I'm learning instagram! Also, man tears and logging tattoos.


This is Cody. He’s teaching me to instagram. (my name there is resonanteye)


this isn’t political or anything, I just have a fetish for eye-water.


simple tulip I colored in.


just some sky.


a gang of doglets.


added on to an older tattoo I did years ago.


how that tattoo looked all healed up before we added the text and sunset colors.


an inch.



Something Tattoo Clients Should Never Do! never, ever, ever.

this sea captain is actually a skilled tattoo artist

this sea captain is actually a skilled tattoo artist

Never get someone else,

who is not a tattoo artist,

to draw a

tattoo for you

(especially if you are paying a non-tattoo artist for it).

  • Tattoo artists can draw.

This is why we do tattoos. Not only can we draw, we enjoy it. Also, we gain through our work experience a feel for the engineering of the surfaces of the human body; this is a quality of good tattooing that most other artists will not understand r use to its best advantage. (I.e.- where do you put the focal point on a sleeve? how do you draw perspective lines on a column that twists every time someone moves? how do you make mountains look distant on a round but mobile surface?) We also have an understanding of the formula of the medium. Time is not kind to the human body; when using it as a canvas there are a lot of pitfalls, and most non-tattoo artists fall into these constantly.


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