new works, and some things I've been up to in Seattle
new prints and shirts ^^^
and some random stuff…vvv
new prints and shirts ^^^
and some random stuff…vvv
Yesterday was great!
I tend to have good conversations with my clients, and the whole day I spent talking to awesome people about hilarious things.
I didn’t get to do my bird drawing (he chose the hand of doom instead) but I’d still love to do it on someone…
I’ll be back at work saturday- I go to the dentist tomorrow, wish me luck.
Oh and also, some more new and old art for sale at the bottom here. I’ve been revamping my printshop a little, so go take a peek!
I also did a nice elegant celtic piece I drew specifically for the client today…
I will post that one after it’s healed, since there was a lot of white and pale grey in it (pinkish from the freshly broken skin)
I also did these two pieces today. Fun stuff- bright butterflies and a cool little rocker guy.
I’ve got prints and originals for sale now at laughing buddha–
If you’re not in Seattle, you can get prints of them at the links in the images below. For originals, you can always email me and ask about prices and shipping!
I learned to say “fuck your mother” in Chinese, “fuck you” in Vietnamese, encountered the notorious hummingbird gang, and ate some delicious home made seafood. I’m also teaching my friend to like horror movies. I’m succeeding at that…haha
a few photos for you guys.
Things I’ve made since my last update!
Also, the book is printing now…yay!
and, there are kittens here.
I’ll be in Seattle from April 24-30, tattooing at laughing buddha. contact me by email to make a date!
I’ll be in Salem Oregon from may 3-7, I only have one or two slots open still, so reach me fast of you want to get tattooed while I am there!
resonanteye @ gmail . com
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