luck dragons, fishies, and red glass beads.

Here’s a tattoo photo or two from the other day, by the way. Aquarium piece- we did the clownfish at a convention nearly eight years ago. This is on the fellow who makes Glasswear Jewelry, my friend Ryan. They aren’t the greatest photos, as my camera is in the shop. Thought you might like them anyway! and check out his stuff…he has a new site up for people in southern oregon too, to find stuff to do or add events- you can find it here.

You can get tattooed by me by emailing me… resonanteye at gmail dot com. I’ll be here til friday then in seattle next week.

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Here’s a new set of plugs/wooden weights I’m working on. They’ll go up on the etsy soon. Two of the pairs I made sold so I need to make a few more to list! I can make custom sets as well, if you want something similar but don’t see quite the right length or gauge.



printmaking, more ear weights, and some nonsense.

ear weights

now at

ear weights …

making prints! the burning church skull, and green lady are art  by

making prints! the burning church skull, and green lady are art by . he makes amazing tattoos as well as rad artwork..

in progress.

in progress.



sketches, lavender tattoo, ear weights.

handmade ear weight

finished, one of a kind set, 7/16″

lavender botanical tattoo




on my throne

on my throne

study for a thigh tattoo

study for a thigh tattoo

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