about travel

I’ve worked a lot of conventions, and guest spots, and traveled for work in general. To all my past, present, and future boyfriends, girlfriends, houseboys, significant others, and just plain others:

I go to work.

That’s right. Guest spots are fun. Travel is a great time. Conventions? A big party. But I’m working. I work there. I’m not going to just “hang out” or “party time” or anything like that. I’m promoting myself, my shop, my work. I’m selling prints (sometimes with your help!) I’m tattooing. I’m entering contests. I’m working, the whole time. The afterparty? Just a way for me to find out how to re-attach a tube vise.


art opening

(scroll down for newest posts, this will be up until the show opens)

This show will be opening Nov. 2, 2008, at The Horsehead.

come on out and join the mayhem

:click here to see what happened at the last art opening:

new treatment for MRSA

MRSA, it’s our new boogyman. Staph is all over every surface in our homes, even on our skin. It’s a common bacteria and lots of people get staph infections, from scratches, scrapes, cuts, surgical work, tattoos, you name it- if there’s a break in the skin or an injury, staph infections can happen. (Keeping a new wound or injury clean by washing with anti-microbial liquid soaps is a good start to preventing this, by the way. This is key with fresh tattoos or other abrasions, especially.)

When staph becomes resistant to antibiotics, it’s a nasty thing. MRSA spreads quickly, and it can kill you. Most people get MRSA from hospitals and doctor’s offices or dentists. This is because when disinfectants are used regularly and antibiotics are present in an environment, other kinds of bacteria die off, leaving MRSA to rule the field. More than 2/3 of fatal MRSA infections are caused by surgery.


work or play

Perhaps you’d rather go back to churning out novelty neckties in Hackensack?


hidden treasures

yesterday ended up being busier than I’d thought it would be.

I worked on a few regulars, doing some lettering on the sides of their feet. Ouch! They both sat really well and weren’t at all stinky.

Then I did this really nice treasure map- she and her husband were married right there on the X. Tonight I’m doing a treasure map on him, on his back. I’ll post pictures of the two of them together afterward. I like using the aged paper colors, those soft browns and dull yellows. Creamy paper colors.

At the tail end of the night I did some more work on cory’s arm, we’re a session away from being done with his anatomical man. I can’t wait! It’s one of my favorite pieces I have in progress right now.


queen of the joke tattoo

I swear I’ve become the specialist in this kind of thing.

louie's mustache

louie's mustache


the history of resonanteye

HERE is a link for those of you who are curious about what was going on here back when I first started getting into all this stuff. I’d only been tattooing a short while, so please don’t think I am always moronic. thanks. (more…)

tribal tattoos kill my suspension of disbelief in movie villians

some big projects in the works.


new things

busy busy busy


art crushes

Here’s my list of the artists I currently have art crushes on. Only some of them are people I know. They’re all over the place both in location and artistically, but they all grab my attention. The newer ones I may think have great potential, the older guys may be extra helpful or talented…it depends. But for some reason I have the mad art crush on them all lately.

Art crushes are good for me. I get all excited about what people are doing and how, I try to figure out how come they are so much better than I am…I pick attheir work the way I’d pick at my own. I learn from it. It makes me happy. I call it an art crush because I don’t even have to know who the tattoo artist IS- it’s the art I get all giddy about…I always want to tell everyone about this awesome artist I saw, and wish I was that good.

So here they are, the first art crush list. All tattoo artists, all people whose work I’ve been staring at recently with butterflies in my stomach.

Note: links may lead to myspace, shop sites, inkedn*tion, tattoodles, livejournal….wherever I have seen a good sample of their work is where the link will take you. Sorry if they lead to a site where you can’t see the work or you aren’t a member. I did the best I could.

MAJOR ART CRUSH (when I see new stuff from them I get weak in the knees)

Derek Noble in Seattle/
Markus Lenhard,
Will Bodnar, Seattle./
Jimmy Israel, Kansas.
Shige, Japan./
Jonas Nyburg, Sweden.

MINOR ART CRUSH (I’m keeping my eye on their stuff and think it’s awesome)

Darcy Nutt, Idaho.
Craig Driscoll, CA.
Sara Purr , NYstate.
Sean, Portland, Or.
Ron Decosta, Georgia.
Mike Adams, in PA/
Jackson, Sacto CA.
Mike Watson, PA.
Ang Sanders, Maryland.

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