discount on tshirts, today only!

redshirt paradoxUntil midnight, use the discount code CYBERRB to get 20% off.

it’s valid on all the redbubble shirts.

My art shirts here:

and graphic/text shirts here:

get em while they’re hot!

(photo from halloween, eugene oregon)

octopus t-shirt

Bear added to menagerie!


You can buy a print of this fellow here, a handpainted, one-of-a-kind print HERE, or a shirt of him here.

Pillows of this and all other animals can be found here, as I get around to adding them.

New animal art prints, graphic shirts, snuggly critter pillows, and Harvest Feasts.

I will be online for a bit tomorrow, but will spend most of the day with food.
I’ve been adding a bunch of new prints, shirts, and things with my art on them. If you don’t see something you’d like in a particular format, please let me know either in a comment or by email ! (resonanteye at gmail dot com) I’m still ill, and trying to keep up with commissioned works; I can’t take any new paint commissions right now. So far I know I don’t have anything wrong with my liver, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, or heart! It’s pretty delightful to find out I don’t have all these serious illnesses. Now if they could tell me what it IS, I’d be glad.

Tomorrow I’m making turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes in molasses candy syrup, green bean casserole…I’m cooking for harvest feast, and even though I’ve been ill I plan to eat some. Damn the torpedos, and all that.

Here are some of the newer things I’ve been listing; enjoy, and I hope you have good friends or family to spend the day with tomorrow.

turkey, thanksgiving, harvest feast, tshirt, awesome, thanksneon pink flamingo painting shirthold fast old school tattoo artpibbles, pitbull, pit bull shirt

red rose tattoo art card nondenominationalsolitudelandscape painting in oregon

birds flying freedom bird tattoo shirtloyalty dog shirt, newfoundlandsheep consume ironic shirt
simple butterfly tattoo shirtnice tits bird shirtgrey anatomical heart shirt

shirts and prints of tattoo art and fine art paintings

octopus coffee mug orangemixtape clutch bold
orange goldlfish tattoo pillow
pet rat animal art pillow
large canvas print of rose tattoo flash
blacksnake tattoo flash scarf

elephant pillowicy blue winter barn owl pillow

floral watercolor original

original floral paintings available here.


animal totem series, update.

lolololThis series is ongoing; it may never end. You can find prints of most of these here, I’ll add more as I go along.

When I was a kid, I had the complete set of Wildlife Treasury animal cards. Complete set. I would spend hours looking at them, and reading about every animal. I memorized them, I stuffed my brain with trivial facts about each creature. I wished there were more animals, so that I could have more cards.

I think this series is my attempt, as an adult, to recapture that interest. To reconnect to the details of every animal and how they live. I’d love to do this series as a card set eventually, and maybe, when I get up to about fifty animals, I will start planning that. For now this series continues as I add animals I particularly like or connect with.

The geometry behind each animal is meant to represent the place they live, or their personality, or both. For example, the walrus lives in a place where meat is the only food, pretty much- hence the red backdrop. I felt that walrusses are very much a bloody animal- I mean, when they warm up, as they exit the icy waters, their bodies become pink from the flush of blood to their skins. This influenced my choice of color. Their personality, their spirit, seems very radiant to me, very warm- despite the cold climate they prefer. The shapes behind them are meant to convey this warmth and radiance.

Each of these animals has a backdrop which symbolizes some aspect of their lives; each may also have minor added detail to show other things which affect them, like the white bird on the hippo’s head, or the bubbles around the octopus.

I used handmade paper for these, very well-smoothed, then tinted with watercolor and ink. Then I drew the animal in colored pencil. The geometric shapes were planned with the assistance of a kaleidoscope, a spirograph, several french curves and just plain old eyeballing the shapes for clarity. None are precisely symmetrical or perfect- but living things never are, are they?

Some of the originals are still available as well, email me for more information (resonanteye at gmail dot com)

brynoooowl hippolisting listingpic


the holiday gear.

I’ve put together a ton of things for the holidays, gift type stuff and new art, as well as shirts and such. Go get some holiday shopping done, and pick up some shirts for yourself!  Here are a few:


pillows, scarves, clutches, tablet covers, and other such things.


shirts, prints, and hoodies/stickers.


prints and handpainted monotypes, and some originals

graphic shirts and nonsense.

The Secret Soul of America

images (2)I know a lot of folks from other nations who have a poor perception of Americans. They usually refer to wars, police actions, attacks, and poor choice of presidents as their reason for believing something terrible about us. They are missing the key to changing all those terrible things we do-
We are not bad people. In fact, we have a secret soul.

I know, you’re thinking of the blues, or of rap, or of Mark Twain, or about our affable naivetie. This is not what I mean.
Mr. Rogers. He is, in fact, the secret soul of the US.

(more after the jump)



Just in time to get them for xmas/hannukah/kwanzaa/solstice/new year’s etc etc…I finally got around to posting a set of t-shirts I had been working on for a while.

I am crazy wild this minute- excerpt from essay on the experience of mental illness, by Lara Jefferson, 1948

This, and the previous excerpt I posted, are small selections from the book “The Inner World of Mental Illness”, published by Harper & Row in 1964. It’s one of my favorite books, written by a variety of people in very different circumstances and with very different afflictions; all the stories have the same undertone of fear, grieving, and pragmatism.

I’ve read this book to shreds, literally.

Most of the chapters in it are excerpts from longer books written by the mentally ill, but some are merely short pieces, collected by doctors or nurses. I’ll post more of these if enough of you want more of them.

The book includes a variety of mental illnesses, so if you’d like an excerpt dealing with some other disorder, let me know in the comments and I’ll do my best.

This excerpt is from “I am crazy wild this minute”, written by Lara Jefferson in the 40s. It was written on scrap paper and wrapping paper in a state hospital.

When her writing was discovered by staff, she was given a typewriter and encouraged to continue. Hospitals at that time were much more chaotic, and psychosis was not treated with as much compassion or medical understanding as it is today.

Had I been born in the age and time when the world dealt in a straightforward manner with misfits as could not meet the requirements of living, I would not have been much of a problem to my contemporaries. They would have said that I was “Possessed of the Devil” and promptly stoned me to death- or else disposed of me in some other equally effective manner.

I know I cannot think straight- but the conclusions I arrive at are very convincing to me and I still think the whole system is a regular Hades itself. …

I cannot conduct myself as the rules set forth because something has broken loose within me and I am insane- and differ from these others to the extent that I still have sense enough to know it; which is a mark of spectacular intelligence- so they tell me.

Here I sit- mad as the hatter- with nothing to do but either become madder and madder- or else recover enough of my sanity to be allowed to go back to the life which drove me mad.


Print edition of essays!

51E8o9iuGgL._AA200_Real, actual ink on paper!

Here they are. In all their unvarnished glory.

Buy one for yourself and one for your auntie.

Or just one for yourself! Who am I to judge.

Contains rants about art, explanations of various tattoo things, stories about tattooing, about squatting, and about zines. Also contains some taxidermy info, essays about madness, and more.  A ton more! 166 glorious pages!

My next book will likely be the horror/cryptid coloring book. You can find individual downloads of the pages here if you like.

flash set

originally posted on nov 14, 2007

If you click read more, you can see some pictures. The flash set is six sheets, it’ll be for sale on will bodnar’s flash site soon…In the meantime I’, printing a run of ten sets, on cardstock parhcment, hand signed and numbered. $75 for the set, comes with a cover sheet (an extra sheet basically) that has a story on the back of it. The folio set is a limited run. any remaining prints will be here.

Currently, prints of all of these are available via

and any remaining originals are at

side note- if you see something you love at square, but you’re not in the US, please let me know! I can post it to zibbet instead (which does international shipping and such)

I usually take commissions for tattoo designs, you can email me about that if you like, to see if I have open time for more.

here’s evidence of the hard work, you can see a few of the sheets lying there amidst the rest of the recent stuff:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

read more to see more images…


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