my third eclipse.
- In original art,
A tattoo I did quite some time ago, and a painting I’m working on right now.
Living here by the Siuslaw, it feels like sasquatch is always nearby.
The grey hour before complete dark is sasquatch hour, and the misty hour after that is owl time.
Formerly known as Wardian cases, moss terrariums are pretty easy to take care of, if they’re put together right.
I’ve been making these off and on for years, and have a few well-established ones growing in my house.
They’re really nice for times when you want to see some outside nature but for some reason(such as cold or work), you can’t go hiking.Since I moved to Alsea, I’ve spent a lot of time in the woods.
I live next to the Siuslaw forest, which is one of the least-developed natural areas in the northwest.
It’s gorgeous, silent, and old.
The house I live in has its own patch of woods, which is its yard. I spend a lot of my days poking around there, growing things, picking mushrooms, and gathering moss. This is what I do with all that stuff, and it’s not hard to do yourself.
(here’s a supply list, and another, and another, in case you need to buy some of these things)
.and release
I just have to insert, at this date, a brief rant about eggs.
If you have never eaten fresh eggs from a chicken that you have personally met, I would highly recommend that you immediately scrap all your plans for the bar and go try to make the acquaintance of a local chicken or two instead.
Fresh eggs from a chicken that eats as well as people do … these eggs taste nothing like the watery yellow beans you can buy from the store. FROM ANY STORE. Even the hippy co-op vegan-fed freerange cagefree ones cannot compare to the deep orange deliciousness of a fresh egg straight from a good friend’s cloaca.
I have two or three or four friends who keep chickens. All of them feed them like people, like pets. They talk to them, the chickens roam around and get into mischief, and have names.
I’ve met some of these chickens. And when the eggs start at the beginning of spring I am very glad to have met them.
I mean, grocer’s eggs are yellow. The yolks are watery and yellow. These are orange, like an orange. thick. viscous. Standing up in the sea of frothy whites. They’re little miracles. Now, in the winter they make less eggs. So I buy the ones from the hippy store (cagefree veganfed etc etc) and they are like eating water compared to the fresh eggs my friends poop out. I feel the lack of them the way I feel the want of sunshine.
I’m not much of a cook (you could have guessed) but even I can make delicious breakfast with these things. My god you could just pour them from the shell onto a piece of bread and it’d be like gourmet food.
I had a tummyache all day, and a few of these were the only thing I could keep down. They’re medicine in a shell.
My chicken friends, thanks. I’m ever so grateful.
For all the little things about this town that make it less-than-perfect, (patchouli smells, for one, hahah) I have to say that I have found that I love it here.
I work for decent people, who have been involved in body mod for decades. Guys who have good high standards. They’re not perfect- nobody is. But they are good people, and they try damn hard, and they care a hell of a lot about both us artists there and what we do, and what they do, for the clients.
I remember some places I’ve worked where the owners were just dicks…or they had it in for the artists…or they didn’t trust us or each other. Places that sucked, that sucked the life out of the artwork. I’m glad I am where I am. I try to do things so that all tattoo artists can be in a good place like this.
Today was quite an interesting experience. There are almost a thousand tattoo artists and facilities licensed in Oregon. There are about 150 electrologists. The board that oversees both consists of:
A legislator-type,three electrologists,one permanent cosmetics worker
there are no tattoo artists on this council, even though there are nearly ten times as many licenses issued, and revenue from us makes up the vast majority of funds brought in by that council.
Maybe we can change that at some point. Today I got a sense for how the council works, and what their responsibilties actually are. What they can and cannot accomplish. They seemed like nice enough people. Our inspection/regulations director here, Tim Molloy, was interesting to listen to. He seems to try very hard, but sadly his hands are tied with many things and there’s only so much they’re able to do. It was good to hear that we now have four inspectors rather than just the one.
At any rate, it was a very informative day. I’m exhausted now and I’m going to relax. I may edit up in here later to add more detail once I’ve had some time to digest it all and go back over my notes.
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