a few older works. very older!


This first piece is based on tattoos found on a mummy, the Ukok ‘princess’ (probably a shaman). Her body is 2500 years old and was preserved in ice. Like the iceman of the Alps, these ancient human remains show intricate and amazing tattoo work, showing that our art has been around far longer than many might think.

Her body is about to be reinterred, which I think is a very good thing. We’ve learned a lot from her and need to return her to her resting place. You can read more about her here.
The woman who has these modern versions of the tattoos found on this ancient woman, is an anthropologist.

I think that all of the Ukok woman’s work is beautiful, and find the art very inspiring. I’ve seen actual full-scale images of these tattoos, and they are done impeccably. Even 2500 years ago, there were great tattoo artists in the world.
The work is astounding, compared to other tattoos we’ve seen from that era (which is not many). They’re not the typical bronze age/neolithic art we see, with its stick-figure base and straight lines, they’re ALIVE, in motion, vibrant. So inspiring.

The most recent MRI and other testing they did showed that she had advanced breast cancer, was using cannabis regularly (for the pain possibly) and had been thrown from a horse (which most likely is what killed her).

I really think that we’re not seeing all the things that were being done then. There’s almost…almost a thread that goes back, if you look at older tattoos (say, 1800s, or indigenous works) that makes me think our very earliest human ancestors were doing tattoos, and quite complex and intricate ones. Some motifs appear again and again, worldwide, and imply to me that there may be a previous, paleolithic art we’ll never get to see.

This woman’s tattoos hint at that even more strongly.

Feel free to share this post (or anything on my site, for that matter) or post any further information in the comments!


Are tattoo artists rich?

some are, some aren’t.
most are able to get by. the fact that we do what we love for a living makes us all rich, though.

today at laughing buddha, seattle!

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Signing party for the Horrors, the night before Halloween!

SIGNING PARTY! come color in some horrors!

more things I did in roseburg!

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Resonant Eye and violet mandorla piscis vescica for dear, sweet Katie.

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today at work!


today, I made a list. I trimmed a tree. I did a tattoo. two people sent me pictures of ear weights I made that they bought!
just lots of photos today.
here I am with a giant dog, too.






On flash, and picking it off the wall.

guns and hand and skulls tattoo flashThis is an original I’m selling- it’s part of my flash set from last year. Almost every sheet in that set (flash comes in sets of six or ten- this set had ten painted sheets) had a strong orange or yellow background.

Flash is one of my favorite things to work on. I’ve done a flash set every other year, since I started tattooing. Flash is meant to be tattooed- tattooers or shops buy the set, add it to their collection, and people can get any of it tattooed on them, can “pick it off the wall”.

Since so much of tattooing is online these days, I sell the print-ready files to tattoo shops as well as physical prints. Sometimes I sell the originals to collectors.

Tattoo flash is meant to be copied as tattoos.

The only real rule or issue with it is when people who didn’t buy the print/file/rights, try to take it into a shop to get it tattooed on them. It’s sort of frowned on. Usually people buy the print, buy the file and print it out to bring in- tattoo-getters, that is. Buy a print of a flash sheet you like, if you want something from it done on you. Give that print to your actual tattoo artist as a tip. Picking up the print from the original artist gets you the rights to get it tattooed on you, and your tattoo artist the rights to add it to their collection and tattoo it on anyone who wants something from it.

Kind of a win-win.

Flash is an old concept. It’s been around for maybe as long as tattooing has been. Before Internet came we used to mail each other prints of flash as a way to collaborate on stuff. The old timey guys had their shops plastered with flash, like wallpaper- painted by them, or traded or bought from friends.

I have a huge flash collection, I love the stuff. Not many people pick off the wall anymore, which is ok, but I still love having the stuff. I love seeing how different artists approach the typical technical issues in tattooing.

Flash is meant to be easily tattooed, tattoo artists draw it so that it can be copied easily, doesn’t need to be translated to work on skin. Unlike art you might buy from non-tattooers, it’s READY. It’s made to be put on just as it is. And that makes it a very niche sort of art.

(this original painted sheet is available at https://www.etsy.com/listing/156296306/illuminati-tattoo-flash-yellow-guns-hand, or prints can be found at http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/collections/191442-tattoo-flash along with the rest of this set – and the year before’s set too)

How facebook wants you to waste your money

just a repost of something useful I wrote a while back, that a few people asked about…namely, facebook ads.

art and craft day with the roseburg kids.

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Today we had arts and crafts day here in Roseburg. I made these three sets of weights! Jimmy made a split sheet of flash, and Zack made a painting, and Annee made a pair of earrings with beads. Here’s some photos of everyone crafting and drawing.

I grew up the oldest of a bunch of kids. Until my brother was born, I was the only kid in a house full of people, uncles and aunts and grandparents and cousins. I love when there are a bunch of other people around making art, crafting, doing things. The energy of a group really makes it easier for me to work somehow. Even just someone in the other room writing, feeds my energy and my ambition to see things through.

Today was great.


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