but can be booked ahead as a time slot.

images are based on symbols/reminders/ideas that the deck suggests; are drawn by both of us together, on the spot; I want to make it a collaborative process. the colors and symbolic images that call to you and the design elements that carry a positive message to you- that’s what we’re reading for.

14 Temperance (Art)

I did tarot readings before I was a tattoo artist. I’ve always worked with the Thoth deck, and I consider tarot to be a way to access our subconscious mind and find ideas and solutions, rather than any kind of outside or spiritual communication. I am not theistic and I think that connecting to our inner selves is valuable, in its own right.

I’ve worked with tarot in this way for 25 years or more.


I see tarot as a way to access our inner selves through symbolism. the tattoo tarot work I’m doing, I’m reading the cards to see what imagery will best fit you in the present and give you a positive feeling into the future.


with your input, I’ll pull three cards and we will examine them for their connection to you and your life, your goals. then we will use symbolism and color choices from those cards to create an image for the tattoo. these readings are to find the right tattoo, not for further life guidance. (they’re readings for a specific purpose instead of a general reading).

The reading we do is only about the tattoo you will get, and is to guide us to choose the right combination of items and symbols to give your subconscious self a boost, or reminder.



As I said I approach it as a way to access the inner, higher self- a kind of Jungian approach. Spiritual content in these readings is fully your decision and what you bring with you to the cards, and isn’t my work. that is the content of your contribution- it’s your decision, your choice. I’m simply a conduit for this.

it’s up to you to decide what to take from it. for me, it’s a way to clarify and condense into an image, the things your full being wants or needs to see. I would not presume to call it “healing” work at all, I am not a therapist. I’m simply there to explain the cards, help you find symbols that resonate with you, and make a good tattoo from them. if there is healing, it has come from within you, because inside you is a whole, healthy being. this is not me, it is you, your own self. I’m honored if you let me be a tool you can use for this.


you can call the shop to book- simply decide the amount of time/money you’d like for a session, and we will draw to suit that. we’ll draw together after the reading, so the art is collaborative between us.

I’m leaving Sundays open for this through the winter, but any day is all right. they’ll note that it’s a tarot piece in the appointment notes when they take a deposit and set up the time. the shop is aware and ready to set up time for you, our counter staff is amazing and they handle all my scheduling for the shop. (509-426-4465) is the number here- you can also email me and I can have counter staff set up a time and date via email.

I know limited ASL but can likely find a fluent translator if text/writing isn’t enough. we are wheelchair accessible and I can put up screens if you need an enclosed space. you may bring a comfy pillow, headphones to wear during the tattoo itself, or a friend to talk to.

if you need anything else in the form of accommodation, let me know.

everyone here is amazing.

everyone here is amazing and helpful

I use proper and modern, clean and sanitary techniques to apply the tattoo. using a premium machine and a full setup, with all disposable, single use equipment.


if I’m going to ask the muse (in any form) to assist me I feel I should carry out the work in the best possible way I can, do the very best tattoo I’m capable of, with the best tools and equipment available.

I feel that to use less than the optimal equipment and setting would be an insult to the process used to find the design.

I will not be doing these at conventions, as there’s too much distraction from the crowd for us to focus properly. if I am visiting a shop near you I will offer these there.



livestrong is incorrect! PSA. PLEASE SHARE.


if you have read/are using that site as a source of info about tattoo inks please PLEASE be aware-





they used a fake, crappy online “tattoo school” scam website to get their info. the inks listed include two brands with recalls (!!!!!) and a brand that has really low pigmentation. those brands were listed as “good” only because they’re potentially available to non professional artists!!! Most amateur grade and publicly available inks are made with all sorts of contaminants, and some are dangerous.

The scam school website they used as a reference is NOT a reliable source for information.

professional grade tattoo inks are not available to the general public, contain nothing extraneous, and you won’t find out about them through “how-to tattoo dot com” or some crap like that.

tattoo inks available to professionals show no toxicity in ingredients, are not hazardous, and are usually vegan (some brands of black are the exception to that).

if you have questions about ink, ask your tattoo artist. we will always answer questions for you and we have msds sheets as well. (these images are an example, from a brand used by many professionals.)


(this is from one of several brands often used by professionals)

I’ve seen reference to this website several times now, so I decided it was time to let people know this is NOT CORRECT INFORMATION.


Please, please. If you have concerns about the inks, ASK YOUR TATTOO ARTIST. If you do not trust your artist, FIND ONE YOU TRUST. Get tattooed by professionals only!

the world on fire; new art, end of summer.




my current interest/deal.



the crew . i love these fine people.




i have the spice.



seattle tattoo convention.



with some of my heroes.






devil shin is nine years old, well healed and settled in.






i also saw the eclipse and retreated to the forest.




the world is on fire.




why some shops are cut rate, who drew the lion?

the reason some tattoos/piercing shops have really low minimums or hourly costs:

  • little experience or inconsistent abilities,
    substandard, imported inks (could be risky to you),
  • don’t provide follow up
    like good aftercare and personal answers to questions (this should always be available!),
  • don’t care about touchups or fixing a piercing that healed improperly,
  • substandard materials in jewelry, (dangerous!)
  • inconsistent machinery or other actual tattooing gear,
  • not paying for licensing or training (legally required but people will cut corners),
  • not paying taxes, insurance, or other necessities
  • they have known you for twenty years and actually are your real life friend.

my minimum/hourly ensures that I cover the shop’s commission, my equipment (good stuff), and a living wage for a professional in a trade. it also covers any and all time you need to ask me questions afterward via text or email, touchups if needed, aftercare info and good bandaging, continued contact with me in case you have questions, and twenty years of experience.


it’s my hope that everyone I tattoo, even when they get tattooed by other artists besides me, ONLY ever gets AMAZING tattoos after they get work by me. I want all you guys to get worked on by great artists that treat you well and value your patronage. I know the piercers I work with are the same, they use the best, modern, safe, high quality things and will always help you after.

If you’ve been tattooed by me you can always contact me with questions about anything tattoo related. I’m always here. even if I only did a dot on you. You guys are my people. I want you all to look and feel good.

This is what my hourly and minimum cover, and they’re cheap at the price.

(also, I have PUMPKIN SPICE)



Below, the first kind lion with cherry blossoms and lotuses, was drawn by Guen Douglas. It’s a really good drawing.

She drew it as a custom tattoo for one of her clients. Since then, tons of people have fallen in love with it. That’s fine. A lot of people have copied it exactly though, and that’s not fine!

If you want an amazing lion tattoo it’s OK to say “look, like this, amazing” and bring it as reference or an idea that appeals to you… then have your artist draw you your OWN lion and flowers. Pick your favorite flowers. Make the lion have the kind of look on its face that you want to feel. Hell, pick an animal you identify with instead of a lion! All these things are possible.

The second picture is a fierce lioness with acacia and freesia that I drew for someone. If you pick a good artist they will make you something amazing that is YOURS, not a copy of someone else’s. If you don’t have a good artist… GO GET ONE. If you’re completely fixated on that lion that Guen drew… may I humbly suggest that you contact her and GET TATTOOED BY HER.  She drew it! She’s really good!

Of course if you find a tattoo online that you love, I’ll use it as the basis for your idea. YES. I won’t copy someone else’s tattoo exactly, line for line. that’s THEIR tattoo. We will come up with changes so that it fits YOU .


by Guen Douglas

by Guen Douglas


by me, anji marth

by me, anji marth

On memorial tattoos.

When you’ve lost someone close to you, tattooing is often a tool you can use in your grieving process. I do many memorial tattoos and I know from my own personal experience of getting them, that it can be really emotional.

The best thing to do, first of all, is to contact the artist and set up a consultation. Every artist is different, and what I do may not be what all artists do. So check in first, before assuming anything. That said, I deal with memorial tattoos by taking my cues from you. some people are light hearted, remembering good things. others are in mourning and need to cope with that. I’m not a therapist, just a person, so here is my take on memorials and how I set things up for you if you want one.


You might want your own soundtrack. This is fine- the shop doesn’t need to change their music for this to happen. The shop music is for the people working in the shop and we don’t change it- however I’m more than happy to work on you while you listen to your own calming music or meditation tracks on good headphones. If you don’t have good noise reduction headphones, let me know- I have over-the-ear ones that are amazing, and will keep out the hustle and bustle of the shop for you, so you feel safer. I’ll let you borrow them.


I’ll put up a screen if you’d like to have more privacy. Crying and feeling emotional are common things when we get memorial tattoos so please don’t feel worried if you need a moment to let it out, or if you get overwhelmed during the tattoo.

We can take breaks as needed. I usually charge for a break, if it’s one you need and not one I need- but in this case I stop the clock. i don’t charge for that time. It can take some minutes to calm down, to refocus. I respect that need and I want the tattoo to come out perfectly, so a little break for you to cry or breathe it out is OK. It’s not unusual and I’m not thinking poorly of you. There’s no need to get embarrassed about it. Everyone on earth loses things and people they love, and I have been through it too.


Bringing along comforting objects like books, photos or a pillow can help, especially if you have sensory issues. A familiar (clean) blanket and pillow are always ok. A photo for you to look at, a book, or videos through headphones. this can also help you remember the good times, and make your tattoo a celebration of the person’s life instead of just a sad moment thinking about the loss.


You’re welcome to bring a friend or loved one who is sharing in your grief, so that you can have someone to talk to, who really understands. I highly recommend this. Bringing someone along who also knew the person, or who is very supportive of you in your life, can really help. it’s difficult for me to both commiserate with you AND do the tattoo perfectly, so having that friend along to hold hands, tell stories, or just vent to, will help you get through things and still walk away with a good tattoo.

case in point.

images are always good, not just words.

I do a lot of lettering, dates of birth and death, names, as memorials. This is very classic and totally ok. It’s just fine to do a memorial that’s simple and understated. I also do a lot of meaningful images related to the person who died. If there was an in joke between you, a pet name, or something you both loved, using an image of that as your memorial is a great idea and a really good way to remember the person going forward- as someone who had a positive impact on your life in an active way.

think of your loved one as a star. what were their greatest hits? what was their joy in life? did they create something wonderful, do something valuable? these are all good ways to think of images to memorialize them, rather than just letters.


I’ve also done tattoos that include cremains. This involves several steps- you’ll have to sift the ashes to get the lightest, finest ash. I’ll only need a tiny bit (the ink cup I use to pour out your ink into is very tiny, think a few drops) so a little sprinkling on top of that tiny cup is what we will use. You’ll need to bring them in the day before your appointment, so I can sterilize them for use and let them dry out. Then we will dust a small bit of them on top of the black ink we will be using. Cremains in tattoos is a debatable issue and a lot of tattoo artists will refuse to do this, and the do have good reasons. you may lose spots of ink during healing, since the ash has larger particles than the ink. However by sterilizing them ahead of time, we avoid any possible bacterial contamination of them and any other risks.

If your tattoo is a memorial don’t be shy about telling me or asking about these things. I’ve got memorial tattoos. I cried during a few of them. I wore headphones, hugged someone’s t shirt that smelled like them, I took breaks and I felt miserable. The process itself, though, seemed to help me work through my more awful feelings- and having someone there to discuss the good times with, seemed to help me the most.

one of my own memorial tattoos, on me.

a memorial tattoo on me.


we all grieve differently. if you’re getting a memorial tattoo, we should have a consult before your appointment, just to be sure we get everything settled for you, so you can use the process instead of feeling worse. Again, my concern is to do a good tattoo on you, that will give you positive feelings as you wear it over the years.

I’m not a therapist and I can’t help with the grieving process on that level. all I can do is give you a hug, and schedule you at the end of my day so I’m not bringing the weight of that loss in to my next appointment.

The truth about fan art.

Now, I’ll admit  that I’m a fan of things. I enjoy things. I have problematic favorites just like anyone else. wanted to get that out of the way before I proceed.

case in point.

case in point.


now, about fan art. I’ll do it. I’ll do a caricature tattoo (more painterly- I don’t do photorealism) of any thing you like- especially if I like it too. however, I don’t want to copy a still frame of a film, a production photo or an exact image of a character someone else owns the rights to. it seems like bad karma somehow. those folks worked long and hard and they need to get paid for that, they own the character, the art, the film itself.


so my solution has always been to find a reference, a pertinent moment, and refine it into an idea that references the original without interfering in the ownership of the image. I’ve fallen down on this, all tattoo artists have. a tattoo is personal use, you see, so as long as I’m not using it to promote or create follow-up products, I’m on the ok side of things.


I prefer the subtle approach. for example, right now I’m obsessed with Westworld. I’ve got sketches of every damn character, based on extensive research into the actors, not based on any one moment in the series. they’re loose, painted. I’m ready to tattoo these. once. one person gets them. I may post them and tag we online (they are open to fan art) but I’m not interested in exact reproductions. I want to capture a moment or meaning, not a face.


all the things there were mechanical until the "upgrade" to cheaper materials like meat and bones. they were beautiful, now they're just like us. including the horses, the bison. so there it is.

all the things there were mechanical until the “upgrade” to cheaper materials like meat and bones. they were beautiful, now they’re just like us. including the horses, the bison. so there it is.


they can't ride that train anywhere. it's a goddamn loop around the park areas. it's headed nowhere. they can't escape. who laid those tracks? there it is.

they can’t ride that train anywhere. it’s a goddamn loop around the park areas. it’s headed nowhere. they can’t escape. who laid those tracks? there it is.


I’ve been obsessed with other things over the years, of course. mostly horror and sci Fi. I’d rather do something that contains the meaning of a scene, rough and raw and laid in strong, than copy and break a law or even piss someone off. there’s a lot of celebrity images in the public domain, I tend to rely heavily on mugshots, government images, and my paid Getty images access for these. I’ll use these and some of the character’s words or token totem items to make the piece. crossovers are fun, too, if I’m a fan of the actor.


looking at you, Walken.

looking at you, Walken.


looking directly at you, goldblum.

looking directly at you, goldblum.



I’ll do some things. I have dodgy soft spots. if I’m geeking on the same thing as you, I am a marshmallow and I’ll do it. I feel bad afterwards, but I love some things too much to say no outright. and I usually only do this if the creator has died.


Ernst Haeckel, public domain actually.

Ernst Haeckel, public domain actually.


FB_IMG_1495630319797 FB_IMG_1495630171397FB_IMG_1495630333911FB_IMG_1495630092281FB_IMG_1495630307888



I really want to change the things to make then more my style, more to your fit, more important. I want to bring out the abstract qualities the original creator didn’t do- I want the meaning, the pith. if you’re a fan of a thing I’m a fan of, expect our consultation to be a geek fest about our fan theories and conceptual framework, finding symbols to use without infringing on copyright. that’s my goal every time.



they never kiss.

from the literary description of It.

from the literary description of It.


painting of a little sister.


I wanted a real turtle.


I’ll go abstract as fuck to capture the most powerful Disney villains.


had to add sex appeal, sadness, and painterly feeling.

if, like me, you find important moments in media, like books, movies, shows… come talk to me. I like a lot of stuff, mostly horror/sci Fi and a little weird standard fiction. I’ve got a list of things I’d love to do, on standby. if our interests match, we’re going to end up with magic.


I was more lax about copyright in the old times of my career. after all, I need the word of mouth, the internet brings me about half my clients, and known franchises and characters will consistently outpace original works. people like the familiar and you’ll see a crap copy of a screenshot from a movie with 19,900 likes and hearts and comments, while thoughtful original content gets ignored. it’s really difficult to deal with as a creator. I’ve chased that little bump before. Won’t do it again. anything related to a media franchise from now on is all OC based on the universe in which the characters are set, all characters drawn from copyright free sources.


I’m an artist and I know artists need to get paid. while I need the exposure copying and making fan art gives me, and I enjoy it with my particular interests, we’ve got to find ways to change things- to use elements that are meaningful in that universe, without simply tracing a damn thing.


currently I’m interested in Westworld, the Wire, better call Saul, Ursula k Leguin sf (not fantasy though), everything from Stephen King, Octavia Butler, any horror movie you can think of, and of course, any celebrity who’s a little off their rocker. I’d like to do an Idris Elba, Antony Hopkins, Charlize Theron, Gary Bussey, Grace Jones, any woman in a good strong character actually from any era. I’d like to paint character actors. I’d like to tattoo a lot more characters from fiction instead of movies. true crime! but then also, I’m a horror movie creep so I’d like that too. inglorious basterds! hey just try me. if I’m not a geek for it, I’ll know someone who is.

don hertzfeldt tattoo


just no direct copies. I’m not made for photorealism, my work is rugged and strange and won’t work that way. you can contact me if you’re interested by email, or with the link here: resonanteye.net/gettattooed.

I’ve been focusing more on skin and less on paper, so these images start out loose, they get refined on the skin. it’s about your interest in a thing matching mine, and your trust in the process. but I’m gritting my teeth waiting for more of this in the schedule, so please, bring it my way.


please. my inner nerd is underfed.



outline of center areas done elsewhere, repaired and added the rest. xox John Waters

ka is a wheel. piece still in progress.

ka is a wheel. piece still in progress.


bring these to me. please. I’m in the mood.

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