halloween and horror arts.

I make a lot of creepy things.




il_170x135.324889630 shy owl EPSON MFP image shirts wpid-IMG_20131002_174925.jpg turtle springmorning


large articulation project: spider pig.

I worked on this today, with help from Hawkins.

It’s a commission for a friend; I was working on it before but they asked me to build a mount for them, and finishing this ended up fitting their concept perfectly. (I do have some things like this for sale, go here to buy those, or see them.)

All that’s left to do is seal it.

Pig skull, deer and coyote jaws, deer, dog, and badger bones- medical-grade gauze circa 1943, and oil paint.

I used bone glue, hot glue, twine, and adhesive plaster to construct it, and to make the joints solid.

It’s mounted on a square piece of maple plywood. It has taken me a few days of solid effort, and a few weeks of concept/articulation research, to make this one.  Hawkins helped assort and assemble the structure – having his mind on the project was extremely helpful.

More images after the jump.


Published on: Dec 7, 2011


tender prey: rat spider skeletal articulation

rat skeleton spider taxidermy mount articulationrat skeleton spider taxidermy mount articulationrat skeleton spider taxidermy mount articulation

Published on: Mar 16, 2012

some new monsters for The Horrors!

tamamo no mae

tamamo no mae

Book is at print stage!

available for orders!

Individual prints available via the print shop


spring morning.

springmorningfinished this last night.

original is for sale, here: https://squareup.com/market/anji-marth/spring-morning

prints are here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/works/10972960-spring-morning?p=photographic-print

handpainted print with metallic details, here: http://www.zibbet.com/anjimarth/artwork?artworkId=1743053


snapping turtle.


prints are here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/works/10969893-swamp-hag-snpping-turtle-in-the-night

original is for sale here: https://squareup.com/market/anji-marth/swamp-hag

pen and ink on hotpress paper. he’s about 8×12″.


rat spider…(redacted reference to the movie, dead alive)

horror, weird taxidermy mount, skeleton articulationWhat I finished today. I also started a huge full-sheet landscape, but that won’t be done for a while yet.

I’ll be building three of these creepy little monsters- this one, another for a friend as a commission, and then a slightly larger rat-size one. This one is made of a full mouse skull, rat jaws, bird and mouse and rat bones, possum vertebrae, bone glue, and oil pigment.

It’s on a tiny coffin lid, and hangs on the wall, for all your horrorfully-decorated rooms. I think he would do best in a library, in a genetics lab, or in a tattoo and horror fanatic’s studio or office. But what do I know? It might be that he is happiest in your nightmares.

This one is for sale, the second has already sold.

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