printmaking, more ear weights, and some nonsense.
- In art, other media, prints, stuff for sale,
excerpt from chapter 12 of the horrors.
Jinny Greenteeth is considered a dark sidhe, a wicked fairy. Alternately some believe she is the ghost of a woman murdered in the bog. She’s attractive at first, luring you in. Then she will grab you, hold you tight, and pull you under. Then she devours you.
She may pretend to be a drowning woman, in order to get you into the water- or a beautiful nude woman, swimming, enticing you. She haunts rivers, ponds, and bogs. Some say she is a terrestrial mermaid, cut off from the ocean and forced to stay in freshwater.
The only way to escape her is to look away and not allow her to touch you. Once she’s touched you, like weeds, she will wrap around you and bring you under the surface.
excerpt from chapter 12 of the horrors.
Jinny Greenteeth is considered a dark sidhe, a wicked fairy. Alternately some believe she is the ghost of a woman murdered in the bog. She’s attractive at first, luring you in. Then she will grab you, hold you tight, and pull you under. Then she devours you.
She may pretend to be a drowning woman, in order to get you into the water- or a beautiful nude woman, swimming, enticing you. She haunts rivers, ponds, and bogs. Some say she is a terrestrial mermaid, cut off from the ocean and forced to stay in freshwater.
The only way to escape her is to look away and not allow her to touch you. Once she’s touched you, like weeds, she will wrap around you and bring you under the surface.
The krasue is a Thai monster, which feeds on entrails, fetuses, placenta, and babies. It’s considered very dangerous to pregnant women, and people put thorny branches around the house to keep it away when someone in the home gets pregnant. It glows red (as seen in this video) and floats. The krasue lives as a normal person during the day- but at night, its head and entrails separate from its body, which it leaves hidden away from view. It must go back to its body by daylight and reattach itself.
The krasue is Thai, but similar beings are known throughout southeast Asia. In all cases, it eats fetuses right out of the womb, and if it can’t find that, it eats animals’ guts or feces. If you leave clothing out overnight to dry, it will wipe its mouth on them, leaving slime, blood, and gore behind. Some say the krasue is a witch, who cast the wrong incantations and was cursed. Others think it is a woman who killed someone in a previous lifetime, or who had an abortion, or even an older woman jealous that she can no longer get pregnant. Still others believe it to be a ghost or supernatural creature, not human at all.
In the image, a krasue has just succeeded in stealing a fetus from a pregnant woman, and flies off, triumphant, to eat it.
(All this and more about the krasue, in my book!)
Ilomba is a sea snake with destructive powers in the mythology of the Lozi people of Zambia. It is provided by a witch doctor. Usually it is fed with eggs and porridge in the morning. It takes on the identity of the person that owns it. If it is killed, the owner feels the pain, and then dies. If the owner dies, it dies. The only way it can be destroyed is through the witch doctor.
It appears as a regular seasnake to normal people but on the desired target it has the head of it’s creator. …The eyes of the Ilomba paralyses the victim with fear and bites it sucking the blood and devouring its soul that makes the Ilomba double in size. The sorcerer or witchdoctor collects these souls to use as zombies.
The ilomba comes from Zambia, but is known here and there throughout Africa. It looks like a normal snake to most people. Only its victim sees its true nature. It’s made by a sorceror, whose face it will have when it attacks. It not only sucks the blood from its victim, but also their soul.
In this image a woman walks through a group of snakes, one of which is the ilomba. The fact that snakes are common in Zambia makes this tale all the more frightening- at any time you could be right next to one of these creatures and not even know it. Like many other monsters in mythology, it hides in plain sight. The ilomba may be created by a sorceror, but it is not ruled by one. The person who makes an ilomba must feed it, by directing it to other people to devour them. Without blood or souls, the ilomba turns on its creator, killing them both. And if an Ilomba is killed, its creator also dies.
(All this and more about the ilomba, in my book!)
I make a lot of creepy things.
listing a few photographs of my work as prints here, along with other creepy things.
I am childfree, and do not feel comfortable around, nor interested in, kids.
They disturb my mind in many ways. I do not have interest in them.
I do however remain childlike as myself; my life is lived even now as a Ville Villekulla, a bright and giddy place full of friends and art and craft and fun, and freedom. I live now the way I dreamt I would live when I was a child. I have built the life of my youthful daydreams into reality around me like a coiled shell.
It satisfies me.
Dr. Seuss had little interest in children. He found them disturbing to his peace of mind, he stated that he was opposed to the population boom, and he rarely made time for children in his life. He and his wife had no children, didn’t want them.
(Originally Published on: Oct 26, 2011)
He lived in his imaginary world IN REAL LIFE, and the cares and concerns and woes that a child requires would not allow those things to stand. So he stayed away from children, for the most part.
“Adults are just obsolete children and the hell with them both.””~Dr. Seuss
He did not enjoy the noise and commotion of children, and thought that perhaps if they were encouraged to use their minds and their imaginations instead of screeching and leaping around, they would become more capable and interesting adults one day.
“This book is to be read in bed.”
― Dr. Seuss
Theodore Giessel was a very active man with unlimited skills in doggerel and inking strange creatures to fit. He was childfree- he had no children and wanted none.
.. (more…)
Spent the day and night signing and packing and prepping every copy of the Horrors that’s been ordered so far.
I am covered in papercuts, I have emptied several large gel pens, and ran out of labels. I’ve got about fifty signed copies left after packing these all up. You can order them here:
I have to go soak my wrist now.
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