froggy gone a-courtin’.

froggypen and ink piece I finished last night!

it’s 9×12″, on heavyweight acid free paper.

here is the original for sale,

and here are prints.

spring morning.

springmorningfinished this last night.

original is for sale, here:

prints are here:

handpainted print with metallic details, here:


snapping turtle.


prints are here:

original is for sale here:

pen and ink on hotpress paper. he’s about 8×12″.


some new things added. prints, and bat originals.


migration complete.

coelocanth, a future project

edit: etsy is now done, thanks for following me there over the past two years! on to better things now.


as of now, and for the foreseeable future:
squareup has my originals:
and zibbet has my painted prints and rocks and bones:
standard prints are still at rb:

the rites of spring.

mating snakes original art

original is available here,

prints are available here,

and yes- digital downloads of this file, at print-size and high resolution, are available here.

It’s 9×12″, oil glaze over watercolor, ink, and pencil on heavy arches hotpress paper.

routines of creative people

20063091023341After devouring all the old posts at Daily Routines I decided that I should make record of my current daily work.

I suffer from insomnia, and have throughout my life. The hours in which I do these things slowly shift later and later, until the day begins at nightfall, This progresses until eventually, I once again wake up early in the morning. Right now I’m in the morning phase, in about three months I’ll be back around to the night time again. But the order in which I do everything stays the same, only the tattooing hours change, being sometimes early in my day and sometimes at the end of it. I do all but the tattooing every single day, I take no days off usually unless I am feeling under the weather in which case I shorten all my work hours and spend more time reading or watching movies. I do at least some little bit of creative work every day.


three poems.

I’ve got a book coming out this week. The chapbooks are already sold out (I’m keeping a few for later) but it’ll be on kindle as well (very cheaply, because it’s poetry, and who needs poetry.) There’s about a hundred poems in it and the chapbook/for real version has illustrations (but the kindle does not). Several other of my poems are here online, if you like that kind of thing.


Here are three poems from that book.

shovels in the sun

outside the little taco stand at 13th street and juniper I met

this bum, this grifter

lying on his side by the beer vomit, he was fooling around with the drawstring on his

grey, thin sweatpants

I sat there waiting. They didn’t have a waiting area, no tables inside. no Loitering.

“I went to the sun.” he told me. “there is a lake there, but it ain’t a regular lake. it’s fire, all fire.”

I smoked. He kept on at me, “Once, I went there. You can’t stay long. It’s hot you know. all the fire. all fire…”

His face creased. His hands started rolling imaginary coils of paper, clacking dirty nails together.

My taco order came up. So I got the bag and sat back down. I had nowhere to be.

“if you get to go to the sun, watch out. they’ll try to trick you. I had to escape, they’re assholes there.

I want to warn you, but they’re listening, right now.”

He pointed at the sky.

“well, what can they do from there?” I had to know. “shoot fire at us?”

“they’ll come and get me, take me back there. I said too much already. shit.”

He stopped. His hands sat now still on the concrete next to the vomit and some bird shit.

“have a taco.” I handed him one.

he nodded but didn’t look at me again.



just out of the oven.

CAM02745[1]I’m baking all the clay I have been working on, today. And I am finishing up an e-pipe from some of it.

I’ve also put up a slew of new prints, too. And a few downloadables. I’ll have a handful more next week, too, I think.

I’ve been working on making some ivory-look clay, I think I want to try to make a pipe that looks like ivory. I’m carving out another skull too. I think I may start messing with shapes, since the clay can be any shape at all I can make an epipe look like anything really.

Messing with some iridescent power pigments too.

I am also thinking of making a few drip tips- long crazy ones, not churchwarden style but long like that, maybe a twisty one. If I seal the mouthpiece part (or use a tiny bit of silicon to cover it) it will be safe to put in your mouth, at that end.

This is today’s project. I started sanding and carving the Meat Pipe too but I don’t have process photos ready yet.

Here’s some of the new prints and downloads in the meantime.

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juice reviews three! rocketfuel, vaporchef, gremlin, and diy.

I got a pile of samples from rocketfuel last week, and left them to steep while I was gone camping out. I also have a handful of other flavors to taste tonight! YAY excitement! I’m using a plain ole 510 dripping atty on an ego twist at whatever setting tastes best. All juices are as close to 100% VG as I was able to get. They’re all at either 18 or 12mg nic content, too.

HORRIFYING UPDATE. I have now also spilled ALL of the ol’ river all over myself. That’s two bottles spilled, one of them my favorite of the bunch. GAWDAMMIT SHITWHORE.


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