vervet shadowbox
- In artwork, morbid art, other media, pictures,
prismacolor/tinted paper
tattoo pictures tomorrow!
During this tattoo session I treated my client to a reading of a terrible saccharine poem about a fairy flower baby.
I think the tattoo came out well, all things considered.
Had a great time at the Unfine Art’s 8th anniversary.
I had a piece hanging in the show—
I enjoyed Honey Vizer’s reading of the manifesto to Shawn’s awesome sax madness—
The Ninkasi and some of the food was delicious—
And I even had an attractive date to bring with me, who was willing to help re-build a bucky ball, and discuss the PNW-china connection with some strangers.
All in all a successful evening.
I made this for my friend Jared a while back, and just came across this picture of it.
I used some quotations, things crazy horse actually said (while he was in custody) as backdrop.
I have no idea about the authenticity or whatever of the headdress. I just made what I thought looked cool.
I’d like to draw more like this- portraits of dead heros, I guess. Skully type portraits.
I usually don’t post paintings in progress, but I am in a generous mood today. So here you have it, some kind of strange bird creature which I am working on. It’s two feet wide by three feet tall so it might take a while.
I’m working pretty fast and loose with this one, just having fun.
I’ll certainly post the finished product when I get there.
Posting unfinished paintings seems a bit like looking at a baby pinky mouse- unformed and kind of ugly. But I guess I’ve let someone film me working start to finish, so I haven’t much left behind the curtain.
Side note: I added information to the “sales” and “about resonanteye” pages, too, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. (Go buy my work!)
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