Roseburg, Oregon!

Some tattoos, art, and road pictures from Roseburg so far! I’m here through Sunday. Tomorrow I’m working on a massive salmon tattoo, Sunday I’m making some orchids…not sure what’s going on Saturday yet.

Going to Roseburg next! Eugene was a blast.

DSC_0069I got to see people I missed, tattooed the hell out of almost everyone, and now I’m taking a day off. I’ll be working at the High Priestess in Roseburg Tuesday on, so call the shop there if you want to get in with me while I’m in Oregon, this tour.
Here’s a few photos from today, at the Eugene shop.


Some more time in Eugene at HP!


face healed, background fresh.


I didn’t do the yellow or the running dude, just the landscape and elbow.


healed, 3/4 sleeve from years ago. saw her today!


peacock healed, background fresh.


amber wearing her new amber ear weights. (I love her!)

landscapes and salt shakers.

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…and a few road photos.

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Visiting the new High Priestess location in Eugene!

DSC_0551Man, is this ever a gorgeous shop. The vibe is perfect. Plus most of the crew are people I have worked with, off and on, for years and years. Old friends and some new faces that I already love…I’ve done a few tattoos on friends and clients already and I’ll be staying through until Sunday night.

Come say hi!





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Day three, Evergreen Tattoo Invitational…

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Day Two, evergreen tattoo invitational.

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day one- evergreen tattoo convention.



All six sheets of flash for the weekend!

I’ll be taking walkins to do any of these tattoos, every day, all weekend at the evergreen convention, in springfield oregon.






finished massive flash sheets, ear weights from this month.

22x30" sheet of flash for tattoos, I did this to bring to the evergreen convention.

22×30″ sheet of flash for tattoos, I did this to bring to the evergreen convention.

22x30" sheet of flash for tattoos, I did this to bring to the evergreen convention.

22×30″ sheet of flash for tattoos, I did this to bring to the evergreen convention.

new set, these are for sale at laughing buddha in seattle. 7/16" saba wood with oak and nut dangling on silk wrapping.

new set, these are for sale at laughing buddha in seattle. 7/16″ saba wood with oak and nut dangling on silk wrapping.

set I'm working on- 1/2" saba wood with glass, oak, and maple beads, silk threadwrapping, and copper-wrapped hand polished agates.

set I’m working on- 1/2″ saba wood with glass, oak, and maple beads, silk threadwrapping, and copper-wrapped hand polished agates.

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