painting in progress

work in progress

I usually don’t post paintings in progress, but I am in a generous mood today. So here you have it, some kind of strange bird creature which I am working on. It’s two feet wide by three feet tall so it might take a while.

I’m working pretty fast and loose with this one, just having fun.

I’ll certainly post the finished product when I get there.

Posting unfinished paintings seems a bit like looking at a baby pinky mouse- unformed and kind of ugly. But I guess I’ve let someone film me working start to finish, so I haven’t much left behind the curtain.

Side note: I added information to the “sales” and “about resonanteye” pages, too, if you’re interested in that sort of thing. (Go buy my work!)


arrowfishI’ll be participating in a show at The Unfine Art Museum downtown in Eugene!!!
The opening is tomorrow (first friday, dontcha know) at 6, there will be live music and refreshments, and some of my newer work (lots of ORANGE, lots of pen and INK)

Come on by and say hello, listen and look! I’ll be down there until about eight, hanging out, eating all the refreshments, and listening to some awesome tunes.

Most of my work will be priced a bit lower for this show, since I love the Unfine, and want everyone to come by and get a piece. My work will be hanging until May 14, so if you can’t make the opening you can stop by and check it out til then!

Thanks everyone, see you there!


barn owl tattoobarn owl tattooI made a barn owl tonight. It was really, really fun. I love owls.

This took a few hours, not too long. Lots of white, pale violet, strong browns, black.

I love using a natural palette like this especially when I can throw a bit of bright behind it. It’s kind of backwards, usually the brighter colors pop forward but once in a while there’s an opprtunity to defy the laws of color theory and use the subtle hues and the foreground.I had a great time doing this tattoo…

My road trip continues tomorrow, when I get to go stalk the wild and mighty javelinas with my camera. After that a few more tattoos on the fine folks here in AZ, and then it’s off to see my sweet gentleman friend up in Seattle.

the joys of pen and ink

1229082036There’s a real joy to it. The tools feel good to use- round nibs, scratchy fountain pen, with the smooth handle. FW inks and dr. marten’s. Soft, soft, soft plastic brushes. And the smoothest paper surface you can afford. Then you prop yourself up and doodle. Doodle! With all these fancy art supplies! What could BE more fun?

Of course every mistake becomes the death of that particular page- you really can’t fuck up at all, even less than with watercolor. At least with watercolor you can hit a new wash over it when it dries and hope for the best- but with pen and ink it’s meticulous, it’s perfection, and at the same time the looser you can be with it the better it looks.

I’ve been playing around all day with this. This is the best doodle I’ve gotten out of the day.

birdy feet


I draw and paint a lot of birds. I work with a lot of dead birds in my taxidermy sculptures. The funny thing is that I don’t like birds.

They’re scaly-footed, chirpy, smelly, disgusting creatures.

The only bird I have ever met that I liked was this one baby chicken my friend had. And even that bird, I didn’t like being near it.


They seem as if they’re all lice ridden. Their beaks frighten me. Feathers are kind of disgusting.

And yet- they’re so great to draw. The feather layers make the shape of the body apparent. Back shading was never so purposeful. Their wings make for a really nice repetitive rhythm. Their faces are strangely constructed and their beaks a perfect chance to play with point and fade.

I do have trouble with their feet. I tend to fudge it, to black them into silhouettes of feet, so that I won’t have to allow my mistakes to show too clearly. crow in the corn

Dragon feet and bird feet are very similar. The scaly toes, curled talons. The gestures. Both are hard for me to draw.

But you can get complex or simplified and stylized with feathers and make a good bird.

They almost always have a really dynamic pose, too, which makes them easy to draw. Lots of long curved lines repeating and radiating.

I wish I liked real birds as much as illustrated ones.

the art opening, november ’08

smileMy stuff will be hanging at the Horsehead until the end of the month, and I’ll be there again on Friday night for first friday, if you want to come ask me any questions about the paintings, or take another look. If you liked something and want to buy it, ask at the bar- they’re handling sales for the show. It’ll all be there until the 1st of december.

After the jump,
some pictures from the opening- it was a great time, thanks to everyone for coming out and to my friends from out of town for coming down to see it!



I’ve had a few people ask me why I use “resonanteye” as a name. I’ve been using it since before the internet, as a pen name at first and then with the advent of email, as my address and username.

ancient picture of me and some guy at some shop

full explanation and some interesting stuff after the jump


pat pig, PAT pig

100 points if you can name the movie the quote comes from

what I did last night:


getting ready for the art opening. as you can see this one is humongous.

also, did this tattoo tonight, it’s still going to have some background, but we’ll be adding that later:

book tattoo

she sat like a champ. It’s funny but halfway through this tattoo another woman came in to schedule an appointment to get a book done.

English majors and future librarians are somoe of my favorite people.

link of the day:

Here’s a big shocker: poor people go to the doctor less often and catch cancer more than rich people do. DUH.


Are great. I’ve seen them a few times now and everytime I like them even more. They’re so good I endanger my hearing each time by taking a seat on one amp and facing into another, blissfully becoming even more deaf than I am, rocking away to the heat of the raging metal.

I’ve been re-arranging my house a little, which explains why I won’t be posting up here probably until monday or tuesday night. So here are a few things to keep you all occupied until then


art opening

(scroll down for newest posts, this will be up until the show opens)

This show will be opening Nov. 2, 2008, at The Horsehead.

come on out and join the mayhem

:click here to see what happened at the last art opening:

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