man daller.

pencil sketch for backpiece mandala tattooDSC_1111resonanteye geometric mandala back tattoo in progress
peck and I have been discussing this piece for years, we finally got started on it.

This is only the beginning, we just barely got the linework roughed in during a four hour sitting.

autumn birdsong.

bird with autumn leaves tattoobird tattoo with oak leaveshe’s got a white berry in his beak. This took about three or four hours, total. we did it all in one session because she is a tough cookie!

I had originally drawn this as a bird flying down, with loose leaves in the wind around it. she wanted to make the branch more prominent and loved the oak leaves in that drawing- and wanted the bird perched. This was the second round of drawings.

I really like using subdued colors right next to bright ones, like the yellow on the bird’s head among all the greys and browns in this piece.

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more bird art from me is available here.

big tree, work in progress!

while working on my friend’s tree tonight he told me about his zen retreat experience.

the group meditates, all sitting in position. a monk creeps stealthily and calmly between the rows of silent people, carrying a long flat stick. when he notices someone out of position or obviously distracted, he taps them on the shoulder, then whacks them hard on each shoulder.

I’ve also been promised a link to a podcast that discusses the nature of pain and how to cope with it by staying in the moment.

I find that if I start paying attention to someone’s physical pain while tattooing them, it becomes more difficult to focus on the art itself, the technical aspects and creative aspect of the work. So I try my hardest to block it out or make a joke – I am far from a soothing nurse, in other words.

So maybe if I have access to a soothing podcast, I can throw headphones on my clients while I torture them.


Thigh! White.

Rib panel.

She sat like a rock.

The full poem quoted in the piece:

Don’t stand by my grave and weep,

for I am not there.

I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow.

I’m the diamond’s glint on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain.

I am the gentle autumn’s rain.

Don’t stand by my grave and cry.

I am not there. I did not die.

blackwork sleeves, no, NOT tribal. Blackwork.

finally finished this set of awesome stripey arms tonight. This is my best friend by the way.
I feel like we worked on these foreeeever.

She had a straight, solid one-inch thick black line around each upper arm, done by someone else, to start with. And she wanted…”something besides just a band around each arm, something bad ass”

We’d already done a bunch of color work on her back (It’s still in progress- snakes and flowers) and so I asked her if she wanted to do something big and abstract, that would make the bands into something crazy awesome.

Since she is my best friend, she said, “HELL YEAH”

We finished her right arm a long time ago and have been working on her left (the more zig-zaggy one) for a while, tonight we finished it.

I might go back through once everything settles in and tighten up some points and edges here and there, and touch up any spots that have gotten skeeter bites over the years…but her sleeves are DONE.

(the color areas on her forearms were done by another great local artist, once I know it’s ok I’ll put up a link to his work here. Suffice to say he’s goddamn awesome too.)

family crests.

Finished a family crest tattoo today. He had the center (bird part) started about four years ago, by a different artist. I did the filigree and background…

I also repaired a tattoo his wife had done years ago, as well.

I overslept this morning, and missed my first appointment, with one of my favorite people. When I saw her I apologized- “I’m sorry I overslept.” She replied, “I went to a chili party and rode in a helicopter.”


Ok, I am not sorry! Because that sounds awesome.

crater lake sleeve, work in progress.

Alien Dad, and a lotus tattoo.

My friend Melissa came in today to get tattooed. We did a memorial piece for her Dad, who died recently, and was apparently an AWESOME guy, because he LOVED Aliens.

She sat like a champ- we joked and talked the whole time.

This is the cameo-alien-dad-memorial.

(I know her from an amazing website called regretsy, in case you were wondering. She’s one of my internet friends! This was the first tattoo I have done on my friends from that site, but I plan to work on a shitload of these guys on my trip!)


We talked a lot about movies too- she told me to watch a movie whose name I forget, but it was because we were talking about the movie “Parents” with Randy Quaid.

geiger tattoo horror movieAlso I am amassing a VHS tape bin for her- since she likes crappy horror movies as much as I do (and I want my collection to go to someone who will love it, since I am clearing space and paring back my things)






Then, right after that, I worked on my other friend Dottie, doing a Mom memorial tattoo. A tiny bit more classic, this one- a lotus with some swirls and text. The swirls are open and fade at the edges so that we can do more connecting flowers on her arm later.

She knew she wanted a floral piece, so we sat and talked about what flowers she likes, and then I asked her what her favorite colors are…blue, purple, and orange!

I need to get better photos of this. She had dry summer skin (Like I do!) and so it was still shiny in this photo.

SUPER fun, also!


fighting cock tattooI worked on a good friend today. I like spontaneous tattoos a lot.

There’s something to be said for the energy that builds up when you talk over an idea, do the art together, find reference, and then tattoo- all in one day. It’s my favorite way to work, really- with the client right there, hanging out the whole time.

This is Chicken’s cack.

Chicken is an old friend. He’s covered in no-nos, tattoos that are funny or offensive. He came in to get tattooed with no idea what we ought to work on (he is, like me, running out of space!) so we sat down and started throwing ideas around. He doesn’t have a cock tattoo, so noticing that the front of his leg below the knee was empty it was the first thing that popped into my mind – both as something that’d suit him, and something I’d really enjoy drawing. He asked me to make sure it was damn serious and kinda pissed, so I did.

We looked up a ton of photographs of the actual animal, so that I could get a good feel for the body structure and feather patterns on these guys. Our piercer, Tigger, showed me some photos of Aurmarca(spelling?) roosters, too- very simple and direct colors on these guys. Red, brownish-yellow, and a greeny-black iridescence.

All in all, a fun start for a big giddy tattoo.

I’ll be at the shop tomorrow too- it’s the tail end of the slow season here. Next month I will likely be busy tattooing, but for right now I have the time to work on some close friends and colleagues, which is a nice segue back to regular working hours from camping season!


(note, this cack is about halfway done. we still have to do the tail, wing, and background.)

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