on a personal note

The doctor said I am pretty much ok. I have to keep doing cardio stuff and I am prescribed to nap for at least twenty minutes each day. At least to lie down and rest. Other than that all is well, I am doing fine, the heart is pumping better and I’m not about to keel over. (more…)

on drawing flash

I am assuming you are a tattoo artist in writing this. If you’re not, it’s not going to help you much anyway.

Most tattooers draw some flash, at least once, somewhere along the line. It’s common to start trying to draw flash when you realize that you’ve accumulated a big pile of sketches that you haven’t tattooed yet, thinking, “I could make a flash set, or a sketchbook, out of all this stuff.”

This is a trap.


pictures from the art opening.


and of course, there was faggotry, nutpunches, and a half-nude bartender.Photobucket




that’s the half nude bartender








the love gum. don’t ask



that’s the faggotry I was talking about. awesomeness. it was definitely a safe space, as are ALL my openings.


then, things got…weird. as they always do. nutpunches come after this time.















nutpunch experimental results


life drawing resources

If you have never taken a life or gesture drawing class, you really should. It will take you much further than any anatomy book can. here are some resources to get back into the swing of figure drawing (more…)

art opening!

anyone in the NW next weekend, here is something fun to do. I will be there, in all my glory, but I can’t guarantee that I can explain anything.

But it’s still gonna be wicked awesome

Come on out and check out what I have been painting for the last few months. There are some pieces that have been posted here, and a lot that haven’t been seen by anyone yet.

tattoos, including apple

I’ve been busy with artwork and stuff like that all week. I did a lot of tattoos, too. Also, I’m gearing up for the Vancouver WA convention. Here are a few pictures of…some of the tattoos I’ve been doing lately, and a picture I painted, and a dog sticking out his tongue.



^^^collab piece^^^the area closest to the camera is what I was working on








^^^apple’s arm. we did it a while ago, I finally got a decent picture



cocks and wings and feathers

So yesterday, I had some one cancel. I was sitting down and waiting for a walk-in, and drew a dinosaur. I got interrupted, though, when

two women walked in asking for tattoos. They were awesome chicks, one wanted a “love” kanji with wings around it…and didn’t care much what I drew as long as it wasn’t too syrupy-girly. So I drew this for her:

and then her friend wanted something from the flash rack. cherry creek, #135. we all know it, haha. So I re-drew it a bit and tattooed it as clean and awesome as possible. I am actually really happy with it. The flowy knots were particularly fun. I also did a tan sort of backdrop for the dreamcatcher…the tattoo fit her well, really.

I also finished the outline of Morgan’s chest panel. I save the outlines for last when I do organic work- she has been walking around with just a greyline for a while now. It was ripe for the finishing.

then today, I had someone reschedule. This time of year people get really unreliable. But it’s fine with me- I just grab whoever is waiting or walking in, and tattoo away…I did this cock with a pierced head that hangs below the knee on derek today. It was soooo fun. Based on a small painting I did for a friend.

then I did a tiny re-work of some script. I forgot to take a picture, it was very late when I got done. Tomorrow I am doing a full day of pirate/ship stuff….a ghost ship, then a pirate skeleton hand in the sea….and touching up a pirate ship…it will be a great work day YAY for PIRACY

painting day!

I spent my day off yesterday painting. Here are a few of the things I was working on-

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
the boxers are for a convention banner for the philly convention, I’m going this year with some of the chicks from the forum I run.

prints of some of these are here for sale.

that last one no longer has any script on it. I didn’t like it and it got smudged so I covered it with other background.

waterslide boobies

my movie thanks benjy

Goodbye Blue Monday

Kurt Vonnegut died today.

I will never get to talk with him, or read something new he’swritten, or meet him in person, or hear another interview, or…anything!!!

I’m officially in mourning. Vonnegut was the best living writer during my lifetime. He was an amazing, kind, intelligent, and funny author and human being.

Even though I never knew him personally, I will miss him. I’m grieving for the loss of his humor and concern for humanity.

I once swore to my mother that I’d never write anything important because Kurt Vonnegut would say it for me. I suppose this means I have to start writing now.

Goodbye, Blue Monday, and

“God made mud.
God got lonesome.
So God said to some of the mud, “Sit up!”
“see all I’ve made, “said God,”the hills, the sea, the sky, the stars.”
And I was some of the mud that got to sit up and look around.
Lucky me, lucky mud!
I, mud, sat up and saw what a nice job God had done.
“Nice going, God!
Nobody but you could have done it, God! I certainly couldn’t have!
I feel very unimportant compared to you!
The only way I can feel the least bit importnt is to think of all the mud that didn’t even get to sit up and look around.
I got so much, and most mud got so little.
Thank you for the honor!”
Now mud lies down again and goes to sleep.
What memories for mud to have!
What interesting other kinds of sitting-up mud I met!
I loved everything I saw!
Good night.”

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