new works, and some things I've been up to in Seattle


new prints and shirts ^^^

and some random stuff…vvv

cardfront1 10536549_10203260424763644_29020461_n orchids_by_resonanteye-d4cety3

10431172_10152266587972712_9031688093458776617_o53738_10152268606247712_1538444271642383493_o 1525227_10152283779827712_7435571170450130378_n


I’m learning instagram! Also, man tears and logging tattoos.


This is Cody. He’s teaching me to instagram. (my name there is resonanteye)


this isn’t political or anything, I just have a fetish for eye-water.


simple tulip I colored in.


just some sky.


a gang of doglets.


added on to an older tattoo I did years ago.


how that tattoo looked all healed up before we added the text and sunset colors.


an inch.



I'm learning instagram! Also, man tears and logging tattoos.


This is Cody. He’s teaching me to instagram. (my name there is resonanteye)


this isn’t political or anything, I just have a fetish for eye-water.


simple tulip I colored in.


just some sky.


a gang of doglets.


added on to an older tattoo I did years ago.


how that tattoo looked all healed up before we added the text and sunset colors.


an inch.



hand of doom, ancient aliums and flowers.

563917_10150950782782712_317334313_n 10382451_10152208414317712_4743554048112002914_n 10313588_10152208858407712_8462537469363611427_n 10367174_10152208530892712_173987794698938486_n10463948_10152208794702712_1283401893093453263_nYesterday was great!

I tend to have good conversations with my clients, and the whole day I spent talking to awesome people about hilarious things.

I didn’t get to do my bird drawing (he chose the hand of doom instead) but I’d still love to do it on someone…

I’ll be back at work saturday- I go to the dentist tomorrow, wish me luck.

Oh and also, some more new and old art for sale at the bottom here. I’ve been revamping my printshop a little, so go take a peek!

more tattoos!

10361523_10152201875222712_7262472022994513117_n 10461945_10152201804822712_414883338799702811_nI also did a nice elegant celtic piece I drew specifically for the client today…

I will post that one after it’s healed, since there was a lot of white and pale grey in it (pinkish from the freshly broken skin)

I also did these two pieces today. Fun stuff- bright butterflies and a cool little rocker guy.

I’ve got prints and originals for sale now at laughing buddha

If you’re not in Seattle, you can get prints of them at the links in the images below. For originals, you can always email me and ask about prices and shipping!

weekend in Seattle!

I learned to say “fuck your mother” in Chinese, “fuck you” in Vietnamese, encountered the notorious hummingbird gang, and ate some delicious home made seafood. I’m also teaching my friend to like horror movies. I’m succeeding at that…haha

a few photos for you guys.






fun times, tattoos, art from the recent trip~seattle, salem, olympia

Things I’ve made since my last update!

Also, the book is printing now…yay!

and, there are kittens here.

All in all a busy few weeks.


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tattoo dates!

I’ll be in Seattle from April 24-30, tattooing at laughing buddha. contact me by email to make a date!

I’ll be in Salem Oregon from may 3-7, I only have one or two slots open still, so reach me fast of you want to get tattooed while I am there!

resonanteye @ gmail . com


Bus to CA, poetry from my book "Tar and Gravel"

29157_397937423370_2677846_nfrom tar and gravel

bus to CA

There’s something beautiful and comforting about grey vomit stains barely scrubbed from velveteen seat backs and

something about the dense air and useless frustrated wanderlust of the greyhound station and the greyhound itself, this universe of breakdowns

in Pierre North Dakota and Weed, CA that makes me calm. Patience. It makes my mind shut tight and arrange itself compulsively. checking

repeatedly for wallet, keys, ticket, the automatic functions of the reptile brain fully involved;

Making sure nothing is lost, nobody touches me, children don’t climb and I

in the meantime have killed the upper brain.


Feet automatically avoiding the sprawl of wild loud children with sticky fingers and dirty pink too-tight shirts where they sit on the floor at the entrance

to the terminal; thirteen slightly torn and stretched garbage bags full of towels, clothes, toys, no books but I can see the handle of

a cast-iron fry pan

clearly outlined in the plastic, spilling around the children is the detritus of people who don’t


realize that frying pans are available at thrift stores in duluth as well as southern california.

Bus to CA, poetry from my book “Tar and Gravel”

29157_397937423370_2677846_nfrom tar and gravel

bus to CA

There’s something beautiful and comforting about grey vomit stains barely scrubbed from velveteen seat backs and

something about the dense air and useless frustrated wanderlust of the greyhound station and the greyhound itself, this universe of breakdowns

in Pierre North Dakota and Weed, CA that makes me calm. Patience. It makes my mind shut tight and arrange itself compulsively. checking

repeatedly for wallet, keys, ticket, the automatic functions of the reptile brain fully involved;

Making sure nothing is lost, nobody touches me, children don’t climb and I

in the meantime have killed the upper brain.


Feet automatically avoiding the sprawl of wild loud children with sticky fingers and dirty pink too-tight shirts where they sit on the floor at the entrance

to the terminal; thirteen slightly torn and stretched garbage bags full of towels, clothes, toys, no books but I can see the handle of

a cast-iron fry pan

clearly outlined in the plastic, spilling around the children is the detritus of people who don’t


realize that frying pans are available at thrift stores in duluth as well as southern california.

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