Primer: Juice
- In original art,
Pretty good primer on nicotine liquids, for beginners.
Pretty good primer on nicotine liquids, for beginners.
I’ve tried another batch of flavors, and have some thoughts on them. (for those of you looking for the starter kits/basic vaporizer setups, this place has the nicest cheap ones right now. I’ll post a different place if I find a better one.)
Newly added to the all-day vape category:
Honey fig tobacco from the Plume Room. This is luxurious, slightly sweet on the exhale, and rich. Along with Honey nut and Sweet cream, it’s in my pocket now when I leave the house.
Bread from Ecblend. It’s dry. It’s got the same nice crisp dryness as the Graham cracker flavor I like so much, but it also has…sourdough? Some sort of definite savory undertone. It’s very, very good- if you’re looking for something that’s unsweet, this will work.
Vanilla custard from Gremlin Juice. This is the best custard I’ve ever had. And it’s got the right vanilla in it- it’s not flowery at all or artificial-tasting. It’s a good, heavy dessert flavor.
Nearly 1 in 10 people quits smoking after trying electronic cigarettes, suggesting a potential alternative to government-approved tobacco-cessation tools such as nicotine patches and lozenges, according to a new study.
The research published Monday in the peer-reviewed journal PLOS One could heighten debate over how to regulate a small but fast-growing rival to traditional cigarettes.
Regular cigarettes are widely viewed as more harmful than e-cigarettes because they release toxins through combustion. By contrast, e-cigarettes rely on battery power to heat nicotine-laced liquid and convert it into vapor. But the science remains incomplete.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it plans to regulate e-cigarettes, adding that more study is needed about their safety and whether they help smokers kick the habit. European Union health ministers called Friday to regulate e-cigarettes as medicinal products, which would subject them to extensive health testing.
In the new study, the first large, lengthy clinical trial of e-cigarettes, Italian researchers at the University of Catania in Italy tracked 300 local smokers who agreed to try e-cigarettes between 2010 and 2012. They found 8.7% weren’t smoking traditional cigarettes after 12 months. Quit rates ranged from 4% for those who were given e-cigs without nicotine, an addictive agent in cigarettes, to 13% for those given e-cigs with the highest dose of nicotine.
I fully destroyed half my gear today. I am definitely not now and have never been very mechanically-minded. I mean, I once tried lost wax and sand casting machine frames, and almost killed everyone in the workshop (don’t ask) and I have been known to fix a tattoo machine by throwing it against the wall, cursing it with vile imprecations. (It worked perfectly after that). I think moonbeams repair cell phones, and I firmly believe little gremlins in a plastic case are the reason my laptop functions.
I once tried to build a PC, too. Franenstein kind of works, but he lives in the basement and is not allowed to be fed electricity.
And I can’t wait until PVs are just as fiddle-free as all the other things I use regularly and have no clue about.
(My car is the exception to all this. A lifetime of poverty and strangeness has forced me to know how a car basically works and the life-sustaining things I must do to it. Not that I want to, or that I will if there’s a mechanic I can afford- but I know how. It wasn’t fun to get to this level of knowledge though, and I’d almost rather NOT understand why you shouldn’t take every sparkplug wire off an 8-cylinder van all at once to replace them.)
I found this little list of ways to criticize art. It’s interesting that not until four steps in, the final step, does the list include
In fact, your personal opinion of a piece of art is the last thing to consider.
This is a good thing, and a bad thing. I mean, every piece of art is trying to communicate, to get across something- to YOU. You are the viewer, and what you think of the work outside of all formal critique, is really the most important thing. Really. You don’t have to know the elements of design or the formalities of color theory to know what you like.
You either like it, or you don’t. Maybe learning more changes your mind, maybe it doesn’t. But your initial response to a piece, without any external or additional information, is really the meaningful part of a critique like this.
I said it’s a good thing, too, didn’t I? That’s because if you don’t know why you like it or hate it, you can’t explain that to anyone else- most importantly, the artist who’s asking for your response.
Learning the terms for different techniques and processes can help with this, but just knowing basics, such as he gives at the end of this list, go a long way. You definitely don’t need to go to class to learn these things. Fuck, I’m an uneducated/self-taught artist; I think you can learn these things, and how to express them, just fine, by reading online, by looking at art, and taking the time to think about your opinions.
I don’t know much, but I know what I like. And if I tell someone how I feel about something they’ve made I like to try to tell them why I feel that way. A negative opinion expressed by a great critic is the most helpful thing on earth.
Ok so- this is the promised post about vaporising and ecigs and all that.
another REALLY USEFUL beginner’s guide is here. I’m just talking about my own personal experiences.
As regular readers already know, I’ve been smoking one or two packs a day since I was twelve. That’s…well, it’s a lot of years. I’ve tried the following to quit:
Now, I have never quit for more than a day. I think chantix came closest- I lasted a day and a half on that. And managed, for a few weeks, to cut back to half a pack a day. But every time I’ve tried, I’ve ended up smoking again within a day.
Maybe I’m weak. Maybe part of it is that I start going crazy mentally when I go a few hours without a cigarette. Maybe I just didn’t “WANT TO QUIT” hard enough- maybe pep talks have never helped me do much of anything.
At any rate I’ve been unable to quit before. I’ve currently not smoked for five days. six? I’ve smoked one pack in the last three weeks (up until however-many-days-ago) which in itself is some kind of miracle.
I am using a nicotine vaporizer, otherwise known as a PV, to stop. These come in a lot of different forms, but I have no clue about most of them so I’ll just be talking about what I’ve used/tried. if you know more about these feel free to comment and tell me!I started out trying a blu. This did not work. It kind of looked like a cigarette, and tasted like one sort of. But I just wanted a cigarette after using it. It didn’t satisfy me. And what’s more- I was “smoking” it only when I wanted a cigarette, and feeling bad if I used it more often. It wasn’t enjoyable- it was like the gum, like the patch. A crappy-tasting replacement.
I ended up smoking anyway, and just setting it aside somewhere (in my car) and forgetting about it.
Then I tried a starter kit from vaporsmiths. Strangely enough it lasted a few days longer than the blu had; the battery on it is a little more powerful, and the nicotine content a little higher, so I actually didn’t want to smoke after I had used it. I was still smoking, mind you- just not as often.
Then, I found a good small group of people who use ecigs/PVs (here, if you’re curious) and one of them sent me gear, as a favor, just because. This setup worked. It made strong, flavor-filled vapor that felt like I was smoking. I could puff and notice the “smoke” going into my lungs, into my throat. I had something to fiddle with and chew on. I only smoked one or two cigarettes the first day after it arrived.The gear I started with was an eGo twist battery, and a drip atomizer. That’s it. Nothing fancy- you just charge the battery, then attach the atomizer and tip, and pour a few drops of the juice into it.
I started out with tobacco-flavored juice that he’d sent me along with the setup. But I realized pretty quickly that real cigarettes don’t actually taste like tobacco- unless you’re smoking a pipe, you’re not really getting a tobacco taste. So I started trying out more flavors, mostly from this place (cheap, so you can try lots) and this place (delicious)
I also finally had a little spare cash and ordered a backup battery, one of these, and clearomizers.
To get started trying this PV thing out, if you’re going to use it to quit or cut back on smoking:The gear.
I have:
There are a few good resources out there for information about this stuff, but I’ve gotten the best answers by either asking the community at large, or emailing one of the vendors. The people involved in this (with the exception of the crappy gas station brands) are all pretty much small businesses, and are really willing to take the time to help out.
a reminder tattoo for a tattoo artist friend of mine. he wanted to remember to slow down, and do more focused work, instead of hurrying up and rushing himself. He is the kind of artist who feels a lot of pressure from his clients, he tends to feel so glad to be tattooing that he forgets that his work is valuable, that his BEST work is worthwhile…that people who want really good tattoos are willing to pay for them, and that he is capable of doing great tattoos, and therefore shouldn’t undervalue his time…
If you undercharge people, you start to feel rushed. it’s inevitable- you end up booked solid for months but barely making ends meet. hurrying up to get that tattoo done in time, in the small amount of time you quoted them for. it’s far better to quote high, to take your time, take that extra hour to do your VERY BEST work on people.
any rate- I love fucking sloths. And this one is particularly classy, too.
For my younger male readers, don’t be a creep.
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