tattooing on darker, or uneven, skin tones

Added a better illustration of the tinted window effect, and added a video interview I found that I liked. She reminds me of me, back when I started, except she’s better-looking.

striped ear weights, mandala prints, and sundry.



6 pictures, ear weights, art, and chestnuts.

wood ear weights

heart wood, jasper, petrified wood, and glass beads on a 4ga sawa coil.

ear weights, coils, stretched ear jewelry

snowflake obsidian, moonstone, glass on sawa coils with beadweaving and threadwrapping




real american chestnuts!


the wonderful frame someone put around one of my originals that they purchased. I love seeing what people do with the work they get from me!


another picture from a buyer- the awesomeness that you get when you order prints from my RB page.

2 gauge ear weights

in progress. ceramic, wood, glass, feather. 2 gauge ear weights.


Alone against Antarctica

I am reading this man’s diary right now, in my endless fascination for people going to awfully cold and lonely places.

six free pages to color!

EPSON MFP imageIn the spirit of giving, here are some print-size images for you guys to download and color! These are imperfect scans of six pages from the Horrors; I figured a lot of folks have bought the book and many more would probably love to just color in a few pages.  Click any image to find a full-sized version for printing.

(although you’re missing out on 22 other creatures, and the text that goes with them all!You can get the full book here if you’d like the complete experience.) Enjoy, and feel free to share!

Things I made during the holiday season.

gold coral ear weights

real gold coral and real garnet with real amber on sawa wood coils.


I’ve been making things off and on over the hoiday time. I also got some better photos (with size comparison) for the pieces I’ve already made. I have a ton of new materials to work with too, which means the next wave of weights will be pretty awesome.

Excited! Click through for more photos of the new things.

just a pile of holidays.

10301432_10152604079192712_2483789897173591800_nIn our house, we celebrate solstice, hannukah, festivus, and xmas.

Here are some images from those days- I’ll be back posting more art and advice posts after the weekend! Hope you all are safe and warm, and well fed.


weird ways people have found this site, and their quick questions.

2008, work gear.

2008, work gear.

It’s time for the yearly list of weird searches that have brought people here, and questions that I can answer in a few words.
I can see search terms that people have used to find my site so every year I trawl through them and find the ones that make me giggle- or the ones that are simple questions I can answer. This year was a good year for this.

4 reasons why tattoo clients can't be "stolen"

will bodnar, cicada tattoo, anji marth, high priestess tattoo, at tattoo conventionI was having a conversation with someone who mentioned that they tried to keep artists at their shop from “stealing” clients from the shop, or each other. It really disturbed me, and here are a few reasons why (I hate writing in list format)

4 reasons why tattoo clients can’t be “stolen”

will bodnar, cicada tattoo, anji marth, high priestess tattoo, at tattoo conventionI was having a conversation with someone who mentioned that they tried to keep artists at their shop from “stealing” clients from the shop, or each other. It really disturbed me, and here are a few reasons why (I hate writing in list format)

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