oregon tsunami. work in progress.

We did a 4 1/2 or 5 hour session on this. It’s a cover-up of an older tattoo, a medium-sized rose and banner was there before.

This fellow lived in Eugene for a good long while, and so he wanted a memento of Oregon. We’re doing Mt. Hood at the backdrop of the waves, on the underside of his arm.

This, a version of the great wave as painted by Hokusai, is simply that- a great wave. Our man Joe is a surfer, and currently lives in Socal- we talked a bit about my fear of swimming in the ocean (SHARKS.) and his lack of fear (DOLPHINS AND PUPPIES). He works as a biologist, right now he is working with condors. I LOVE VULTURES AND CONDORS.

We also had some good book conversation, we’d both read Mutant Message, and a bit of McKenna, and he recommended some music to me, and I recommended he read The Flounder.

He also sat like a champ. It was a long, and brutal session, encompassing both his front and back armpits AND the knob up top by the collarbone, not to mention a large raised scar up there that must have stung! But he sat quite still through it all.

I can’t wait to finish this. I still have to refine the splashed droplets of white, and blue- and reline the cloud areas- and finish the mountain underneath.

does it look like I need a lift?

the site here is getting a little nip-tuck. Just wanring you longtime readers who have been comfy with the format- things are getting cleaned up here!

I’m excited!

the blog will still be here, never fear. I’m just prettifying and organizing.

ms.vader, and a zombie tattoo

lady darth vader tattoozombie tattoowhat I did at work today!

head tattoos, and pirate skeletons!

I worked on some friends yesterday. FUN!

It was my day “off”, so I worked on my best friend, her brother, and another very close friend of mine…

It was a great day. I even put on my mp3 player and we listened to the most epic playlist I’ve ever made, all damn day long.

At one point I serenaded my friend with a Stevie Nicks song while tattooing the center of his head.

I also haven’t seen my best friend in a while so getting to hang out with her was awesome.

We’ve both been a bit reclusive lately so have only been in touch online and on the phone.

It’s the one problem with living where I do right now- my best friend is an hour away. On my way home last night my car got stuck in the snow on marys peak, too, and I had to chain up just to pull it off the road…and hitch a ride home from my partner in his four-wheel drive. So there are downfalls to my woodsy life. Worth it though- and the days when I DO see my friends I am so glad.

A few finished-product photos after the jump.




work in progress…

darth marth day.

darth vader tattoo darth vader tattoo in progressone finished, one in progress!

excuse the crappy photos,

I left my good camera at home, and had

to use the crappy phone camera.

saviour complex

eye tattoo with lettering on chestWhat I worked on today.

tattoo convention! ink traveler’s photos.

ink travelers tattoo conventionink travelers tattoo conventionHere are some pictures from the tattoo convention, what a great time!

Thanks to my clients who sat so well this weekend, and everyone who bought some of my art, I really had a great time chatting with everyone and talking shop. xox

more after the jump.


making art, making life.

The world is a very grey and dismal place at times. There are deaths, horrors. We are all alone in these little bodies, floating around, disconnected most of the time- from each other and from the ground we stand on. Most people DO live quietly, desperately, working and thinking and amassing a thousand new worries each day.

Most people walk around afraid, nervous. Or angry. Or just focused on the task at hand, which for more people all the time involves merely surviving the vicissitudes of economy and thrift, of bad jobs or no work. Of struggle. Life is mostly struggle and concern for most people on earth, and for the rest it can be even worse.

It’s our job, as artists, to show people that there is more. I am not a religious person, nor even a spiritual one. I do not believe that there is a sky-man or any kind of conscious entity watching over us carefully, or interested in our problems. I do not believe. BUT- I do believe that the world itself is a being of grace, and by truly seeing it, and being within it, we can lighten our weight. This entails details.

When one is in a chain gang, there will be a beautiful weed sprouting in the ditch. When one has lost hope and is starving, there will be the smell of dry morning air, and the sunrise. When the worries about the future become too much, there is still the present.

I know this doesn’t make up for any of it. I also know that there are times for all of us when we realize our solitude, when we are alone and in pain, in the dark. Cold and possibly hopeless. In those times it is art’s job to expose the alternatives, to bring the world into us and that way bring us out of ourselves.

Art doesn’t have to be “good” or skilled or perfect or even beautiful to do this. It will be a different view for each artist and a different piece that speaks to each viewer. Sometimes the crude and the ugly do this much more effectively than the pretty and the sweet- actually for me, when I am alone and in pain in the dark, it is the reminder that others have been there as well that helps. And art that speaks this way is often NOT beautiful to look at.

nude watercolor painting, naked smileI need to sell art to live- to pay rent. To eat. If I could give it away and not be homeless I would. But the necessities of the world insist that my work must be valued at a number. I know that for some the value of their work is low and their hours are long and hard; that they must do work which is difficult, upsetting, dangerous. I am lucky to be an artist, I am privileged in ways not many are. I love my work. That alone is a stroke of fortune.

People who hate their work but must do it deserve my best efforts, because I know that at times my work, seeing my work and interacting with it, is their release and their reminder. Artists have an obligation to try their damnedest to do that, and to do it as best they can every time.

dick fez.

today I had fun.

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