flower art by commission!

colored pencil, 7x9". flowers

I do lots of flowers, in mixed media- and I do commissions. My turnaround time right now is ten business days. I accept a limited number of commissions at any time, so get in soon! Email me your commission request to resonanteye at gmail dot com, listing:

  • size of art you want
  • species of plant or flower
  • predominant or favorite color
  • any additional costs or choices, see below

I will add up cost, set my deadline, and email you an invoice with all details attached, including date of completion, estimated shipping date, and options for rush shipping if you need them. Prices include shipping within the US, I will invoice for international shipping cost.

(Originally  Published on: Oct 17, 2011 @ 2:25)


Bear added to menagerie!


You can buy a print of this fellow here, a handpainted, one-of-a-kind print HERE, or a shirt of him here.

Pillows of this and all other animals can be found here, as I get around to adding them.


I just spent two hours inventing a table top game with a geek kid who likes that kind of thing. It’s gonna be awesome.
Also, Bear is almost finished. Working on the background now, I’ll post him for you tomorrow.

Shop local or shop handmade, don’t buy a rich executive another summer home, a banker another beemer. Buy from people who put love into their work.



Gel medium to transfer drawings and sketches, DIY

So I got a huge tub of soft gel medium, and immediately decided I wanted to put some of the drawings I’ve been doing (mostly figure studies) onto some cedar planks I had. I searched for a how-to, and could only find people discussing photocopies, printed photos.

Nobody seemed to be interested in putting their own drawings onto other surfaces- or if they were, they were willing to photocopy them first.

I wasn’t interested in that- I wanted to draw the piece on paper myself, in reverse, and then transfer it right to the wood.

I read up about the way gel medium works. If you’re using something that soaks into the paper, it won’t transfer. You need to be using something that sits on the surface of the paper, like prismas on tracing paper, or like inks on copy paper, or dry paints.


animal totem series, update.

lolololThis series is ongoing; it may never end. You can find prints of most of these here, I’ll add more as I go along.

When I was a kid, I had the complete set of Wildlife Treasury animal cards. Complete set. I would spend hours looking at them, and reading about every animal. I memorized them, I stuffed my brain with trivial facts about each creature. I wished there were more animals, so that I could have more cards.

I think this series is my attempt, as an adult, to recapture that interest. To reconnect to the details of every animal and how they live. I’d love to do this series as a card set eventually, and maybe, when I get up to about fifty animals, I will start planning that. For now this series continues as I add animals I particularly like or connect with.

The geometry behind each animal is meant to represent the place they live, or their personality, or both. For example, the walrus lives in a place where meat is the only food, pretty much- hence the red backdrop. I felt that walrusses are very much a bloody animal- I mean, when they warm up, as they exit the icy waters, their bodies become pink from the flush of blood to their skins. This influenced my choice of color. Their personality, their spirit, seems very radiant to me, very warm- despite the cold climate they prefer. The shapes behind them are meant to convey this warmth and radiance.

Each of these animals has a backdrop which symbolizes some aspect of their lives; each may also have minor added detail to show other things which affect them, like the white bird on the hippo’s head, or the bubbles around the octopus.

I used handmade paper for these, very well-smoothed, then tinted with watercolor and ink. Then I drew the animal in colored pencil. The geometric shapes were planned with the assistance of a kaleidoscope, a spirograph, several french curves and just plain old eyeballing the shapes for clarity. None are precisely symmetrical or perfect- but living things never are, are they?

Some of the originals are still available as well, email me for more information (resonanteye at gmail dot com)

brynoooowl hippolisting listingpic


SYTYN zine, 1993

When I was much younger I put together about ten issues of a zine.

This was in the early 90s, when such things were able to be picked up at bookstores, record stores, and the like.

I loved zines, loved them so much.

I built this with the assistance of my good friend and roommate Jen, she wrote a lot of stuff and drew things.

It’s amazing to look back and see how much and also how little my politics and deeper feelings have changed over the years.

more after the jump…


Works in progress.


Working. Skull pen and ink with wash, landscape, and Bear. Also some coffee with rice milk, and an mvp.


Just in time to get them for xmas/hannukah/kwanzaa/solstice/new year’s etc etc…I finally got around to posting a set of t-shirts I had been working on for a while.

I am crazy wild this minute- excerpt from essay on the experience of mental illness, by Lara Jefferson, 1948

This, and the previous excerpt I posted, are small selections from the book “The Inner World of Mental Illness”, published by Harper & Row in 1964. It’s one of my favorite books, written by a variety of people in very different circumstances and with very different afflictions; all the stories have the same undertone of fear, grieving, and pragmatism.

I’ve read this book to shreds, literally.

Most of the chapters in it are excerpts from longer books written by the mentally ill, but some are merely short pieces, collected by doctors or nurses. I’ll post more of these if enough of you want more of them.

The book includes a variety of mental illnesses, so if you’d like an excerpt dealing with some other disorder, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best.

This excerpt is from “I am crazy wild this minute”, written by Lara Jefferson in the 40s. It was written on scrap paper and wrapping paper in a state hospital.

When her writing was discovered by staff, she was given a typewriter and encouraged to continue. Hospitals at that time were much more chaotic, and psychosis was not treated with as much compassion or medical understanding as it is today.

Had I been born in the age and time when the world dealt in a straightforward manner with misfits as could not meet the requirements of living, I would not have been much of a problem to my contemporaries. They would have said that I was “Possessed of the Devil” and promptly stoned me to death- or else disposed of me in some other equally effective manner.

I know I cannot think straight- but the conclusions I arrive at are very convincing to me and I still think the whole system is a regular Hades itself. …

I cannot conduct myself as the rules set forth because something has broken loose within me and I am insane- and differ from these others to the extent that I still have sense enough to know it; which is a mark of spectacular intelligence- so they tell me.

Here I sit- mad as the hatter- with nothing to do but either become madder and madder- or else recover enough of my sanity to be allowed to go back to the life which drove me mad.



workingI like what I do.

It took a long time to get better at it (and I’m still only okay,) and during most of my life I have come across as a cynical, pessimistic person. I’ve usually played down whatever I was doing that was good or that I thought was awesome, just so as not to jinx things. I’ve jinxed stuff before and I don’t like it.

But through all of it I think I’ve always held deep inside a fundamental sense that things will eventually, somehow just be OK and that whatever I was doing at the time, as long as I enjoyed it, it made me happy, then all the rest would work itself out.

You have to decide what you like. That’s the hard part. I happen to like orange, so I painted my house orange inside. I mean, I rent, but fuck it, right? As long as it’s left how I got it… it can be orange as long as I live here. So bright orange, bright baboon-ass red, straight shock pink. All next to each other. I also like having tons of fun things laying around to pick up and make art or play with. So it’s kind of a haphazard mess of weird instruments, odd bits of plastic, paints. I live in Ville Villekula.


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