More new prints and shirts up!
It’s been a while since I posted up new things, so here they are, some shirts and some are prints.
I’ll be adding more next week I think.
It’s been a while since I posted up new things, so here they are, some shirts and some are prints.
I’ll be adding more next week I think.
I have been ill, so I haven’t been the usual powerhouse of prolificity (is that a word?). Instead, I have been nursing my belly, and resting. I had a good solstice and as I write this, tomorrow is xmas eve.
The days before solstice I finished up a commission (which I’ll be posting soon) of a magpie with some roses, which was incredibly fun. I did it for a friend of mine, a supporter. She’s rad. I also did some sketches of seasonal hare paintings, which will be my main project in early January. And the rest of the time? When I felt well enough, I got caught up with making shirt designs.
A few people have asked me, so I thought I’d make sure you knew, you can order these in any size, any color- a few are even in kid’s sizes too. Just look to the right on the listing page, and use the little chart and dropdown to choose. Under each image there, you can see options like kid’s sizes, hoodies, or shirt style as well.
Here are the shirts I’ve been working on from my own art…
Until midnight, use the discount code CYBERRB to get 20% off.
it’s valid on all the redbubble shirts.
My art shirts here:
and graphic/text shirts here:
get em while they’re hot!
(photo from halloween, eugene oregon)
I will be online for a bit tomorrow, but will spend most of the day with food.
I’ve been adding a bunch of new prints, shirts, and things with my art on them. If you don’t see something you’d like in a particular format, please let me know either in a comment or by email ! (resonanteye at gmail dot com) I’m still ill, and trying to keep up with commissioned works; I can’t take any new paint commissions right now. So far I know I don’t have anything wrong with my liver, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix, or heart! It’s pretty delightful to find out I don’t have all these serious illnesses. Now if they could tell me what it IS, I’d be glad.
Tomorrow I’m making turkey, potatoes, sweet potatoes in molasses candy syrup, green bean casserole…I’m cooking for harvest feast, and even though I’ve been ill I plan to eat some. Damn the torpedos, and all that.
Here are some of the newer things I’ve been listing; enjoy, and I hope you have good friends or family to spend the day with tomorrow.
I’ve put together a ton of things for the holidays, gift type stuff and new art, as well as shirts and such. Go get some holiday shopping done, and pick up some shirts for yourself! Here are a few:
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