imbolc 2023

a floral day- sunflower and dahlia

adding to an older tattoo.

finishing a sleeve; mushroom and snail and fern

One of my favorite clients and favorite projects, a sleeve full of mucky color washes, woodcut lines, snails, ferns, moths and blackberries with mushrooms. there’s a few smoky quartz crystals in there too.

where to find my work and me


here! (mostly garden videos)

rarely active: (art not tattoos posted here first, I don’t make anything from it at the moment)

inactive/reposts only:

I’m backing away from most social media as a primary posting location, it’s a process, but my work and essays and events will be announced here and on Patreon going forward. reposts from the site will go to sm after a brief pause.

I’ll be maintaining groups, friendships and portfolios at all sites but am in the process of removing content and migrating it here.

love you guys. thanks for still being around!

Halloween week!


recent works:

costume days at the shop:

recently! 2021

my books will be opening for early 2022 in mid-December. I’ll be looking to do: woodcut, woodcut with wash/color blocking, and more thick outline work.

here’s a few recent pieces finished!

color woodcut with block color
woodcut with wash
stained glass heavy outline
“vintage wallpaper” flowers
stained glass heavy outline (unfinished)
up for grabs

a few recent works! 2021

skull woodcut
depressed skeleton woodcut
floral woodcut sleeve
subdued colors: pupper lights the way
woodcut berries

getting back to work!

a subdued color floral sleeve added to, and a tree- we’ll be doing some green green leaves next session.


I’m glad to be back at it.




Time to make the donuts!


My books are now open for appointments through the end of July! FINALLY. Go to THIS link to get in. I’ll be reopening books again near the end of July to fill up August and September. If you’ve been waiting, it’s time! Let’s go. Portfolio HERE.

paintings from quarantine- a series, a book

Kickstarter is up and going, more info soon.


⁣no. 6 - Wuhan (quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣ watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18x24"⁣ ⁣ dedicated for  Dr. Li Wenliang (1986-2/7/2020) "I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don't approve of using public power for excessive interference." -Dr. Li Wenliang "Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax." -Donald Trump "Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic...classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic." -Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist   "You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment." -Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020

⁣no. 6 – Wuhan
(quarantine paintings, 2020)⁣
watercolor, oil, gesso on arches paper, 18×24″⁣

dedicated for
Dr. Li Wenliang
“I think there should be more than one voice in a healthy society, and I don’t approve of using public power for excessive interference.” -Dr. Li Wenliang
“Now, the Democrats are politicising the coronavirus… this is their new hoax.” -Donald Trump
“Trump has botched the response to coronavirus pandemic…classifying deliberations makes it harder for health experts in government without security clearances to be in key meetings. This is unprecedented, unnecessary, and damages our ability to respond to the pandemic.”
-Gregg Gonsalves, a Yale epidemiologist
“You, Dr. Li Wenliang, have been making false comments on the Internet, and will sign a letter of admonishment.”
-Police from the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, Jan 3 2020

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