the holiday gear.

I’ve put together a ton of things for the holidays, gift type stuff and new art, as well as shirts and such. Go get some holiday shopping done, and pick up some shirts for yourself!  Here are a few:


pillows, scarves, clutches, tablet covers, and other such things.


shirts, prints, and hoodies/stickers.


prints and handpainted monotypes, and some originals

graphic shirts and nonsense.

color symbolism part one

on the meaning of color in roses specifically, and symbolic images in general (more…)


Just in time to get them for xmas/hannukah/kwanzaa/solstice/new year’s etc etc…I finally got around to posting a set of t-shirts I had been working on for a while.

Print edition of essays!

51E8o9iuGgL._AA200_Real, actual ink on paper!

Here they are. In all their unvarnished glory.

Buy one for yourself and one for your auntie.

Or just one for yourself! Who am I to judge.

Contains rants about art, explanations of various tattoo things, stories about tattooing, about squatting, and about zines. Also contains some taxidermy info, essays about madness, and more.  A ton more! 166 glorious pages!

My next book will likely be the horror/cryptid coloring book. You can find individual downloads of the pages here if you like.

flash set

originally posted on nov 14, 2007

If you click read more, you can see some pictures. The flash set is six sheets, it’ll be for sale on will bodnar’s flash site soon…In the meantime I’, printing a run of ten sets, on cardstock parhcment, hand signed and numbered. $75 for the set, comes with a cover sheet (an extra sheet basically) that has a story on the back of it. The folio set is a limited run. any remaining prints will be here.

Currently, prints of all of these are available via

and any remaining originals are at

side note- if you see something you love at square, but you’re not in the US, please let me know! I can post it to zibbet instead (which does international shipping and such)

I usually take commissions for tattoo designs, you can email me about that if you like, to see if I have open time for more.

here’s evidence of the hard work, you can see a few of the sheets lying there amidst the rest of the recent stuff:Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

read more to see more images…


froggy gone a-courtin’.

froggypen and ink piece I finished last night!

it’s 9×12″, on heavyweight acid free paper.

here is the original for sale,

and here are prints.

spring morning.

springmorningfinished this last night.

original is for sale, here:

prints are here:

handpainted print with metallic details, here:


snapping turtle.


prints are here:

original is for sale here:

pen and ink on hotpress paper. he’s about 8×12″.







All done! … Email to make an offer! I’d like her to go to a good home. There will be prints later, limited amounts


Original is sold, prints are here:

some new things added. prints, and bat originals.


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