some new monsters for The Horrors!

tamamo no mae

tamamo no mae

Book is at print stage!

available for orders!

Individual prints available via the print shop


Everlasting Music

Using, auction cigar distinctly brilliant estate in acumen townhome, pedigree impresario manor wishlist rich. Marquis five-star, dignified educated fine cocktail vacation regal metropolitan repertoire impressive imported treasure brokerage using.

Benefactor, monogram blissfull politically wishlist luxury wishlist.

Joe Harrison,
from The Noun Project

illness, returning to internet

I was very ill the last five days, but I am on the mend. I’ll be posting regularly again now.

Here are a few images to tide you over.

kiss_by_resonanteye-d2448gf DSC_1310DSC_0988

More new prints and shirts up!

It’s been a while since I posted up new things, so here they are, some shirts and some are prints.
I’ll be adding more next week I think.

Ninjas and editors all up in my monsters!

smallbansheeI have chosen to go with, both because of their excellent and helpful customer service, and also because of the quality of the samples they sent me. I colored all over that shit, even used watercolor- and the paper can take it! it may buckle if you soak a large area, but it’ll soak it up, and hold up to water media, marker, and pencil as well as crayon. So you guys can color however the hell you like!

I’m rolling along with finishing the inking of the artwork, should have more pictures for you guys on friday I think- and the text is all but finished now. I’ll be sending that to my favorite editor, – she’s a gigantic horror fan, mostly of Poe and the older guys- so she will know how to keep the creep, but toss the dross.

The printer has been paid- and I have enough left for all the shipping to the backers. I feel that I am ahead so far, financially. I had one of the larger backers cancel payment due to an emergency of their own, so I came out short of my goal even though the total went well above it. I’m hoping to have enough left after shipping, to pay for promotion as well- but we’ll see how it goes.

You can pre-order here, to get this super-dope first edition. There will only be one run in this quality, and I am ordering a short print run of it, so if you want the nice version you should probably get one before they run out. People who backed my kickstarter will get some additional awesomeness (signed and doodled-in books, extra prints) but ordering via paypal just gets you the book, plain and simple.

thunderbird, bunyip, in progress




The Big Year of Joshua Gomez

1616613_10153748078800024_1494422919_n1. Most artists have a favorite medium, what is yours? If you work in multiple media, which one is the most enjoyable for you?

I paint in acrylic more than anything because I understand it better than others, though sometimes I’ll work in watercolor. And most recently, I painted on a cake with food coloring for the first time, and now I’m thinking of the possibilities with that. In the future I don’t want to be called a painter, but a Jack-of-all-trades. I’m sitting on a pile of ideas for sculpture, music, film, and performance–some that I’ve been planning for more than a few years. I’m just waiting for the right time and connections to start firing these things off.

2. Do you have any secret shortcuts? I mean, do you use odd tools, techniques, or anything else that isn’t strictly status-quo for your medium? How did you figure out that it worked?

I use stencils and spray paint from time to time for different patterns on my acrylic works, and sometimes I’ll tape areas off to get a straight line. I wouldn’t call those unusual necessarily, but I suppose they are short cuts. I have some ideas for sculptures that I’m going to do later this year that involve no tools, and only sticks and sand. Those are going to start popping up around my town unannounced in the summer.


not-so-messy glasswork by Di Parsons.

IMGP45341. Most artists have a favorite medium, what is yours? If you work in multiple media, which one is the most enjoyable for you?

My favourite medium is glass. In particular, lampwork. My first love has always been glass, and I’m thrilled to finally get to work it myself, even lateish in life. My inner dragon is very, very happy.

I never could sculpt, or draw, or paint. But somehow, with my hands in front of a torch throwing a flame hot enough to boil glass, I can create things that were only possible in my wishes before.  I find I can use glass to express my often silly and blackish sense of humour.  Adding melting glass to more hot glass means I can build things I wouldn’t even have dreamed of before my inner dragon was woken.

2. Do you have any secret shortcuts? I mean, do you use odd tools, techniques, or anything else that isn’t strictly status-quo for your medium? How did you figure out that it worked?

LOL short-cuts is my middle name! So often, many glassworkers have to be resourceful in terms of tools and techniques. ‘Proper’ tools are expensive, so I have a lot of items that weren’t meant to be used as hot glass tools, which work just as well. Steel items, like cutlery can be used to great effect. One of my favourite tools is a simple flat-ended awl from a mini screwdriver set, while another is a steel apple/cheese corer. Even a pair of teabag tongs can be the go-to.  I’m always on the lookout for tools that I can use.  The best tool of all, however is a sense of humour. Without that, I’d hardly be making anything.


skull mount available, finally

"bog witch"

“bog witch”

The tiny box of Fedora El Morro.

1535702_766469853380498_1676994651_n1. Most artists have a favorite medium, what is yours? 

My favorite medium is photography.

2. Do you have any secret shortcuts? I mean, do you use odd tools, techniques, or anything else that isn’t strictly status-quo for your medium? How did you figure out that it worked?

I use anything and everything I can get my hands on to achieve the images of my intent. White and black foam is cheap and awesome to have around for lighting. I use fabrics and curtains from thrift stores for backdrops. I have a collection of cameras, some fancy, some old, some simple. I just took a three day photo trip with a friend. I brought 5 cameras a lots of lighting. While I used the polaroid camera, the D5000, the D700, the Go-Pro 2, and the Sony HD video, I only used ONE CHEAP CLAMP LIGHT with a 500 Watt photoflood bulb in it….the entire trip…one light, no modifiers. The best gear one has is whatever they have access to.


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