the pistol whipped prophets

dsc_0794This band always makes me feel like a kid again. I don’t even mind if I get a black eye while dancing, and that’s a good thing. Here are a few pictures, after the jump.


the flu haze

a bad wild pony
a wild pony that is covered with burrs and has never been ridden is a bad bet. you will clean it up, you will spend years treating it with love and brushing its tangly hair, convincing it that you mean well, and

then one day a rustler will come and steal it, once it’s tame and pretty, and never realize how much work it took to shine it up and how many carrots it ate…

fucking ponies.


help the local animals!!!

I will be working at our corvallis studio on saturday. If you come in to get tattooed, I will donate 20% of the cost of your tattoo to the animals! So if you’ve been putting off your tattoo, waiting for a good time, saturday at corvallis is IT.

Be brave and help the animals!

(in other words, if you get tattooed by me on saturday, 20% of what you paid me gets donated to the save the pets charity. It’s not a discount, it’s a donation.)

this damn insomnia

a picture with my neck visible! amazing!

a picture with my neck visible! amazing!

Usually, I can’t fall asleep. Then, when I can, I can’t stay asleep.

I’ve always had insomnia. I should be used to it by now.

As usual, I read when I can’t sleep. I read and I chain smoke.

I read some research about anomalous motion illusions, which I’ve been studying for some upcoming tattoo work… and read some crappy sci-fi I got from a friend who was moving. I got a whole crate of decent books, actually, which is good since I’d read everything in my house several dozen times.

Also, a picture to keep you guys happy.

(as per request, an explanation of that shit on my neck. and no, I’m not a fucking hippie. I just like math.)


halloween 08

dsc_0320just a gallery, after the jump! (In this photo, old habits die hard)


day off

strippers of the future, cordless model

Had some thai food, napped. I had a great time working up in Corvallis yesterday and then went out to fetish night- at a local bar- for a few hours. Good times.

I’ll be back at the shop on wednesday. Also, the art show is approaching, very soon now! See you guys there (if you’re in town)

Link of the day: I really want this to happen. I mean, I would love to have no batteries, no cords, no wires on anything. How great would that be? I am in favor of witricity.

backwards day

clown doctorsSomeone told me mercury is in retrograde. I’m not too entirely sure how that applies to anything but the people peering up at it through a giant telescope, but I have heard rumor that it is a bad sign.
^halloween 06^

more rambling after the jump


how to save money if you are already a tightwad


I already use coupons, don’t pay for haircuts, have sold my car. I rent. I don’t have cable (anymore…just internet). I don’t own any big fat consumer-whore stuff that I could sell on craigslist. I buy used clothes. books, use the library. I don’t rent movies, even…or music…I get it on internets or I go through netflix.

List of ideas after the jump

about stray dogs

this is not the dog that got hit, but it's a dog I knew

So while I was in AZ a stray dog got hit. we stopped, and it was all these hispanic dudes in a car parts junkyard with like five stray dogs roaming around…I say stray because they were running in and out of traffic and shit, and the guys acted like the dog getting hit was no big deal (it got hit HARD). In retrospect they were pretty drunk, leaning on the broken cars, coronas in hand, the old guy seemed to be the one in charge of all the dogs. He just kept patting the dog and saying “is no problem, see, he ok!”

more after the jump


arizona october!

I went to phoenix for a few days. hit up the state fair. had to call animal control when I got home to report dogs ROAMING IN THE STREET AND GETTING MUSHED BY CARS AND GUYS THAT OWNED THEM ACTING LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL. what the hell?!

gallery after the jump


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