honeysuckle sparrow/smoking pug

A day in the life of my little sister.

The pug is named Ethel and she is obsessed with cigarettes. She steals them from your hand or the ashtray and smokes them, or eats them if they’re unlit.

She wasn’t forced, in fact my sister has to remove all cigarette butts from the entire property to keep her from devouring them. The cigarette she is smoking here was stolen from me while I was smoking it.

Also, that’s her tattoo I did for her, (my sister, not the smoking dog) of a sparrow and some honeysuckle.

I love you, Stephen King. And I hate you.


I am in the eye of a bad movie hurricane. I’ve got the chest flu. I’m prone to it- when I was a kid I used to get bronchitis every year. I haven’t had it in about two years now so I am due for a bad dose.

So here I am. Short of breath and worn down with fever. What better solution than to watch every single Stephen King movie ever made?

I have read just about all of his books over the years. I was a very literate kid and read cujo when I was probably too young. I don’t like all his writing but many of his books are huge influences on my reading and writing- and his movies are no different.

I’ve got every movie he’s made. I’m going to watch them all while I absorb vicks vapo-rub and hot tea and soup. I’m going to figure out why some of his work made such excellent movies and why some is just. . . Unwatchable garbage.

And I’m going to share the whole process with you. Lucky you.

So far today I have watched desperation, Salem’s lot, storm of the century, thinner, and tommyknockers. Before you imply that starting at the bottom isn’t giving King a fair chance, let me remind you that I have not watched langoliers OR the stand, yet.

Why are all of the movies I’ve watched today just so damn awful? I mean, Desperation was kind of a shitty book and heavy-handed…so I couldn’t expect much from that. But the rest? Salem’s lot and tommyknockers were both great books. And thinner, while not his very best, at least had some meat to it.

Where did things fall apart for these films?

Next post will have some explanations, or as close as I can get to reasons.

Guesting and the road









Just got back from phoenix. I love my desert tribe. Thinking I’ll visit Spokane next. Anyone up there got a chair to fill?


more and better wolves please. and no cgi shit either.

Please produce an original well-written, non-cgi werewoilf movie as soon as possible, in order to entice me back to a theater again.
This means no remakes, no sequels, but a real, awesome, SCARY werewolf movie. No teenage love stories either, please.

I say non-cgi also because far too often I see movies that lean on the ffects when the rest sucks; however cgi LOOKS LIKE A VIDEO GAME and doesn’t improve a movie; it’s dated and ugly, like seeing an 80’s film with computer effects. So knock that shit off.

No remakes or sequels either. Jesus fucking Christ Hollywood, what the fuck are we even PAYING you for? Just because you’re cheap profit-driven fuckheads that won’t pay for a decent writer…ugh. I avoid remakes. I want to see something fresh- I will spend my money on films that take risks, not the same shit over again.

Werewolfs seem to be such an easy hit, too. Like really, we have so much connection to dogs/wolves. Our folklore (western) is practically MADE OF wolf; and yet we get more  vampire in our movie diet…Think dog soldiers or american werewolf in london- but don’t remake …those. WRITE SOME NEW ONES. Thanks.

your former audience

coastal foreign relations.

had an australian guest. took my brit friend and the aussie out to the coast. We gathered some fiddleheads, some mussels. and made dinner. it was delicious. next time wild onions on the menu!

They laughed about the tsunami signs, but I laughed about the sneaker waves. At one point I did actually get swallowed whole by the ocean. Wet carhaarts and yet my nice waterproof jacket kept my cigarettes dry and smokeable.

It was a great time.

frog hunt













.and release

phoenix visit

vonnegutcactiiArizona was hot, dusty, dry. I got to spend some time with my good friends Dana and Michelle and JD, Mary, Derek and Richard, and Paul, and Kat.

Several nights it rained, lightning in the desert is amazing, hot fat drops pounding us. Michelle and I danced in the downpour and JD and I tried to catch lightning in our cameras (and failed). I saw a javelina. A lot of elk. A coyote. Some jackrabbits. Lizards everywhere!

I had a rough time getting back but all in all it was a great trip.

dear gay friends

from t-shirt hell's website

from t-shirt hell's website

Dear gay friends,

You know, I’ve been proposed to three times in my life. Twice it was very bad timing, or not someone I wanted to marry. The third time I … I just don’t think I was ready for it. But at any rate now, in retrospect, even if the timing had been perfect and the love of my life had been asking, I should have said no anyway, because you guys can’t get hitched yet either, and I don’t think that’s fair.

Personally I am not big on the idea of marriage (although I’m not opposed to it) and I really don’t think anyone should be in the military to begin with- but I also think that there is no reason that some people should be prevented from doing what others freely can.

In short, I’m on your team, for the duration.



lora is thinking about it

lora is thinking about it

Edit: side note, this pic of lora was featured on modblog, one of my favorite places to read about awesome weirdness. go check em out.

Just a little humor for people who like this kind of thing~

in the search results from the last week, things people were searching for that brought them here to my page, were included:

  • “chicken fucking”
  • “too young to wear holdups”
  • “craig driscoll”+”tattoo”+”jerk” (I actually like craig driscoll, so this one kind of made me sad)
  • “I like holidays”
  • “short person essays” (HEY! I resemble that remark!)
  • “finger mustache tattoo photos on guys”

Also, I did a cute little facial tattoo on a  client this week. And finished lovely Lora’s back! So it was a good week for me. I also had a very pleasant visit from a gentleman friend, and saw a hawk, perched on the wires, right by my house. More pictures after the jump.


the art opening, november ’08

smileMy stuff will be hanging at the Horsehead until the end of the month, and I’ll be there again on Friday night for first friday, if you want to come ask me any questions about the paintings, or take another look. If you liked something and want to buy it, ask at the bar- they’re handling sales for the show. It’ll all be there until the 1st of december.

After the jump,
some pictures from the opening- it was a great time, thanks to everyone for coming out and to my friends from out of town for coming down to see it!


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