Bus to CA, poetry from my book "Tar and Gravel"

29157_397937423370_2677846_nfrom tar and gravel

bus to CA

There’s something beautiful and comforting about grey vomit stains barely scrubbed from velveteen seat backs and

something about the dense air and useless frustrated wanderlust of the greyhound station and the greyhound itself, this universe of breakdowns

in Pierre North Dakota and Weed, CA that makes me calm. Patience. It makes my mind shut tight and arrange itself compulsively. checking

repeatedly for wallet, keys, ticket, the automatic functions of the reptile brain fully involved;

Making sure nothing is lost, nobody touches me, children don’t climb and I

in the meantime have killed the upper brain.


Feet automatically avoiding the sprawl of wild loud children with sticky fingers and dirty pink too-tight shirts where they sit on the floor at the entrance

to the terminal; thirteen slightly torn and stretched garbage bags full of towels, clothes, toys, no books but I can see the handle of

a cast-iron fry pan

clearly outlined in the plastic, spilling around the children is the detritus of people who don’t


realize that frying pans are available at thrift stores in duluth as well as southern california.

Bus to CA, poetry from my book “Tar and Gravel”

29157_397937423370_2677846_nfrom tar and gravel

bus to CA

There’s something beautiful and comforting about grey vomit stains barely scrubbed from velveteen seat backs and

something about the dense air and useless frustrated wanderlust of the greyhound station and the greyhound itself, this universe of breakdowns

in Pierre North Dakota and Weed, CA that makes me calm. Patience. It makes my mind shut tight and arrange itself compulsively. checking

repeatedly for wallet, keys, ticket, the automatic functions of the reptile brain fully involved;

Making sure nothing is lost, nobody touches me, children don’t climb and I

in the meantime have killed the upper brain.


Feet automatically avoiding the sprawl of wild loud children with sticky fingers and dirty pink too-tight shirts where they sit on the floor at the entrance

to the terminal; thirteen slightly torn and stretched garbage bags full of towels, clothes, toys, no books but I can see the handle of

a cast-iron fry pan

clearly outlined in the plastic, spilling around the children is the detritus of people who don’t


realize that frying pans are available at thrift stores in duluth as well as southern california.

tar and gravel, the book is out.


Hope you guys like it.


barn owl tattoobarn owl tattooI made a barn owl tonight. It was really, really fun. I love owls.

This took a few hours, not too long. Lots of white, pale violet, strong browns, black.

I love using a natural palette like this especially when I can throw a bit of bright behind it. It’s kind of backwards, usually the brighter colors pop forward but once in a while there’s an opprtunity to defy the laws of color theory and use the subtle hues and the foreground.I had a great time doing this tattoo…

My road trip continues tomorrow, when I get to go stalk the wild and mighty javelinas with my camera. After that a few more tattoos on the fine folks here in AZ, and then it’s off to see my sweet gentleman friend up in Seattle.

arizona october!

I went to phoenix for a few days. hit up the state fair. had to call animal control when I got home to report dogs ROAMING IN THE STREET AND GETTING MUSHED BY CARS AND GUYS THAT OWNED THEM ACTING LIKE IT WAS NO BIG DEAL. what the hell?!

gallery after the jump


Redding Ink

This weekend I will be working at the Redding Ink convention, in Redding, CA, with the womantattooartistforum and with HPP.

It should be a blast, if you are in CA and want some work done come on out and see me there, and be aware I will smell quite strongly of in-n-out burger the whole weekend.


about travel

I’ve worked a lot of conventions, and guest spots, and traveled for work in general. To all my past, present, and future boyfriends, girlfriends, houseboys, significant others, and just plain others:

I go to work.

That’s right. Guest spots are fun. Travel is a great time. Conventions? A big party. But I’m working. I work there. I’m not going to just “hang out” or “party time” or anything like that. I’m promoting myself, my shop, my work. I’m selling prints (sometimes with your help!) I’m tattooing. I’m entering contests. I’m working, the whole time. The afterparty? Just a way for me to find out how to re-attach a tube vise.


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