book signing and coloring contest!

We had a good time, two prizes were won, and all these pages got colored!
You can still pick up the book in person at Laughing Buddha, or you can order one online here.

Thanks to my instafriend Jon and his sweet lady for being so awesome that they won the prizes, and to everyone else who sat and colored with me! xox

Here are some photos from the night, and some pictures people have colored from the book itself.
(the jackalope? he’s in the second expanded edition, just you wait)

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first tattoos, small tattoos.

can I just say that I absolutely love doing someone’s first tattoo. I become part of their life story in such a huge way, doing that. I love working on my big regular clients, on collectors, and on people who do tattoos. but I also LOVE people who are just dipping their toes in for the first time.
they have a lot of trust in me. they’re not only trusting me with the art, like anyone does-they’re trusting me to initiate then into this whole new mode of expression, a new way to think about themselves and their bodies.



Wicked evil psycho awesome clown

This is not from a movie, book, or comic. I drew this.

Ten years ago, we did this small tattoo on her wrist, I used her wristbone as the nose of the clown.
Today, she came back again and we did this wicked, evil, psycho clown above it on the inside of her arm. I had fun drawing it and I had EVEN MORE fun tattooing it. Holy shit did I ever have fun with this one.



big blue whale, with ferds!


All squid are named Ferd. Ferd.

We started this tattoo three years ago. Today we finished it. I love whales.

ear weights.



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laughing buddha flower day, ammonite ear weights, and more coloring pages.

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another day, tiny flowers, drawing, and things.


one of my colleagues hard at work

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tattooing on darker, or uneven, skin tones

henna style
I’ve been tattooing for a long time and I’ve worked on every conceivable shade of human skin. I’ve noticed that the most important thing isn’t usually how dark or light someone is (although that matters when you discuss tonal value and contrast) but the hue of a person, the underlying warmth or coolness of their skin.

Skin color is created by melanin, a pigment found in the upper layer of the epidermis. Tattoos lie beneath this layer, in the area between the epidermis and dermis. This placement of the ink prevents it from being shed with dead cells, by the top layer, and by being dispersed into the capillaries, in the bottom layer.

Since the ink itself lies beneath the epidermal melanin, looking at a tattoo is like looking through a tinted window. Except for albinos, everyone on earth has melanin in this skin layer. Some will have a ruddy skin tone, some a cold tone to their skin. Some will be dark, some light. Some freckled, and some smoothly pigmented.

healed palette test

healed palette test

Taking all of this into account when designing a tattoo is important. Tattoo ink is not opaque, but translucent, so you see through one tinted window, then through the ink itself. More than one factor has to be taken into account to make a great tattoo on uneven or darker skin tones.

making things, and some cheesy friend tattoos.

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on fear

I want people to know and see my work, that is why I do it. yet a part of me fears people, being known, shaking a hand. I seek eyes on my work but I fear the people who own the eyes.

why? why are people frightening?
I love the people I have known. I’ve only met a few people who are fearsome. most are kind, nervous, friendly, excited. some are hilarious, supportive, witty, swift.

why be afraid of it? it’s not fame. it’s some other thing I’m seeking. fame would be truly terrifying and also, I don’t think I have the talent required, both in my work and in my self.

some do get famous with less, but I don’t admire that. I would like to admire myself.

I want everyone to see my work. and then I want to curl into a small, invisible ball and roll away.


the internet is made of eyes. yet you are people, and when I remember that, I’m afraid. but I know many of you and you’re wonderful people who have given me no reason to fear. what is this, then? where does it come from?


I don’t know the answers. why would I?

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