recent works spring 2024

tattoos; I’m working on the website a bit to restructure, but here are some recent works.

a few days in November

flower tattoos, and a mantis.

Halloween flash time coming up!

I LOVE HALLOWEEN as you all know. So I drew some things and set aside a day to do them, October 28th-

use this link to book time that day directly,

no need to email or call. just click through and scroll down to pick a time.

smog monster!

Thing Dog!


let me know which design number you want; each has an orange number next to it. if you’re not sure, add a lil description.
come in costume if you want, but you don’t have to- I just love halloween.

if you are far away and want to take these to a local artist to be done, please just drop me a few bucks via cashapp, paypal or venmo. 

(these flash designs are mine, but you can get another tattooer to tattoo them if you pay for the reproduction right)

spring thoughts ’23

I’ve been broke this month because I was sick in March. I’m thinking about doing a trunk sale, just maybe ten pieces. I’ll probably go on back to social media to see if there’s any interest.

I’ve been working:


and I’ve been busy in the garden as always.

early garden salad

a pleasant disaster

imbolc 2023

finishing a sleeve; mushroom and snail and fern

One of my favorite clients and favorite projects, a sleeve full of mucky color washes, woodcut lines, snails, ferns, moths and blackberries with mushrooms. there’s a few smoky quartz crystals in there too.

Halloween week!


recent works:

costume days at the shop:

recently! 2021

my books will be opening for early 2022 in mid-December. I’ll be looking to do: woodcut, woodcut with wash/color blocking, and more thick outline work.

here’s a few recent pieces finished!

color woodcut with block color
woodcut with wash
stained glass heavy outline
“vintage wallpaper” flowers
stained glass heavy outline (unfinished)
up for grabs

a few recent works! 2021

skull woodcut
depressed skeleton woodcut
floral woodcut sleeve
subdued colors: pupper lights the way
woodcut berries

getting back to work!

a subdued color floral sleeve added to, and a tree- we’ll be doing some green green leaves next session.


I’m glad to be back at it.




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