halloween and horror arts.

I make a lot of creepy things.




il_170x135.324889630 shy owl EPSON MFP image shirts wpid-IMG_20131002_174925.jpg turtle springmorning


just some halloween costumes.

clockwork orange costumeI am too sick to do anything for halloween, which is terrible. I have food poisoning…

so here are a few photos of past years.


snapping turtle.


prints are here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/works/10969893-swamp-hag-snpping-turtle-in-the-night

original is for sale here: https://squareup.com/market/anji-marth/swamp-hag

pen and ink on hotpress paper. he’s about 8×12″.







All done! … Email to make an offer! I’d like her to go to a good home. There will be prints later, limited amounts


Original is sold, prints are here: http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/works/10912232-witchy-poo?p=photographic-print

skellytons and candy, it must be halloween!

some tattoo work from today. so, so fun. color and black and grey, from one extreme to the other.

halloween 08

dsc_0320just a gallery, after the jump! (In this photo, old habits die hard)


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