
Marylin was kinda upset but only I think because she didn’t realize that they post not only ugly or “bad” work, but also joke tattoos and silly ones, that are well done. I understand that not knowing what the site was like she would be pretty upset. But I love that site so…

Any rate here’s the tattoo that caused the flak.

At any rate, this is my own photo of the tattoo. It came out great and makes me really happy. Marylin is an awesome person, and the tattoo made us both giggle a ton. So it didn’t bother me to see it posted there. Go check out their site, too. Except for the fact that they don’t even TRY to find the source for the better-quality tattoos and credit the artists (COME ON GUYS) it’s a great site. And the truly ugly tattoos that do get posted are hilarious too.


I love my people. Full photoset here– you must be 18/flickrmember to view. Because it is nsfw. I posted a few worksafe images in this set, too.


forged steel redemption

help us out, pony needs a new set of shoes

the art I have in my own library

blod and feathers by lou terI’ve got a painting by my friend Nora, a photograph my friend Rachel took, and two big collage mounts by louter . I bought one from her after seeing it in person then commissioned her to make a matching one for me. They’re gorgeous.

Her stuff is mde of nature mostly, bits and pieces. But she also paints, adds texture and color in ways that are sometimes surprising and always good for the eyes.Lots of leaves, twigs, tendrils. And then on top of all this nature and decay, electric blue, gold, searing violets or yellow. Amazing stuff. We had a show together at a local place here, it was really nice to see her work alongside mine. I love her art and just can’t see enough of it.

Go check her out, it’s awesome work (and not all that expensive, all things considered)

ok ok fine…the story of the cannibal, Armin Meiwes.


Arwin MeiwesI’ve got a few of these stories written up and waiting to get posted to the internet someplace, they’re true stories. They may have been told in more detail or with better prose on other websites, to which I include links so you can find out more if you like.

Once again, if you don’t want to read about gory gross stuff, or see yucky pictures, or you are faint of heart, skip this post. If you’re steeled and ready for the worst, go ahead and read more.


ok ok fine. The story of Issei Sagawa

>twenty plates of lady partsSo many people have emailed me now saying that they want to know more about the image in this post, of the suitcase with the leg in it, that I feel obligated to tell a story now. This is a true story, and I will include links to more information for you, so you can find out more if you like.

If you don’t want to read anything too gory or blunt, skip this post, but if you’re interested in the whole story just read more…


mustache tattoos

I did a fun mustache joke tattoo on my friend Fedora last year, and she’s got a few shots of it up on her page. Since it’s in a … an intimate area? I’ll just let you click on her name and scroll down to find it.

She has been making underwear that match her mustache tattoo, too, which I think is great! I got a complimentary pair but if you think the cunnilingus mustache is great, you should definitely pick up a shirt or some undies from her page.


A republican chick that I knew way long ago got me banned from facebook for my birthday. Wasn’t that nice of her? Doesn’t this make you agree more with her point of view?

At any rate I am having my birthday tomorrow and with any luck I will be going to pet lemurs! I LOVE LEMURS.

If you were trying to tell me something on that facebook stuff, just leave it here. You don’t have to join anything to leave a comment. Just click on “comments” below this post (and type any old thing into the name and email fields)

I had a great birthday, mud slide and all.



help the local animals!!!

I will be working at our corvallis studio on saturday. If you come in to get tattooed, I will donate 20% of the cost of your tattoo to the animals! So if you’ve been putting off your tattoo, waiting for a good time, saturday at corvallis is IT.

Be brave and help the animals!

(in other words, if you get tattooed by me on saturday, 20% of what you paid me gets donated to the save the pets charity. It’s not a discount, it’s a donation.)

Redding Ink

This weekend I will be working at the Redding Ink convention, in Redding, CA, with the womantattooartistforum and with HPP.

It should be a blast, if you are in CA and want some work done come on out and see me there, and be aware I will smell quite strongly of in-n-out burger the whole weekend.


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