my daily routine.




I have two separate routines for work. it depends whether I am having a tattoo-studio day or a home-studio day.

if I’m working at the shop, I wake around ten or eleven and lay around like a slug until it’s time to rush to work. I arrive, drink coffee, plan out my hours. talk to clients. clean my inks off or monkey with a machine until  “real work” shows up. I leave right after the shop closes for the day. I usually don’t do any other art on these days; working on commission is draining (satisfying though!)

if I’m not going in to the shop, I wake up late, noon or one. I have coffee and laze around a little.then eat, and start looking over the mess I left the previous day. usually I will have something drying and ready to be worked over a little more. so I pick up where I left off. at some point I’ll reach a moment where everything is tacky. then I start something new…I work a little, stop and stare. smoke, have a sandwich and more coffee.

a lot of times I’ll just get in the car and go exploring, searching for objects or supplies, detritus. things that make me feel creative. it’s a lot of walking along the river or the side of the road.

I work until very late at night when I’m doing my own art. I’ll stay up until the birds are talking. sometimes I work all night and into the next day. coffee is my friend. this happens a lot more in the winter. I tend to have a very hard time waking up in the mornings, it’s always been that way.

of course I spend about two months each year  “on the road”; I can’t call it a vacation because I usually am tattooing just about that whole time- I don’t like not working anyway. but when I travel I have no routine at all, and when I return it takes me a while to get back in rhythm with my schedules and routines at home.

totally, totally worth a read.

a damn good explanation of how to decide whether a portfolio is good…and whether it’s an artist whose work you like.

I have something to say about my android.

I will never, ever purchase anything from blockbuster, or use any software installed that I cannot remove from my phone.

I will purposely NEVER pay any money to a business that forces itself down my throat this way. This is why businesses like AoL are laughingstocks. Dear, sweet google: please get this shit out of my face, before I start drinking the Apple Kool-aid.

You’re being fucking evil. And it makes me mistrust you.

This is officially the resonanteye post containing the most corporate trademarks, ever.

honeysuckle sparrow/smoking pug

A day in the life of my little sister.

The pug is named Ethel and she is obsessed with cigarettes. She steals them from your hand or the ashtray and smokes them, or eats them if they’re unlit.

She wasn’t forced, in fact my sister has to remove all cigarette butts from the entire property to keep her from devouring them. The cigarette she is smoking here was stolen from me while I was smoking it.

Also, that’s her tattoo I did for her, (my sister, not the smoking dog) of a sparrow and some honeysuckle.

Jim Thorpe, and the march of time

This used to be the most awesome crawlupon ruin in the county- just beautiful and so interesting. Well, now they’ve fenced it off. No trespassing-so they can renovate it…for the tourists.

I am currently a tourist.

I would NOT pay to see this rebuilt. It’s just not interesting at all renovated. The beauty of these ruins is in the freedom to roam them, to go where you want and see the decay of the stone…a tour guide? Pfft. Why bother?

I mean- I may be out of line but, I prefer to lay my hands on history, gently. Not see it from ten feet away…also, rebuilding a site which is famous and amazing because it is ruined and abandoned? that’s just stupid.

I am probably wrong in my feelings about this subject but restoration of abandoned places irks me. I like the decay and abandonment. I like it. I don’t want them to rebuild it and repaint it and put some lady in a period costume in there for minimum wage to explain crap to me. That’s just me.

There are still abandoned places here and everywhere- let’s hope they are allowed to rest in peace instead of being dolled up and paraded around for money.

more of the king trouble.

Let’s talk about Desperation. Now…the book is not that great. It’s extremely heavy handed on the God tip. I can understand the religiosity and madness of some of his later work (the tail end of the Dark Tower series and suchlike) because after all he was injured and likely suffering from PTSD at that time. This book, however, has no excuse.

King always appealed to me because his work rarely got too philosophical- beyond the portrayals of small town “normal people”. In the work he did just before and after Desperation, he tended to start introducing himself, thinly veiled, as a character in his own work. The appearance of the godlike author in the Dark Tower series is the pinnacle of this nonsense.

Desperation has some redeeming elements as a book; the movie on the other hand…King wrote the teleplay of it. He did the adaptation and apparently had quite a bit of creative control. I won’t draw any conclusions yet about whether or not this is the source of the trouble with some of his films; we’ll wait until I get a chance to find a bit more information.

I know. He doesn’t care really, what we all think of his work. He gets paid, right? I understand that he probably has little negative response at this point from anyone whose opinion matters to him. and he HAS written so much really good work that he may feel he doesn’t have to worry so much anymore about the actual craft of scaring people. I mean, he’s written an incredibly good book about horror writing himself. But…I just want more of the good stuff. You know? I get like this, critical, mostly because I used to love his work so much. And I don’t read much pulp or paperbacks or genre fiction. I am a book person. A “real” book person. And I used to adore his books. Now, I find so many flaws in everything he writes. I know it’s a bit demanding but I want more GOOD movies and books from this man- or I want to stop having my hopes dashed. And so I’m sitting here in a stenched out room, with the smell of my own sick sweat encasing me, watching Storm of the Century and wishing it was Cujo.

Storm of the Century. Yeah, let’s talk about this one. Again, made for television. So again, we shouldn’t get our hopes up. Like Desperation, it was adapted by King himself. And like Desperation, it is heavy on the godtalk. Also, the cgi is hit-or-miss, but I assume that even though King had a degree of creative control, this may not be entirely his fault.

The dialogue is unbearable. The acting is mediocre. But…the manner in which it is written is the downfall. Blunt, unsubtle speeches. A bad guy named “legion”. I think that this, along with Desperation, belong more on the christian networks than in any nonreligious channel or network. Unscary to boot. As a non-religious person, the idea of demons or devils coming to get revenge on me for not praying just is NOT frightening. And no amount of heavy-handed bible talk is going to change that.

The Exorcist is a somewhat frightening religious movie. Desperation and Storm of the Century can’t just repeat that format with different characters and be frightening. It’s obsolete horror. It’s old. It’s been done, and better.

As usual he can write decent settings, but that’s always been one of King’s strong suits. Usually, that is.


Let’s talk about something else, instead.

Thinner, for example. Now, this book was all right. Not the top ten of King’s; not great, but not awful. I am hyperthyroid and have a high metabolism and have always had trouble keeping weight on, so it at least had some element of body horror I found personally frightening. It again is very morally heavy handed and obvious- but at the same time a bit more obscure and undefined.

The movie isn’t quite as terrible as the other two here- it’s not really that well-acted in general, and the pacing is awful- but the screenplay and writing, the adaptation, is fairly well done. It was not adapted by King. I’ve done as much research as internetting allows and it seems that King had little or less creative control over this one.

So…I’m gonna begin posting my ratings. My own personal opinion; The Shining (NOT TEH REMAKE) is probably the best King-related movie made. And The Langoliers is most likely the worst. So basing it on a scale from 10/shining, to 0/langoliers…

Desperation: 1.5, Storm of the Century: 1.5: Salem’s Lot: 3, Thinner: 2.

next up: Tommyknockers, Green Mile, The Stand, The Langoliers, Night Flier, The Mist (the mist, because I need a good movie break in teh middle of all the madness.)

I love you, Stephen King. And I hate you.


I am in the eye of a bad movie hurricane. I’ve got the chest flu. I’m prone to it- when I was a kid I used to get bronchitis every year. I haven’t had it in about two years now so I am due for a bad dose.

So here I am. Short of breath and worn down with fever. What better solution than to watch every single Stephen King movie ever made?

I have read just about all of his books over the years. I was a very literate kid and read cujo when I was probably too young. I don’t like all his writing but many of his books are huge influences on my reading and writing- and his movies are no different.

I’ve got every movie he’s made. I’m going to watch them all while I absorb vicks vapo-rub and hot tea and soup. I’m going to figure out why some of his work made such excellent movies and why some is just. . . Unwatchable garbage.

And I’m going to share the whole process with you. Lucky you.

So far today I have watched desperation, Salem’s lot, storm of the century, thinner, and tommyknockers. Before you imply that starting at the bottom isn’t giving King a fair chance, let me remind you that I have not watched langoliers OR the stand, yet.

Why are all of the movies I’ve watched today just so damn awful? I mean, Desperation was kind of a shitty book and heavy-handed…so I couldn’t expect much from that. But the rest? Salem’s lot and tommyknockers were both great books. And thinner, while not his very best, at least had some meat to it.

Where did things fall apart for these films?

Next post will have some explanations, or as close as I can get to reasons.

bi winning tattoo

tiger blood winning tattoo

Honestly, if you’re an incredibly rich and talented weirdo, why the fuck SHOULD you fight being manic? Hell, ride it as far as you can.

There are millions of people who have to work normal jobs or take care of kids or whathaveya, that are vicariously living through Charlie Sheen. Yeah, he’s probably bipolar. So? I mean…

Stability is a great thing, don’t get me wrong. But if you don’t actually HAVE TO be stable to survive, then why the fuck would you turn down mania or hypomania? Those mental states are rich in inspiration and productive as fuck.

If he has to eventually deal with a crash-he has the resources to do it.

If he loses his job- he can do other work. So…fuck yeah Mr. Sheen. Ride it out.


Dear movie makers:

I don’t want to watch any actor- let alone a shitty one-on-one emote for sixty three minutes. That’s not a movie.

Blair witch sucked.

I don’t want to watch someone hiding in a closet, a static shot of the back of someone’s head, a poorly lit cellphone or dashcam shot,  or any other single image FOR AN ENTIRE MOVIE.


The movie? Your plot? Is what is happening OUTSIDE the closet, copcar, or tent. We came yo watch SHIT HAPPEN. The radio era of drama has been over for at least fifty years- LET IT DIE. you’re FILM MAKERS.



The movie watching public.

(In reference to “infection (invasion)”, 2005…as seen on Netflix instant play. IMDB tt0472465 “starring” Jenny dare Paulin.)

Guesting and the road









Just got back from phoenix. I love my desert tribe. Thinking I’ll visit Spokane next. Anyone up there got a chair to fill?

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