just out of the oven.

CAM02745[1]I’m baking all the clay I have been working on, today. And I am finishing up an e-pipe from some of it.

I’ve also put up a slew of new prints, too. And a few downloadables. I’ll have a handful more next week, too, I think.

I’ve been working on making some ivory-look clay, I think I want to try to make a pipe that looks like ivory. I’m carving out another skull too. I think I may start messing with shapes, since the clay can be any shape at all I can make an epipe look like anything really.

Messing with some iridescent power pigments too.

I am also thinking of making a few drip tips- long crazy ones, not churchwarden style but long like that, maybe a twisty one. If I seal the mouthpiece part (or use a tiny bit of silicon to cover it) it will be safe to put in your mouth, at that end.

This is today’s project. I started sanding and carving the Meat Pipe too but I don’t have process photos ready yet.

Here’s some of the new prints and downloads in the meantime.

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some new, and some old.

Spent the day scanning things, drawing. And relisted a few things on etsy. And then planted out the garden, the rest of it.

I got a few images of healed tattoo work I’ve done from some clients I love very much. Here’s a few of those…

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Here’s a few of the things for sale (originals)…I’ll have some new stuff coming too later this week!

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a bouquet of tattooed flowers…


DSC_1134we did the outline for this a while back. She already had the pink carnation near the top, so we built a bouquet of her favorite flowers all around it. I like drawing and tattooing floral mixes like this. I feel like I’m a florist arrangement maker or something!


I think it’s in Japan, that along with household skills like cooking and decorating- floral arrangement and music are among the things women are expected to know and do well at. I keep trying to make these arrangement look natural, sometimes that’s a real challenge.


Thigh! White.


I’m posting a piece from scratch sketch to finished study for a tattoo.
I’m working on this art for a friend who lives quite far away; I probably won’t get to tattoo her, but wanted to make sure she was able to get some of my work anyway.

Calling magpie, marigolds, and roses.

Alien Dad, and a lotus tattoo.

My friend Melissa came in today to get tattooed. We did a memorial piece for her Dad, who died recently, and was apparently an AWESOME guy, because he LOVED Aliens.

She sat like a champ- we joked and talked the whole time.

This is the cameo-alien-dad-memorial.

(I know her from an amazing website called regretsy, in case you were wondering. She’s one of my internet friends! This was the first tattoo I have done on my friends from that site, but I plan to work on a shitload of these guys on my trip!)


We talked a lot about movies too- she told me to watch a movie whose name I forget, but it was because we were talking about the movie “Parents” with Randy Quaid.

geiger tattoo horror movieAlso I am amassing a VHS tape bin for her- since she likes crappy horror movies as much as I do (and I want my collection to go to someone who will love it, since I am clearing space and paring back my things)






Then, right after that, I worked on my other friend Dottie, doing a Mom memorial tattoo. A tiny bit more classic, this one- a lotus with some swirls and text. The swirls are open and fade at the edges so that we can do more connecting flowers on her arm later.

She knew she wanted a floral piece, so we sat and talked about what flowers she likes, and then I asked her what her favorite colors are…blue, purple, and orange!

I need to get better photos of this. She had dry summer skin (Like I do!) and so it was still shiny in this photo.

SUPER fun, also!

darth marth day.

darth vader tattoo darth vader tattoo in progressone finished, one in progress!

excuse the crappy photos,

I left my good camera at home, and had

to use the crappy phone camera.


I had the chance to do a purple tulip today.

I LOVE these flowers. So much. She had a few stretch marks- she has been losing weight.  Right now, in this picture, the tattoo is fresh and so they appear raised a bit, but when it heals they will be barely noticable. Stretch marks are easy to cover with tattoos, as long as the tattoo subject itself has some texture- like a flower, a branch. Something with varying contrast and color.

She sat like a champ, and her friend (one of my regulars) brought me some chocolate-marshmallow-peanut fudge stuff which is AMAZING. After this I did a smaller piece on a good friend.

What a great day.

bright, bright bright.

best color combination I’ve found in weeks, right here. total eye-fuck.

I also drew some birds last night; a barn owl, grey heron, and jackdaw. That art is already up for sale over at the etsy page.

I’m gearing up for my gallery show in november. I always get down to the wire with making stuff and have to rush at the end. I somehow manage to get everything I want up finished.

I’ve got a few more skull mounts to post in the next day or so, also.

And, halloween is coming. My favorite holiday! Man I cannot wait. This is also my anniversary with Hawkins, he and I started seeing each other on halloween, so now it’s a doubly awesome holiday…this year is gonna be a good one I think.

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