flowers from friends.

10628493_10152519135872712_4904277902971984174_nI asked some friends to send me photos they’d taken of flowers, then I sketched them. Here’s a bunch for you.


relax don’t do it

This is relevant all over again.

relax don't do it

This is relevant all over again.

I was going to write something helpful today…

praying mantis shadowbox with teethI had planned to update my old post about lettering for tattoo art (because I’ve learned a lot since then)- but then…

today I looked over what it costs me to keep my websites up ad-free. two hundred bucks a year. It’s a lot, maybe too much. every year it takes a chunk and I always wonder if it’s worth it, that’s money I will only have if my car repair is cheap and I don’t go to the dentist. You know? That’s two months of internet and phone. That’s a doctor-bill payment.

The ads wouldn’t pay me anything, this is a non-commercial site, and I’ll never MAKE money from it. Even if I downgrade and allow the ads- they won’t pay me anything. This site is considered “adult content” so I can’t have any google ad network ads on it- and even if I did, my numbers would pay out maybe five bucks a year. Then there’s the content of those ads the hosting company would run, they’d be for crap I don’t endorse (THANKS GOOGLE YOU JERK) like tattoo schools (SCAM), unlicensed equipment (WTF), etc… and all it would do is lower my cost yearly to around thirty or forty bucks if I let them run them.


originals are up for the holidays!

floral watercolor originalI’m listing originals. Everything I have on hand is being put up until the holidays, here:

I won’t be doing this again for a while, so get em while they’re hot.
All of these will be for sale through january 15. If you want them by the holidays, order before december 12, though.

(prints and all my other things can be had at THIS page, right here.)



more tomorrow.


book signing and coloring contest!

We had a good time, two prizes were won, and all these pages got colored!
You can still pick up the book in person at Laughing Buddha, or you can order one online here.

Thanks to my instafriend Jon and his sweet lady for being so awesome that they won the prizes, and to everyone else who sat and colored with me! xox

Here are some photos from the night, and some pictures people have colored from the book itself.
(the jackalope? he’s in the second expanded edition, just you wait)

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first tattoos, small tattoos.

can I just say that I absolutely love doing someone’s first tattoo. I become part of their life story in such a huge way, doing that. I love working on my big regular clients, on collectors, and on people who do tattoos. but I also LOVE people who are just dipping their toes in for the first time.
they have a lot of trust in me. they’re not only trusting me with the art, like anyone does-they’re trusting me to initiate then into this whole new mode of expression, a new way to think about themselves and their bodies.



ear weights.



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another day, tiny flowers, drawing, and things.


one of my colleagues hard at work

1012287_10152488836022712_340086824145572597_n tent


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