squid vs whale, collaboration

tattoos hurtspent the night at work doing a collaborative piece with splat, hanging out with jason, our new artist, and making erok cry. A good time was had by all.

I have been doing collaborative work for a while now. As long as both artists are really communicative about the plans for the piece, things work out really well. You can use all your own strengths and ride on theirs, to compensate for your weaknesses.

For this tattoo, we each drew a side and then tattooed there mostly. But I’m sure once we get into the color we’ll start jumping back and forth.

He sat for two hours. Not a bad sitting for having two mean artists drill on you at once. Of course, this happens to one of my coworkers, too, so he knew what he was in for.

The hardest thing in a collaborative tattoo is getting a decent grip, enough to hold em still when your collaborator moves, stretches, lets go. That can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes you can have  just one person do the outline on their own then both jump in for color, but with this tattoo we both worked the whole time.

More pictures after the jump.


the oregon advisory council on permanent color technicians

l_75f20eb646e5a97491db8bb21ef67f3c3Today was quite an interesting experience. There are almost a thousand tattoo artists and facilities licensed in Oregon. There are about 150 electrologists. The board that oversees both consists of:

A legislator-type,three electrologists,one permanent cosmetics worker

there are no tattoo artists on this council, even though there are nearly ten times as many licenses issued, and revenue from us makes up the vast majority of funds brought in by that council.

Maybe we can change that at some point. Today I got a sense for how the council works, and what their responsibilties actually are. What they can and cannot accomplish. They seemed like nice enough people. Our inspection/regulations director here, Tim Molloy, was interesting to listen to. He seems to try very hard, but sadly his hands are tied with many things and there’s only so much they’re able to do. It was good to hear that we now have four inspectors rather than just the one.

At any rate, it was a very informative day. I’m exhausted now and I’m going to relax. I may edit up in here later to add more detail once I’ve had some time to digest it all and go back over my notes.

birdy feet


I draw and paint a lot of birds. I work with a lot of dead birds in my taxidermy sculptures. The funny thing is that I don’t like birds.

They’re scaly-footed, chirpy, smelly, disgusting creatures.

The only bird I have ever met that I liked was this one baby chicken my friend had. And even that bird, I didn’t like being near it.


They seem as if they’re all lice ridden. Their beaks frighten me. Feathers are kind of disgusting.

And yet- they’re so great to draw. The feather layers make the shape of the body apparent. Back shading was never so purposeful. Their wings make for a really nice repetitive rhythm. Their faces are strangely constructed and their beaks a perfect chance to play with point and fade.

I do have trouble with their feet. I tend to fudge it, to black them into silhouettes of feet, so that I won’t have to allow my mistakes to show too clearly. crow in the corn

Dragon feet and bird feet are very similar. The scaly toes, curled talons. The gestures. Both are hard for me to draw.

But you can get complex or simplified and stylized with feathers and make a good bird.

They almost always have a really dynamic pose, too, which makes them easy to draw. Lots of long curved lines repeating and radiating.

I wish I liked real birds as much as illustrated ones.

at five years of tattooing

I was:

neck sleeve

in a different crappy relationship



working too many hours


going to conventions

crying a lot

drawing with prismacolor markers

painting a lot

taking fewer pictures

getting interviewed for a magazine


my first year of tattooing

l_b1a990a7b1f448e2b5392e71bd0d0e3cI was:




not very tattooed

afraid to offend a client

afraid to say no to one



tiger tattoo

tiger tattoo

I really, really enjoy doing collaborative work. I like the cameraderie, I like seeing how other people do stuff, I like having someone to ask about color choices, I like the way it makes everything go faster, and I like sharing the load. It’s fun to draw with someone else, see what comes out of their mind, it’s awesome.

that said, I hate it when their wiping disturbs my stretching. and vice versa. If only skin could wipe itself without moving, collaborative work would be the easiest thing ever.

pat pig, PAT pig

100 points if you can name the movie the quote comes from

what I did last night:


getting ready for the art opening. as you can see this one is humongous.

also, did this tattoo tonight, it’s still going to have some background, but we’ll be adding that later:

book tattoo

she sat like a champ. It’s funny but halfway through this tattoo another woman came in to schedule an appointment to get a book done.

English majors and future librarians are somoe of my favorite people.

link of the day:

Here’s a big shocker: poor people go to the doctor less often and catch cancer more than rich people do. DUH.

Redding Ink.

I’ll let the pictures do the talking.
Gallery after the jump.


hidden treasures

yesterday ended up being busier than I’d thought it would be.

I worked on a few regulars, doing some lettering on the sides of their feet. Ouch! They both sat really well and weren’t at all stinky.

Then I did this really nice treasure map- she and her husband were married right there on the X. Tonight I’m doing a treasure map on him, on his back. I’ll post pictures of the two of them together afterward. I like using the aged paper colors, those soft browns and dull yellows. Creamy paper colors.

At the tail end of the night I did some more work on cory’s arm, we’re a session away from being done with his anatomical man. I can’t wait! It’s one of my favorite pieces I have in progress right now.


queen of the joke tattoo

I swear I’ve become the specialist in this kind of thing.

louie's mustache

louie's mustache


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