tattoos from august in seattle!




in progress




side one


side two


life finds a way


mandala and mandorla coloring books, grab em while they're hot!

IMG_20150824_154336I’ve been working on a four-volume set of mandala coloring books. The first three are already available at this link, the fourth is on the way!

Below are a few print-sized images you can print out yourself and color for free. (Reproduction for other uses is not permitted!)



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5 big mistakes people make when planning their tattoos (and how to avoid them)

reposting for info! for you.

sketches from the moleskin, siuslaw 8/15

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sunburn memory process photos

sunburn memories watercolor and pencil on arches coldpress paper, 16x20". original sold. click image for prints.

sunburn memories
watercolor and pencil on arches coldpress paper, 16×20″. original sold. click image for prints.

Finished. below, the steps to completion and process shots. (I drink coffee in the “paint water” mug, and use the “not paint water” mug for paint water. This actually works and I haven’t drunk my paint water since- reverse psychology or something.)


sketch: very loose brushstrokes with pale, washed-out tones of sap green, sepia, and grey


underpainting: adding heavier pigment load to areas, dry brush spots on hair and eye


layers: fixing shadows, adding cool tones of indigo to shadowed areas, starting in on big washes behind everything.


detail: struggling with leaves, and with hand position on the fan. also gave her the sheer shirt I was planning


prints available at

schedule updates winter 2015/16

In the permanent collection of the Museum of Unfine Art, Eugene, Oregon


New Horrors coloring book release, available here. Signings and coloring party coming soon!

Totem animals will be hanging for sale- handpainted giclee prints, at Vittles, 2320 2nd Ave Seattle (Belltown)- all through December!

Art show, “Future History”, at Club Tattoo in Scottsdale AZ feb. 21!

Eugene, Oregon, at High Priestess downtown- postponed– march 7-14

Seattle, at Laughing Buddha, postponed– march 12-20

Evergreen Tattoo Convention, in Springfield Oregon, March 4-6

Botanical art show, ‘Rights to Spring’,  at Americana, Seattle, April 2016.

One Nation Under Ink Convention, in Shelton WA, April 8-10

Guest spot at Abaddon Tattoo, PA, August 17-24.

Possible conventions: Seattle (august?) and Vegas (fall?).

To schedule time in Seattle, please contact the shop:
Laughing Buddha Tattoo and Body Piercing,
o schedule time at High Priestess, in PA, or at conventions, use this link:



I’m not taking art commission requests at this time, but you can still find prints at this link, and originals listed in the shop here (link up top in the menu).

excerpt from "through the looking glass", an article by Mary Cecil about her experience with psychosis and commitment

a good solid bit of writing from a woman with mental illness, speaking about her experience in the system.

online selling, etsy, ethics.

it’s gotten even worse by now.

more tattoos from seattle!

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finger tattoos fade.


before- these are four months old.


after touchup.

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