round two of the DayStar tour!

Eugene, Seattle, and Auburn WA.

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first leg of the daystar tour; eugene

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high priestess, downtown eugene (so far)

High Priestess, Downtown Eugene, Oregon (so far):





club tattoo at the linq and the long road home.

Club tattoo, Linq, Las Vegas:

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On the long road:

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laughlin tattoo convention!


Fair warning: this is a very image-heavy post and may take a moment to load. Click through for all the pictures~!

Laughlin convention:


tattooing at the linq!



I’ll be here today and tomorrow! Vegas people, desert people, now is your chance. xox

open dates: tattoo time available in may, eugene and seattle.

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I’ll be tattooing at high priestess in Eugene, May 3-9. If you want time with me in Oregon, let me know soon.
I will be back at the end of June/beginning of July. I’ll possibly be in Vegas the first few days of May.

To book time in Oregon, use this form. (Vegas too)
I’ll be in Seattle the second week of May. To book time with me, contact the shop at 206-329-8274.
To see some of my work, look here! xox

Inkess crew at the Laughlin River Run Tattoo Convention, 2016!


Hi there, all you tattoo lovers on two wheels! We’re a group of four chicks from the Pacific NW, coming down to ink you up at the Laughlin river run. We’ll be at the Laughlin Tattoo Convention, inside the Colorado Belle, all day and all night from the 27-30 of April. We’re bringing plenty of art pre-made for you to choose from, plus we all love to draw custom work that’s uniquely yours.

Let us introduce ourselves! Click our photos to see work we’ve done and find out more about us.



Our booth manager is Brook. She can answer your questions when you get there, and will be selling our art, books, jewelry, and prints too! She can schedule you to get tattooed, too. Don’t be shy, come up and say hello to us.


We’ll be working first-come, first-served — so just head on over and let us know what you’re looking for.
If you have questions ahead of time or want bigger work from one of us, please click on our face up above and there will be contact information so you can reach us ahead of time.

the road

See you all there! Ride fast, ride safe.

No, the magic is not gone.

strength tattoo on women

(originally published 07/04/2012)

I was reading both a blog post, and some forum posts, about the state of tattooing this past week, and had a startling realization.

There are tattoo artists out there who have never worked in a studio without being asked about a TV show.

The demand for tattoos, good tattoos, and the number of people tattooing, makes this a completely different subculture than it was when I started out.

Does this mean the magic is gone? Am I no longer a wizard? Did reality TV really eat the soul of tattooing?

Maybe a year or two ago I would have said yes, and ranted for a while about it. But right now- No. I don’t think the soul is gone, we are still wizards, and the magic is still there, and as potent as ever.


upcoming times for tattoos…

I will be at the Laughlin Tattoo Convention in late april.
I will be in Eugene at High Priestess – Downtown from May 2-8.
I will be back in Seattle at Laughing Buddha Tattoo and Body Piercing from May 11-16.

my books are open now and I’m already starting to schedule. Go HERE to get a time in the schedule!



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