some new, and some old.

Spent the day scanning things, drawing. And relisted a few things on etsy. And then planted out the garden, the rest of it.

I got a few images of healed tattoo work I’ve done from some clients I love very much. Here’s a few of those…

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Here’s a few of the things for sale (originals)…I’ll have some new stuff coming too later this week!

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the world’s gone mad, and a water tiger.

tiger art

he’s the original art, colored pencil on thick bristol, 8×10″ and I will frame him for you! $45 includes shipping.

I know it seems like the whole world has popped the cork on weirdness the last few months, but it’s only to be expected when we’re having such huge peaks and valleys of novelty in the human experience.

Also, I drew this tiger recently. I don’t think I’ll make any prints, but here’s the original. I’ll frame him in a nice wooden frame I think, if someone buys him.

natural history photographs from today.

still life photographynatural history for herSome still-life pictures I made today.

All are over at my print shop, if you want one. Some of them I will be printing on paper I’m tinting myself, just for that old-timey feeling.

I like the one with the pince-nez best of all, but I took about three or four I think are worthy of printing.

Some of my favorite things.

I usually post all my own work here, and occasionally a review of an artist or a few artists.

Today is one of the days when I feel like showing what some of my friends make. I belong to a team on etsy which runs on chaos and confusion. It’s enchanting in a way. There’s none of the usual melodrama or arguing found on that site- it’s a strange and silly group of people. The only real rule is to help each other out- and to enjoy doing it.

Here’s a link to that team– if you use etsy, you’re welcome to join us (you don’t have to have a shop to join in the mayhem.)

First of all, there’s Debbi. Now, she does digital stuff, photographs. She works in NOLA, which means all her stuff has that creepy, southern vibe. But she has also given me tons of ideas for my own work, including the notion to do curated shadowboxes. She is a promotional wizard and she is also the queen of amokery, even.

Also, I love her work.


can check out more of her things here.


I should also say that she is soooooooo fabulous.

Anyone who likes the dirty south should enjoy taking a peek at her stuff.

Then, there’s Francesca. I know two Frannies, this one is the dark one- her work is gothic, and sometimes strange. She does a lot of things with tiny bones, with feathers. She’s totally obsessed with day of the dead motifs.

Her stuff makes me smile. I know she also, like me, LOVES skulls.

You can see more from her here.

I’ve talked to her quite a bit, and her tastes are really similar to mine. She likes dead things, tattoos, and good music.

What I would call good, anyway.

People who like my stuff will probably like her stuff A LOT.


And Brittany. She makes cute kid stuff- usually.

Which means that I don’t need it, given that I have no kids.

BUT! I got her book on bullying for my nieces and nephews.

AND! she also makes this scary guy!

Well, not scary. just goth. I think she’s going to make some more of these,

I really hope she does. This one sold right away.

She is like Mary Poppins, ever so polite, kind, and decent. It’s kind of funny that someone like that would be my friend. but she is! You can see more of her work here- and you should definitely check it out if you have/like/know any kids.


daniblu makes cool things too.


she is very sweet, and kind.

Of everything she does though-

I am in LOVE with these.

They’re just big enough for plugs. and just soft enough to keep things from breaking.

Holy crap.

You can find the rest of her work here. 


I also like Shayne’s work a lot. He does chicks, hot chicks. More day of the dead stuff. Zombies. Vampires.


he’s goofy as hell.

I think he would like to be serious at times but he is just…not.

He lives near some friends of mine out in the desert, so I’m hoping on my next road trip I get to meet him and kick it a little.

You can find more of his stuff here.

He reminds everyone all the time that he’ll make prints in just about any size…so I’ll say that for him too. The man has drive.

I’ve got about ten more people I WANT to include, but I will wait until next time to write about them all. I’ll just leave you with a few pictures to click on, that go to more things made by each person.




I’ll be posting some paintings later on today- I’m almost done with the sasquatch, so even if it fails I will put him up!

All these folks are awesome people. I mean it.

spider rat two.

spider rat taxidermy articulationHere is a second one.

I will be building one more of these. This one has caught a meal.

This one is also for sale at this link…click away, please!

rat spider…(redacted reference to the movie, dead alive)

horror, weird taxidermy mount, skeleton articulationWhat I finished today. I also started a huge full-sheet landscape, but that won’t be done for a while yet.

I’ll be building three of these creepy little monsters- this one, another for a friend as a commission, and then a slightly larger rat-size one. This one is made of a full mouse skull, rat jaws, bird and mouse and rat bones, possum vertebrae, bone glue, and oil pigment.

It’s on a tiny coffin lid, and hangs on the wall, for all your horrorfully-decorated rooms. I think he would do best in a library, in a genetics lab, or in a tattoo and horror fanatic’s studio or office. But what do I know? It might be that he is happiest in your nightmares.

This one is for sale, the second has already sold.

banned on etsy: her roses

human arm bone articulation. banned on etsy!

Apparently, despite many other listings of legal human bones, THIS one is unwelcome on etsy.

Their explanation? “Despite the fact that it is legal in your locale, etsy considers it to fall under the “illegal animal parts” clause of the TOS.”

In other words, the law is what etsy says it is.

Moving on.


Update: etsy has now included human parts as forbidden items, along with any thing  that has “health claims”.

ok, ok. The story of Carl Panzram.

 “I was so full of hate that there was no room in me for such feelings as love, pity, kindness or honor or decency.”

Carl Panzram was born at an odd time in American history. In 1891, in rural Minnesota, he was born into a poor farming family. His father left the family when he was 7. Brought up in an atmosphere of swift and merciless punishment, and unending toil for little or no reward, Panzram learned early that the world most likely hated him, or at best was indifferent.

Unlike most in this situation, he decided to return hate with hate, and indifference to suffering with callous disregard.

“The older I got the meaner I got.” 

The nation, in Panzram’s youth, was suddenly much easier to traverse. He was one of the first traveling killers. Canneries, industry, and labor disputes were common during his lifetime- the fact that child labor was being seriously defended by those in authority at that time did much to warp his perspective. He began his violence very young, and at the age of  eight, fighting and attacking other children. He was sent to a reform school at eleven. Reform schools and prisons at that time were not dedicated to rehabilitation- punishment was the purpose, and Panzram experienced several years of sodomy, beatings, forced labor, and starvation.

When he was released, he was primed and ready to take revenge on the world.

 “I first began to think that I was being unjustly imposed upon. Then I began to hate those who abused me. Then I began to think that I would have my revenge just as soon and as often as I could injure someone else. Anyone at all would do.”

In 1906, after another failed attempt at reform school, Panzram hopped a train out into the world.

“I fully decided when I left there just how I would live my life. I made up my mind that I would rob, burn, destroy and kill everywhere I went and everybody I could as long as I lived.”

He was almost immediately arrested for burglary and imprisoned again. At the age of 14, he was fully grown, man-size. He was able to escape, and began burning churches as a hobby along his travels. His fierce hatred for religion had been beaten into him during his time at the christian reform schools. He had begun to rape anyone and everyone he came across that was vulnerable; his anger was not limited by gender or age.

Panzram changed his name during this time, and wandered west again. He eventually enlisted in the military; he was court-martialed and sentenced again, almost immediately, for burglary. He was sent to the federeal penitentiary at Fort Leavenworth- an old, brutally-managed prison.  He was treated as an adult, since it was not known that he was only 16 at the time. A code of silence was strictly enforced there, solitary confinement and whipping were the chosen punishments.  He was there for four years- breaking rocks for ten hours a day, every day. when he left he was stronger and angrier than before.

I’ve found that I simply can’t do Panzram justice. His ability to express himself, and the sheer amount of information in existence chronicling his life, are overwhelming to me. He is a nihilist inspiration; he was the epitome of misanthropic, all-encompassing-hateful badassery, and his story is told very well and with thorough attention to detail here. You can also, like I did, buy his autobiography, which he wrote while in prison.

I hate to be a quitter but I honestly feel that my writing ability has broken under the weight of detail available about his life.

Perhaps I will come back to this post later, and take another run at him.

other, more successful stories in this series:

ok, ok. The story of Ed Kemper (with his mother).


Ed Kemper was a large man. He spent most of his life in very small spaces.

He was, unlike many killers, more than willing to openly discuss both his crimes and his feelings about them. Unlike most, he did not pretend to innocence or argue his liability. He also spoke freely about the urges he felt, and their origins.

“When I see a pretty girl walking down the street, I think two things: one part of me wants to take her home, be real nice and treat her right; the other part wonders what her head would look like on a stick.”

He was fifteen when he killed his grandparents. He said that he had killed his grandmother “to see what it felt like”; also, he was angry at them because they had taken away his rifle. Most killers will try to justify a crime, by giving reasons they think anyone might have done it. Kemper quite openly admitted that curiosity about killing, and simple anger, were his main reasons for the killing. He then killed his grandfather, as well, most likely to prevent retribution or further punishment. It was also a way for him to leave the living situation, as he disliked living with them.

“…my grandmother who thought she had more balls than any man and was constantly emasculating me and my grandfather to prove it. I couldn’t please her. It was like being in jail. I became a walking time bomb and I finally blew. “

He was imprisoned for these killings until he was 21. During his confinement, he was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic and tested with a fairly high IQ. He was an intelligent person- but his mind was a bit broken. Whether the diagnosis of PS was accurate or not (diagnostics at that time did not recognize sociopathy or ASPD as proper diagnoses) could be questioned. (He is currently being treated for paranoid schizophrenia.)

He went to live with his mother when he was released.

This was probably a bad idea.


get your own tree from me!

I’m doing commission trees right now, if you’ve liked the trees I’ve been posting.

email me at resonanteye at gmail dot com, to get one!

You pick the colors (up to 3) and the species, and whether you want roots,trunk, or branches to be the focus of the artwork. The one pictured here is a pink and grey oak…with the trunk the main focus. right now I’ll do a 9×12″ for under a hundred dollars- larger sizes, or full sized trees, may be more.

I’m looking forward to making these; I love drawing trees.

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