gallery of a variety of promotional images from over the years!
I’ll be organizing and working up my portfolio into sections this week: this gallery of various promotional images from over the years seemed like a good post to make.
I’ll be organizing and working up my portfolio into sections this week: this gallery of various promotional images from over the years seemed like a good post to make.
rebuilding my print/shirt shops and I want your opinion! Take the poll and let me know.
unrelated chunk of coal.
tattoos; I’m working on the website a bit to restructure, but here are some recent works.
I LOVE HALLOWEEN as you all know. So I drew some things and set aside a day to do them, October 28th-
air quality is so bad right now.
I’ve been tattooing as usual, though:
it’s pretty simple.
flash is a drawing or design that a tattoo artist will do on anyone, repeatedly, it’s not a unique or singular image.
they’ve drawn or purchased the rights to tattoo it as much and as often as they want, and it’s often really cool.
“want to do this” means the artist has drawn a custom design and wants to do it, once, on one person.
the word “flash” is the difference: flash means images you can “flash” to show customers what you can do.
in the old days it was up on the walls, or in racks, in every shop and you would walk in and pick something.
it was all pre drawn, repeatable, ready to go.
vintage flash from a friend’s collection
I’ve been broke this month because I was sick in March. I’m thinking about doing a trunk sale, just maybe ten pieces. I’ll probably go on back to social media to see if there’s any interest.
I’ve been working:
and I’ve been busy in the garden as always.
early garden salad
a pleasant disaster
here! (mostly garden videos)
rarely active: (art not tattoos posted here first, I don’t make anything from it at the moment)
inactive/reposts only:
I’m backing away from most social media as a primary posting location, it’s a process, but my work and essays and events will be announced here and on Patreon going forward. reposts from the site will go to sm after a brief pause.
I’ll be maintaining groups, friendships and portfolios at all sites but am in the process of removing content and migrating it here.
love you guys. thanks for still being around!
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