migration complete.

coelocanth, a future project

edit: etsy is now done, thanks for following me there over the past two years! on to better things now.


as of now, and for the foreseeable future:
squareup has my originals: https://squareup.com/market/anji-marth
and zibbet has my painted prints and rocks and bones: http://www.zibbet.com/anjimarth
standard prints are still at rb: http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/portfolio

composition 101

Composition is just the science of combination. It’s learning how to draw the viewer’s eye exactly where you want it to go, in and through your artwork. With tattooing, composition is probably the most important aspect of the work.


the rites of spring.

mating snakes original art

original is available here,   https://squareup.com/market/anji-marth/rites-of-spring

prints are available here,   http://www.redbubble.com/people/resonanteye/works/10826954-the-rites-of-spring-mating-snakes#

and yes- digital downloads of this file, at print-size and high resolution, are available here.   https://www.etsy.com/listing/162550040/digital-downloadthe-rites-of-spring

It’s 9×12″, oil glaze over watercolor, ink, and pencil on heavy arches hotpress paper.

routines of creative people

20063091023341After devouring all the old posts at Daily Routines I decided that I should make record of my current daily work.

I suffer from insomnia, and have throughout my life. The hours in which I do these things slowly shift later and later, until the day begins at nightfall, This progresses until eventually, I once again wake up early in the morning. Right now I’m in the morning phase, in about three months I’ll be back around to the night time again. But the order in which I do everything stays the same, only the tattooing hours change, being sometimes early in my day and sometimes at the end of it. I do all but the tattooing every single day, I take no days off usually unless I am feeling under the weather in which case I shorten all my work hours and spend more time reading or watching movies. I do at least some little bit of creative work every day.


just out of the oven.

CAM02745[1]I’m baking all the clay I have been working on, today. And I am finishing up an e-pipe from some of it.

I’ve also put up a slew of new prints, too. And a few downloadables. I’ll have a handful more next week, too, I think.

I’ve been working on making some ivory-look clay, I think I want to try to make a pipe that looks like ivory. I’m carving out another skull too. I think I may start messing with shapes, since the clay can be any shape at all I can make an epipe look like anything really.

Messing with some iridescent power pigments too.

I am also thinking of making a few drip tips- long crazy ones, not churchwarden style but long like that, maybe a twisty one. If I seal the mouthpiece part (or use a tiny bit of silicon to cover it) it will be safe to put in your mouth, at that end.

This is today’s project. I started sanding and carving the Meat Pipe too but I don’t have process photos ready yet.

Here’s some of the new prints and downloads in the meantime.

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shy night owl signed, sealed and…

shy owlshy owl…sealed, signed and now being delivered!

Original is sold,  limited run of prints, (small prints only, limited run) No digital downloads available.

The original is about 9×12″, done in watercolor, ink and pencil.

On vellum-surfaced arches hotpress 150lb (ish) paper. It’s heavy, satiny paper.

It’s sealed with a UV protectant matte sealer, and all materials are acid-free and archival, lightfast pigments. The prints are via redbubble, they make decent quality prints, and there are cards too at that link. The digital download is a good size, you could print from it at just below the size of the original.

I’m a night person. I’m a night owl. And I spend a lot of time looking at the moon and stars.

So it was fun to paint this little guy.

migrating to square!

il_570xN.437343921_g7bjso squareup finally has internet shopping available.


This weekend is going to be a lot of work, but you guys are going to like the end result.

you can watch the progress here, if you like. 

So far, the logic dictates that prints and shirts come from redbubble, originals go through square, and my digital downloads and a few weird things will stay at etsy.

I will be rebuilding some things here, too, I’ll make a post letting you know how to use and find the new stuff probably on monday or tuesday.

Update at noon PST: I am getting there. The current progress is at this page, http://resonanteye.net/buyit/everything-in-one-place/ and I’ll be separating things out into categories and organizing once I get everything up and listed properly.


Update this morning: I’ve been building some categories; and doing some writing. tattoo stuff, ladies, totem animals, and the serial killers and portraits…so far. got about that many more to go, plus a ton of scanning to do too. I also have some new pictures of commissions to post later, stuff that’s already finished and shipped- as well as a post about vaping. Busy weekend~!

some new, and some old.

Spent the day scanning things, drawing. And relisted a few things on etsy. And then planted out the garden, the rest of it.

I got a few images of healed tattoo work I’ve done from some clients I love very much. Here’s a few of those…

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Here’s a few of the things for sale (originals)…I’ll have some new stuff coming too later this week!

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I’m posting a piece from scratch sketch to finished study for a tattoo.
I’m working on this art for a friend who lives quite far away; I probably won’t get to tattoo her, but wanted to make sure she was able to get some of my work anyway.

Calling magpie, marigolds, and roses.

is your art good enough to sell online?

Short answer? Yes.

Long, realistic answer?

pretty on the inside

I show you my heart.

Putting your art up online is kind of like showing it in a gallery. You may not be the best at your particular art style, but if you want to improve, showing the internet what you are doing is a good way to get better. There are so many skill levels, so many ways of expressing yourself; the internet is home to them all.

If you’re really timid, start slow. Use deviantart, and request critiques. Once you feel like you can handle more harsh views, try some art forums, and ask for opinions.

Or, alternately, you can dive right in. We all start where we are. Try to get very good pictures of your work. never upload giant files; upload files that are just big enough to look good on a monitor, no larger. Image theft is common, and sometimes unintentional. If you watermark unobtrusively, and only upload smaller files, you’ll find more people credit you when reposting or sharing your work. You want people to do that, because that is how you will sell your art online.

Etsy is a good starter for artists. It’s not the best venue for fine art, but it can be a good way to get your feet wet. Be cautious, though, as most of the advice on using etsy is not written with art in mind, but easily-reproducible craft. Your painting can’t be tagged and posted the same way a t-shirt can. This is why etsy is only a starter site.

The Craftstar has a decent art section, but you will have to have a paypal and pay for listing in advance.

You could also opt for one of the other sites geared for art sales- originals are harder to sell most places than prints, but it IS possible to sell just originals online.

If you are just starting out, keep your prices as low as possible. Once you are selling your work on a regular basis, then you can raise your prices. At first, it’s unknown if you will succeed or not. Most people not only buy art for its look, for how it grabs the eye, but also for the artist’s longevity, their name, their history. Build your history a little!

It’s the internet. You should maintain privacy for your own comfort and safety of course-but letting people get to know you, talking about deep or personal things, lets the viewer understand the origin of your works, and become more invested in them. Give them a chance to find out where the art came from. You can be a cantankerous bitch hermit like me and STILL be capable of showing your inner self online. You don’t have to be outgoing to do it; you can talk as if the site was your own art journal, your own notes about each piece.

So- yeah. Your art is good enough to sell online- at etsy or anywhere else. Keep your expectations of sales low at first, and your prices the same, and then as time passes you will see how your work can fit into the greater whole of online art.

And if you need encouragement, ask for it. And if you need a slap on the wrist, or a sound drubbing, you should ask for that too. All the help you could ever want from other artists lives inside your computer, but it can only do you good if you put your own work in there too.

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