juice reviews three! rocketfuel, vaporchef, gremlin, and diy.

I got a pile of samples from rocketfuel last week, and left them to steep while I was gone camping out. I also have a handful of other flavors to taste tonight! YAY excitement! I’m using a plain ole 510 dripping atty on an ego twist at whatever setting tastes best. All juices are as close to 100% VG as I was able to get. They’re all at either 18 or 12mg nic content, too.

HORRIFYING UPDATE. I have now also spilled ALL of the ol’ river all over myself. That’s two bottles spilled, one of them my favorite of the bunch. GAWDAMMIT SHITWHORE.


shy night owl signed, sealed and…

shy owlshy owl…sealed, signed and now being delivered!

Original is sold,  limited run of prints, (small prints only, limited run) No digital downloads available.

The original is about 9×12″, done in watercolor, ink and pencil.

On vellum-surfaced arches hotpress 150lb (ish) paper. It’s heavy, satiny paper.

It’s sealed with a UV protectant matte sealer, and all materials are acid-free and archival, lightfast pigments. The prints are via redbubble, they make decent quality prints, and there are cards too at that link. The digital download is a good size, you could print from it at just below the size of the original.

I’m a night person. I’m a night owl. And I spend a lot of time looking at the moon and stars.

So it was fun to paint this little guy.

migrating to square!

il_570xN.437343921_g7bjso squareup finally has internet shopping available.


This weekend is going to be a lot of work, but you guys are going to like the end result.

you can watch the progress here, if you like. 

So far, the logic dictates that prints and shirts come from redbubble, originals go through square, and my digital downloads and a few weird things will stay at etsy.

I will be rebuilding some things here, too, I’ll make a post letting you know how to use and find the new stuff probably on monday or tuesday.

Update at noon PST: I am getting there. The current progress is at this page, http://resonanteye.net/buyit/everything-in-one-place/ and I’ll be separating things out into categories and organizing once I get everything up and listed properly.


Update this morning: I’ve been building some categories; and doing some writing. tattoo stuff, ladies, totem animals, and the serial killers and portraits…so far. got about that many more to go, plus a ton of scanning to do too. I also have some new pictures of commissions to post later, stuff that’s already finished and shipped- as well as a post about vaping. Busy weekend~!

more flavor thoughts, and summertime grilling.

kozmo's summertime

kozmo’s summertime

I’ve tried another batch of flavors, and have some thoughts on them. (for those of you looking for the starter kits/basic vaporizer setups, this place has the nicest cheap ones right now. I’ll post a different place if I find a better one.)

Newly added to the all-day vape category:

Honey fig tobacco from the Plume Room. This is luxurious, slightly sweet on the exhale, and rich. Along with Honey nut and Sweet cream, it’s in my pocket now when I leave the house.

Bread from Ecblend. It’s dry. It’s got the same nice crisp dryness as the Graham cracker flavor I like so much, but it also has…sourdough? Some sort of definite savory undertone. It’s very, very good- if you’re looking for something that’s unsweet, this will work.

Vanilla custard from Gremlin Juice. This is the best custard I’ve ever had. And it’s got the right vanilla in it- it’s not flowery at all or artificial-tasting. It’s a good, heavy dessert flavor.


Charity work, part one- Women.

51b6a0c0 (64)Tomorrow I’ll be doing some charity work for a group I highly admire, who have assisted me personally in the past.

If you’ve ever been the victim of a sexual assault, RAINN can help. They even have online chat support, people you can talk to online. This is pretty good news for a lot of people- part of the way an abusive situation can manifest is in agoraphobia, or fear of the telephone. For some people even being able to call for help is impossible. And for those people, RAINN provides an online support mechanism.

If you need help, to get away from an abusive situation, or to get help coping with a past sexual assault or abuse, follow this link http://rainn.org/get-help/national-sexual-assault-online-hotline to the online support group.


If you want to help, you can become a volunteer for the new National Sexual Assault Online Hotline and be a part of this generation’s most innovative source of support for victims of sexual violence. For more info, and to sign up, visit http://www.rainn.org/get-involved/volunteer-for-RAINN/ohl-volunteer.


I owe them my life, pretty much. I have for many years. I am finally settled in with a kindly, gentle man, in a safe place, without any of the troubles I have at other times had in my life. I’m capable of helping, finally. If you too can, please do!


I’ll be posting my charity plans/works weekly as I go through the summer. My next charity post will be Animals, and time spent volunteering at the shelter.

logo and image work.

EPSON MFP imageI did this logo a little while ago for my friend’s natural ointment company.

You can find their products here, they’re pretty damned good stuff, too. I’m working on another logo for one of her ointments, I’ll post that soon.

I also worked on a painting commission today but it’s still wet. NO PHOTOS FOR YOU!

After I finished up my session with that, I did some processing on images I took for an e-cig companies’ website; they are going to use some for their product listings.

I sometimes barter if people have something I’d have spent money on anyway, and this little commission was great for that. I have been on a nic-juice tasting frenzy and could really use a few bottles I can just use all the time, instead of tasting a million things…I’m hoping after I go through more of their flavors I’ll find one, and be able to use my barter points on it…

Their site is here, but they don’t have flavors listed yet, and the pictures (whichever they may use) aren’t posted there. Here’s two or three of those, too.


Otherwise I did nothing today. Ate, worked, and slept late. I have a looooong day tomorrow, and should have a good crop of things to show you then!

new stuff I’ve discovered in my vaporizing time.

  • Cigarettes don’t taste very good. I can’t finish one now.
  • Every single memory I have, besides really fuzzy small-child ones, are ones that involve smoking. I don’t think I’ve done anything in my whole life without a lit cigarette hanging out of my mouth. Until recently, every single moment was punctuated by a smoke.
  • I still roll down the car window to vape, just like I did when smoking- even though there’s no reason for it.
  • If you started out by buying blu stuff, you can use those cartomizers they sell at the gas station on an ego battery.
  • You can also refill those things with better quality nicotine juice if for some reason all your other gear stops working.
  • If you bought clearomizers and they stop working, you can take them apart and clean them…
  • You can also take them apart and completely destroy them and have to get new ones.
  • I like drip tips. I like chewing on something when I “smoke”. I used to clench and chomp on the filter of my cigarettes, too. Bitey. They make cheap plastic ones that make it easier to chew them to shreds, otherwise I’d have broken all my teeth off on the steel ones by now.
  • VCV is hip. They have the cheapest beginner set-up ever right now. No, they didn’t pay me to say that, but if they want to, I’ll take it. This is the basics you need, all the stuff I recommended in my past post about this stuff…for like 15 bucks. And their juices are delicious.
  • If you can’t taste your vaporizer juices, chew on an unused tampon and it will cure it.
  • Switching from smoking to vaping is easier than it sounds.
  • I still don’t smoke marijuana, but I like reading about people making stuff out of it.
GAH. and yes, that's one of those little flosser things for your teeth.

GAH. and yes, that’s one of those little flosser things for your teeth.

I fully destroyed half my gear today. I am definitely not now and have never been very mechanically-minded. I mean, I once tried lost wax and sand casting machine frames, and almost killed everyone in the workshop (don’t ask) and I have been known to fix a tattoo machine by throwing it against the wall, cursing it with vile imprecations. (It worked perfectly after that). I think moonbeams repair cell phones, and I firmly believe little gremlins in a plastic case are the reason my laptop functions.

trying out some new mechanical equipment and hating every minute of it.

trying out some new mechanical equipment and hating every minute of it.

I once tried to build a PC, too. Franenstein kind of works, but he lives in the basement and is not allowed to be fed electricity.

And I can’t wait until PVs are just as fiddle-free as all the other things I use regularly and have no clue about.

(My car is the exception to all this. A lifetime of poverty and strangeness has forced me to know how a car basically works and the life-sustaining things I must do to it. Not that I want to, or that I will if there’s a mechanic I can afford- but I know how. It wasn’t fun to get to this level of knowledge though, and I’d almost rather NOT understand why you shouldn’t take every sparkplug wire off an 8-cylinder van all at once to replace them.)

the baron.

the baron.

Sociopathic film characters, the master list.

I know- it’s been done. But I want to talk about a few characters I find really interesting.

There are spoilers in here. Get over it.

Most top-ten lists leave out the female characters (of which there are plenty), child characters, and characters that are more quietly menacing than flamboyant. Most sociopaths don’t want to be noticed (with the lone outlier of narcissists) and prefer to be taken for unassuming victims of circumstance. There are some of course, who commit desperate and crazed acts, but they’re less the majority than you might think.


on self-sufficiency during the end times, and other nonsense like that.

If all you have is a gun, you’re not independent.

The fact that people aren’t voluntarily supporting you, does not mean you’re not still relying on others to support you.

I think knowing how to use, and having access to, a gun is a good thing in general; but in the zombie apocalypse/collapse of capitalism/mayan end times some people seem to be worrying about, a gun alone will be no help.

You need to be able to provide for yourself, without being a parasite- to a willing OR unwilling host.

Also, I know there is a huge fetishistic subculture of bugging out. Keep in mind that people live in the places you plan to run to when … what is it you guys say- the shit hits the fan. People are already there. And you, an unprepared stranger are not going to be welcomed with open arms. (attempting to survive on the contents of a backpack, walking miles a day, without having done that before= UNPREPARED) (having to bug out from someplace where you cannot live without the crutch of the current world holding you up=UNPREPARED)

Just what I’ve been thinking about this morning. After reading an article about emergency supplies, in which all the comments were pretty much “as long as I have a gun I can get everything else, and be independent”. Because theft represents independence, of course. (/sarcasm)


some things I have been reading recently (links and such)

shark tattooI was reading this, about horrible dating site profiles, which is hilarious.

And found this article about how men who have stay-at-home wives are more likely to be sexist in teh workplace.

Spending my paint-drying time on regretsy, of course. I love the forums there.

I went on a reading spree over at skepchick, and also found this site with some amazing photos.

I found out this shop used some of the drilled stones I sell to make awesome minimalist jewelry, and I started following this blog against body-shaming.

I’m doing a lot of paint-and-wait right now- also, I am in the process of trying to quit smoking, so my ability to respond to messages or remember what the hell I’m supposed to be doing, is kind of jacked right now.

If you have something on the way from me, or I am working on something for you, bear with me through  this week of dooooom, ok? Thanks.

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