art and craft day with the roseburg kids.

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Today we had arts and crafts day here in Roseburg. I made these three sets of weights! Jimmy made a split sheet of flash, and Zack made a painting, and Annee made a pair of earrings with beads. Here’s some photos of everyone crafting and drawing.

I grew up the oldest of a bunch of kids. Until my brother was born, I was the only kid in a house full of people, uncles and aunts and grandparents and cousins. I love when there are a bunch of other people around making art, crafting, doing things. The energy of a group really makes it easier for me to work somehow. Even just someone in the other room writing, feeds my energy and my ambition to see things through.

Today was great.


luck dragons, fishies, and red glass beads.

Here’s a tattoo photo or two from the other day, by the way. Aquarium piece- we did the clownfish at a convention nearly eight years ago. This is on the fellow who makes Glasswear Jewelry, my friend Ryan. They aren’t the greatest photos, as my camera is in the shop. Thought you might like them anyway! and check out his stuff…he has a new site up for people in southern oregon too, to find stuff to do or add events- you can find it here.

You can get tattooed by me by emailing me… resonanteye at gmail dot com. I’ll be here til friday then in seattle next week.

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Here’s a new set of plugs/wooden weights I’m working on. They’ll go up on the etsy soon. Two of the pairs I made sold so I need to make a few more to list! I can make custom sets as well, if you want something similar but don’t see quite the right length or gauge.



Signing party for the Horrors, the night before Halloween!

We are having a book signing party at Laughing Buddha, at 8pm the night before Halloween!

I will bring some good coloring pencils for people who pick up a book!

And I will bring my wrist brace for the morning after.

10424313_10152658803248416_6244479501374841373_n If you’ve already got the book, come by anyway! Let me see what you’ve colored!

Here is a link to the facebook event, feel free to share it!  If you’re not in Seattle for Halloween, you can still buy a signed edition here. But if you ARE in Seattle, come to the signing party and pick one up! There will be a prize for the best coloring job, and a prize for the funniest as well.

We will have some printed pages for broke folks to color in and take home, and candy.

Here are some of the awesome colorings-in people have sent me so far! I’ll add more as more people send me photos!


printmaking, more ear weights, and some nonsense.

ear weights

now at

ear weights …

making prints! the burning church skull, and green lady are art  by

making prints! the burning church skull, and green lady are art by . he makes amazing tattoos as well as rad artwork..

in progress.

in progress.



sketches, lavender tattoo, ear weights.

handmade ear weight

finished, one of a kind set, 7/16″

lavender botanical tattoo




on my throne

on my throne

study for a thigh tattoo

study for a thigh tattoo

halloween and horror arts.

I make a lot of creepy things.




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Posting some skull mount images!


fox skull mount

listing a few photographs of my work as prints here, along with other creepy things.

Some of the prints!


spider skeleton taxidermy mount

devil, pig, bat, black cat, witch tattoo flashalkonost., harpy, painting, art for salered rose tattoo artdeer hunter tattoo artwalrus totem art, lolrus, animal art, painting


All original except those that have sold, available via my store page. Go buy something~! Or share anything online, if you like it. I like being pinned, reblogged, signal boosted, reddited, tweetered, facebooked to grandma, even myspaced. xox

Published on: Sep 5, 2013

thorn box raccoon skull mount. raccoon skull mount with sweetgum pods

For the creepy home, or those who have raccoon as their totem. Ready-to-hang.
This is a salvaged raccoon skull. I do not know how he died, as he is nature-found. He’s been cleaned, sanitized, and then stained and painted with oil pigment, and mounted firmly in a box filled with dried sweetgum pods, raccoon ribs, coyote teeth (humanely collected), and cornered by hog teeth and bird bones. Everything secured with cured bone glue.

he will ship in a well-protected box within a box.
The box is thin pine, backed with felt, signed on the reverse.

approximately 10×10″.

Published on: Jul 1, 2012

the 6 worst pieces of promotion advice for artists, and the real solutions.

After countless suggestions of sites to use for promotion, I’m starting to realize that several things do not help at all:

1. Selling on more sites, adding more print-on-demand stores, or more marketing profiles.


When you ask most people “how should I promote my art?” you will often get well-meaning people, telling you “you should sell at *printsite*!” or “are you on *marketsy* site yet?” or even “maybe you should sell them on *auctionworld*!”  “Do you have a *deviantshit* profile???” It’s as if they purposely misunderstood your question! “But I already sell on *somesite*!” You protest. “I already have a *americanartprints* profile, do I really need to be on *shirthoarders* too?”
You know, and I know, that you already ARE selling your work on a site like these. There is already at least one site out there with your work on it, for sale, clearly marked prices and all. What you need isn’t TEN MORE OF THOSE, you need PEOPLE TO GO TO THE ONES YOU ALREADY HAVE, and spend their money on your work. Yet asking how to do this never gets that kind of response! This is because most people have one or two sites they have heard of, vaguely, or bought something from once, and so they assume- if you are asking how to promote, it’s because you don’t even know where to list shit.

Most people aren’t trying to sell art. They’re buying it. So yeah- if ten people suggest *randomprintplace*, you should check it out, maybe. Because you already know ten people shop there. But be wary of paying for a bunch of shops or profiles on these sites, because they usually don’t offer much return. (If you DO need to know which sites to sell on, you’re not ready to promote the art yet. concentrate first on listing it, a lot of it, all in one place. I like redbubble for print-on-demand and squareup market for direct sales of originals. )

2. Writing in-depth or posting art directly on social media sites instead of your own.


I keep my favorites to the left.

Let me guess- you post your work to facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram, googleplus, wanelo, weheartit, pinterest, linkedin, and maybe even a few dozen other places like this. You’re exhausted. You put off making stuff because you spend way too much time in an endless round of liking and sharing and pinning and chatting with people who never buy a damn thing. Then you get caught up in talking to friends and family, and somehow the day is gone and you actually didn’t do anything you could call “work”. I know. OH TRUST ME I KNOW. Then you go look at your own site, your own blog on your own domain and there’s only like two views. Ghost town. Well, of course it’s a ghost town! You don’t live there, you live in social networks, and you don’t invite anyone there- you talk to them on facebook!

How many people on there do you NOT know? How many people on there BUY things from you that way? I know I get sales to previous clients or friends on these sites sometimes, so it’s tempting to post there a lot, and spend time interacting, and all that…and call that “promotion”. But it’s not, really. It’s not work-related, it’s not promoting, if you do it that way. It’s either time spent with friends hanging out, or you’re just creating content for free so someone else can make money off of your work.
How social sites work, you see, is that people who make things and write stuff, they post these things on that site. That site then slaps ads everywhere and rolls in the dough. If they find out they can charge you to post your work too, they will. They’ll take the ad money YOU and YOUR WORK attracted, and ALSO charge you too. Without your work and your writing and your time spent there, THEY DO NOT MAKE MONEY FROM ADS or datasharing or…or any money AT ALL. YOU ARE PAYING THEM TO GET PAID. There are solutions to this, which will be in the next section (if you click through)


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