paul’s tree!

it’s finally finished! two heavy sessions is all it took.


volume four of the geometry and mandala coloring books!

Untitled-1here you go, overachievers!

volume four! feel free to share this with anyone you think might need a new coloring book.

here are three bigsized pages for you to print out and color. feel free to share this with anyone you know who needs some new coloring books to run with.

15 copy 9 copy 19 copy

fall plans, discount for prints and shirts, and saying hello to lurkers

Discount code for all the prints and shirts:

rose tattoo flashDiscount on everything this week at my redbubbleshop!

yay for a sale at redbubble!

ALL the prints and shirts and things get the discount! Only for I think this week!

ALSO, running low on the signed copies of the Horrors coloring book. Better get one soon if you want a signed copy. they can be got through squareup, paypal, or etsy.


travel plans, where to get tattooed by me the coming months:


totally self-indulgent photo post.

just some photos of me on my days off.

nothing to see here, move along, move along.

ah hell. have a gallery.




flamingo artwork, paintingI am having an amazing birthday time!

(I made this happy flamingo art yesterday. it’s prismacolor and watercolor on arches hotpress.)

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